Political Truth
If we are afraid to tell the truth,
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"For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed;
neither hidden, that shall not be known."
Luke 12:2
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Latest Postings
updated 11/6/23
"On Thursday, Nov. 2nd, Dr. Lorraine Day suddenly lost consciousness and has been close to death ever since. She has continued in and out of consciousness. She is being well looked after, at her home. Please don't call the office for updates, as we're currently a bit overwhelmed. We will publish more information when we have it.
Internet orders will continue to be filled as fast as we can.
We will temporarily not be taking phone orders.
Sincerely, Rockford Press"

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"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,
but rather EXPOSE them." Ephesians 5:11
Your Government wants you Stupid,
Enslaved - - - then Dead!
U.S. Government a Corrupt Criminal Enterprise
Assassinations and Murders
CIA has "Heart Attack"
Gun for Assassination |
Assassination of John Lennon |
(JEW-controlled) U.S. Government was found GUILTY in Assassination of Martin Luther King: They USED him - - then they MURDERED him! |
Preparing the Public Mind for the Kennedy Assassination orchestrated by the Jews, who then took over America - video |
The CIA was involved in the Assassination of President John Kennedy, a fact that many of us have known for years, a fact about which the (Jewish-run) U.S. government has LIED about for years! |
Klaus Schwab and WEF insiders explain the process of selecting their PUPPETS to help them rule the world: By the way, PUTIN was a Young Global Leader for the WEF (he is an insider) |
Israeli/US Government Terrorism against US Citizens and the World
New World Order / One World Government
An excellent synopsis on the Development of the Jewish Illuminati - and their plan for World Conquest |
Here we go!! Jewish Illuminati (“Deep State’) working with Jew-controlled Catholic Church (“Deep Church”) to transform Catholic church into spiritual arm of NWO |
The Vatican blasphemously says that Jesus Christ is the “Son” of Lucifer (Satan) - the DEVIL! Getting ready for the One World Religion: the worship of Satan! |
Why are TV Stations being told by the FCC that their programming will be pre-empted on Wednesday morning - Jan 20th? |
The Coming One World Religion - the worship of SATAN! |
Pope calls for New World Order: Vatican will be in charge of One World Religion - the worship of Satan! |
Thomas Sowell tells it like it is: Our Liberty is GONE! |
Klaus Schwab uses clever words to describe the future slavery of ALL mankind by the Elitists |
HERE COMES THE CASHLESS SOCIETY! Federal Reserve to partner with MIT in testing Central Bank Digital Currency |
Soon coming Cyber attacks leading up to the “Great Rest” - the Collapse of the World’s Economy |
Is Chief Justice of Supreme Court, John Roberts, being blackmailed? His name in Jeffrey Epstein’s flight log? That’s why he covered up election FRAUD? |
It appears the UN has already taken over parts of America!! Watch! |
For all the SKEPTICS out there: Biden ADMITS, “There IS a New World Order now (a One World Government), and WE need to lead it.” |
FAKE Covid Pandemic - WW3 - Great Reset = New World Order! |
China planning to take over Australia? |
(Jewish, Communist) Pope Francis says we need a (Jewish, Communist) New World Order run by the (Jewish, Communist) United Nations! |
Biden handing over US sovereignty to the UN World Heath Organization |
The UN just put up a giant statue in New York that resembles a beast described in the book of Revelation! |
Former Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo spent his last days advocating for defending Taiwan from belligerent China |
Amazing AI Robots |
1991 speech by Rockefeller revealing plan for a One World Government and Total Control of Humanity |
CEO in Europe says Total financial and economic Collapse coming to Europe IN WEEKS! |
“We’ve entered into a New World Order,” says Blackrock chairman (Jesus said HE is the “Rock” and He is Light - so BLACKRock obviously refers to SATAN) |
WEF Admits: Our Agenda is to Create a New World Order |
The North American Union has just been signed into existence by Biden: America has been combined with Canada and Mexico and we have inherited ALL their laws and problems! |
Population Control/Extermination
Hitachi makes the world’s smallest RFID chip |
Famines Coming: Farms Being Shut Down |
(Jew) Gavin Newsom caught in massive money-laundering scam to bring in guns and personnel from China for Chinese takeover of America |
Illuminati Jews plan from Rockefeller Institute - Lock Step - for Extermination of SIX BILLION Gentiles by Vaccination |
The Globalists view Pandemics as a Global High Profit Enterprise (The Jews say: Let’s make a LOT of money as we KILL the Gentiles!) |
You know FOR SURE that these PSYCHOPATHS want us DEAD: 1) wear a mask (to prevent the Common Cold) 2) Now, Wear your Mask AT HOME, 3) and Now - TURN OFF YOUR AIR CONDITIONER! They're MURDERERS! |
Now the Jewish Illuminati, and their mega corporation agents, are KILLING YOU with Hand Sanitizers (which you do NOT need). Soap and water work fine for ALL germs - including the Common Cold (Covid-19)!!!! |
Do Nuclear Bombs really exist - or is this just fire-bombing? The Nuclear Bomb HOAX would make sense, because the Jews could fire-bomb the world of Gentiles, and only have to live underground for a short time |
More LIES by the Jew Illuminati: They say 5G is “not harmful.” Studies shown done on somebody’s desk at home! Studies obviously Short-Term - and therefore USELESS! |
Nashville approves 34% property tax hike: The Jewish Communists now plan to Confiscate your home! |
Jewish Communism in Canada (and in America), Universal Basic Income - then they’ll raise the prices so much that everyone will starve to death and be homeless. This is Jewish Extermination of the Gentiles! |
Without CO2, the plants would all die. Humans breathe out CO2, and plants “breath” it in. Plants produce Oxygen, necessary for Human beings to live. Worrying about CO2 in the air is COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA by the JEWS! |
Jewish California Governor Newsom DESTROYING California on orders from his slave masters - the Jewish Rothschilds! |
Jewish Kabbalah says God is unknowable - yet - Jews are “god” - and Kabbalah says all males are bi-sexual, and that you can kill a Gentile, or steal from a Gentile - and God approves of ALL of this! That’s why Jews are so dysfunctional! |
Half a million Covid-19 testing kits recalled because spot checks showed they were not sterile. (Maybe they are GIVING you a disease with the “testing kit.”) |
Two boys drop dead in China while wearing masks during gym class |
Famines getting closer: 3 California Food suppliers ordered
to close because of the Common Cold (Harmless Covid-19) |
21% of Volunteers had to be HOSPITALIZED after receiving the DEADLY Covid-19 vaccine! |
Bill Gates is a JEW - through and through. His job is to Slaughter the Gentiles (goyim) with deadly vaccinations. |
Melbourne, Australia: home searches without warrants, curfews and rationing of food |
Authorities say Covid-19 vaccine “may be needed REGULARLY” (so if they don’t Kill us on the first try, they get to try again and again and again!!) |
More Illuminati Jewish LIES to bring on famines: "America’s most productive farmland is (supposed) HotSpot for Covid-19”
Famines are coming, folks. Get Ready! |
The Economic Reset: If only Michael Matt would admit that ALL those at the Economic Forum, are JEWS (including the Pope) who want the world, and ALL its resources, for themselves by EXTERMINATING ALL Gentiles! |
If Covid can be transmitted by a drop of saliva, then they can just swab the inside of your mouth rather than sticking a Q-tip into your BRAIN! |
Auckland, New Zealand (Population 1.7 Million) ordered to Close Down because of FOUR Covid cases!!! This is outright COMMUNISM! |
Three JEWISH “scientists” threaten Punishment for Americans who refuse the vaccine: (They believe it’s our Patriotic duty to let them Kill us!) |
The Famines Begin! The Jews plan to starve the Goyim to death - just like Ukraine in 1932. Desperate for Provisions, thousands of cars line up at Texas Food Bank |
Evil Fauci confirms that scientists in HIS department are “creating a strain of Coronavirus.” Hmmm, To make a stronger strain - to make people sicker? |
Here’s the WHOLE PLAN the Jewish Illuminati has in store for ALL
of us Goyim: Exposed by a Rockefeller insider
WAY BACK in 1969! |
Mandatory Quarantine Camps just rolled out in New Zealand, the Jewish Globalists' testing ground for the Mass Extermination of Humanity |
The meat industry is being de-regulated and cancerous tumors are on the menu |
2,700 evangelicals urge Christians to take the vaccine: Shows you they don’t know God, and they advocating the death and maiming of their fellow Christians |
The Vaccine from Hell |
Predicted: Civil War - BLM Terror cells will carry out Flash Mob Killing Sprees in White communities |
'Famine of biblical proportions’ looms over humanity due to Covid-19, UN food chief warns (at least the JEWS hope so!) |
Oh, now Director of W.H.O. says even the vaccine won’t stop the Covid-19 “pandemic.” He says, “We can NEVER go back to things the way they were!” |
The new Moderna Covid vaccine contains the enzyme LUCIFERase, also hydrogel for making nano robots in your body to connect you to AI so they can CONTROL you |
Selling Human Organs: China’s True Diabolical Face |
The KILLING of GENTILES by the JEWS Begins November 1: The Vaccines are Coming! Human Sacrifices to Satan! |
UN Forced to Admit that Polio Outbreak in Sudan is being CAUSED by the Polio Vaccines!!!!! |
Bill Gates says, “You DON’T have a CHOICE in taking the vaccine.” You must be willing to DIE from the vaccine in order to avoid “the Common Cold.” |
JEW Bill Gates says, “We Plan to KILL ALL of you Gentiles!!! “You Don’t Have A Choice.” By the way, “Normalcy” will NEVER Return! |
University fitness instructors now banned from telling fat people to lose weight: JEWS want to PROMOTE everything that will cause disease and death in GENTILES! |
Vaccine volunteer contracts transverse myelitis: an “inflammation of the spinal cord”??? You bet it is! It often leads to PERMANENT PARALYSIS = PARAPLEGIA! |
26 Children getting sick in school building, fainting, nose bleeds, etc: is it Microwave Radiation from WIFI? |
CDC “prepares parents for possible separation from children in emergency school sleepovers.” DON’T EVER LET THAT HAPPEN. THEY WILL VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN AND/OR KIDNAP THEM FOR SEX TRAFFICKING! |
Door-to-door MEDICAL TYRANNY in Houston: “Randomly” choosing people to “participate" in receiving an UNTESTED DEADLY VACCINE!!!! (FORCED ‘VOLUNTEERISM’) |
Quebec City says it will isolate “Uncooperative citizens” in SECRET Corona Virus facility: Concentration camps in which people will DISAPPEAR!
Jewish-planned famines coming soon to Starve Gentiles to Death |
Children vaccinated at UK school without parents’ consent |
The JEWS are WAGING WAR Against the Gentiles - To SLAUGHTER US ALL! |
Ultimate Proof that Covid-19 was Planned to Usher
in the New World Order |
DO NOT GET TESTED: The Test IS the Vaccine! |
This Official Manual shows the Jews’ Plans to KILL us: Pandemics, chipping, aerial spraying (and eventually concentration camps and guillotines) |
States Stopped recording flu and pneumonia deaths since Covid started: ONLY time they have ever done this |
Iowa woman leaked brain fluid after Covid swab test because it punctured her skull (LYING “cover story” was that she had a pre-existing defect in her skull) |
New England Journal of Medicine has now become a propaganda tool for the Communist Jews: Developing “Strategies” for FORCING vaccines on EVERYONE! |
(Jew) Murderer Bill Gates' Depopulation Crusade: The guy who thinks the world is overpopulated wants to “SAVE” your life with a vaccine?? |
DARPA Biochip allows control of your DNA and body processes remotely - by SOMEONE ELSE! |
PCR CANNOT diagnose ANY disease, according to its developer, Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize Winner: PCR just multiples a tiny bit of something into a LOT of something |
Bombshell! Rothschilds patented Covid-19 Biometric tests
in 2015 and 2017 |
Top U.S. food bank wars of meal shortages in the next 12 months:
The FAMINES are coming! |
Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Drug company saves "2nd Wave” will be faked on FALSE positive Covid Tests |
Surprise! Surprise! The EU had a “vaccination passport” months BEFORE the Covid-19 scamdemic broke out! |
CDC ADMITS the ingredients in vaccines, including aborted fetal cells, green monkey cells and numerous toxins |
Duh! World Bank, UN, Harvard warn Covid-19 Lockdowns leading to Global Starvation: That is EXACTLY what they want!!!! This is Population Extermination of ALL Gentiles by the JEWS (like Gates) |
Netherlands Legalizes Child Euthanasia: God says, “You can get well by following God’s Health Plan” (Deut 7:11-15) - but Satan and his agents (Jewish Illuminati) WANT YOU DEAD! |
(Jew) Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccine spreads Polio across Africa: Jews Exterminating Gentiles! |
Another World Lockdown planned to introduce mandated vaccinations and a universal income (which will not be enough to survive) |
25 people die from the Flu shot in South Korea: Population Extermination!!! |
San Francisco to make it ILLEGAL to call 9-1-1- on a Black person |
The Repugnant New World Order Globalist Meme on the Cover of the new TIME Magazine |
You now must wear masks OUTSIDE in Germany - JEWISH COMMUNISM! |
OF COURSE! The Vaccine was ALREADY made and Stockpiled IN ADVANCE! That’s how they ALWAYS do it when they start a PHONY Pandemic!! |
Russia’s Top Covid Official, a Doctor, Admits: “It’s ALL B.S. - Covid causes nothing more than the Flu” |
Covid 19 Vaccine contains Infertility agents! It will make you sterile! |
Senate to Vote on House Bills that Replace U.S. Constitution with U.N. bill of Human Rights |
The Jerusalem Post tells about the JEWS behind the Vaccines! |
Nursing home euthanizes women who only had a bladder infection |
Horrific Side Effects of Covid-19 Vaccine!! |
Jews plan a major Cyberattack - grid and finances will GO DOWN! - - a CYBER PANDEMIC! |
CDC says Concentration Camps Coming Soon |
The ONLY thing Covid-19 test kits are good for is ILLEGALLY collecting and surveilling your DNA |
(Jew) William Barr, Head of Justice Dept, changes law to make it LEGAL to carry out executions by firing squad and by gassing: Jewish Communism is HERE! |
Deadly vaccination by TEST SWAB! Yes, they can vaccinate you through nasal test swabs and target your BRAIN! The Test IS the Vaccination! |
Covid Vaccine will sterilize Women |
World Economic Forum Encourages Plebs to eat weeds and bugs and to drink sewage! Don’t you just LOVE those Jews!!! |
Vaccine researchers skipped the animal trials because they already know that mRNA vaccines cause the animals to get Sick and DIE! |
Under the guise of “Racial Justice” Johns Hopkins Plans to vaccinate ethnic minorities and mentally challenged first (the ones they are most anxious to get rid of!) |
KGB Defector - Covid Vaccine is Genocidal Bioweapon |
The CDC admits that there is devastating Mental Health Damage to children from masks and lockdowns: AND THAT’s WHAT THEY WANT! |
Trump bringing troops home - most likely to use to control Americans’ Rebellion when they finally realize they’ve been taken over by the Jewish Communists |
Are Weaponized Prions the Secret Genocidal Component in Covid-19 vaccines: Are Prions on the Testing Q-tips? Is that why they deposit them so close to your brain? |
(Jew) CNN already preparing the American public for Mass Genocide. They say, “Don’t be alarmed when people begin dying after receiving the vaccine!” "Don’t be surprised when ALL you Gentiles begin Dying!” |
Coca Cola Tests Positive in Covid-19 test in Australian Parliament: The text kits are pre-programed for positive and negative results BEFORE you get them |
Covering their Backsides Ahead of Time!! Yale study PRE-EMPTIVELY Blames Coronavirus for autoimmune diseases (and DEATHS) that will be caused by the vaccine |
Post in Population Control/Extermination |
The vaccines are designed to 1) Control you, and 2) to KILL you |
Vaccine injection with an EMPTY syringe! Guess they didn’t want the man to DIE on Camera. |
Watch how Satanist Jews Bill and Melinda Gates smugly grin at the thought of Killing us ALL! |
(Jew) NY Governor Cuomo slaughtering thousands of small businesses: THAT is the PLAN of the Jews - DESTROYING the Goyim! |
Modern Medicine as Satanic Cult |
Yet ANOTHER Way for the Jews to kill Gentiles: Radioactive Roads - making highways with radioactive materials to promote cancer and other diseases! How “creative”! |
Israeli Jews rush to get vaccinated: Shows you that the Illuminati Jews view the rank and file Jews as EXPENDABLE! |
Klaus Schwab (who looks like a hybrid bred in an underground base) assures us they will bring about a major cyberattack that will devastate us even more! |
France now locked down. People can’t leave home without individual, specific permission from the government. |
Surprise, Surprise? No, NO SURPRISE!!! Vaccine Developers tied to EUGENICS organizations!!! The Vaccines are for POPULATION EXTERMINATION! Wake Up! |
Yet another website proving that Tiffany Dover (nurse who fainted on TV after Covid-19 Vaccine) is DEAD!!! |
Bill Gates Admits that the Covid-19 Vaccine will CHANGE our DNA FOREVER |
Here’s the Next FAKE Pandemic that will follow after the present HOAX Covid-19 Scamdemic |
Here come the Concentration Camps! |
Moderna Admits that the mRNA vaccine acts like an Operating System (to control you!) |
WHO Admits: There is NO evidence that Covid-19 vaccines will prevent spread of disease!!! Of course not! They are meant to KILL YOU! |
The Heinous sides effects - - and DEATHS - - from Covid Vaccine |
U.S. Government Paid out over $1BILLION for vaccine injuries in the past 5 years (YOUR hard-earned money!) |
Study: Bill Gates DPT Vaccine Killed TEN TIMES MORE African girls than the diseases themselves: which, of course, is what the Jews WANT! |
Within 3 weeks of rolling out Covid vaccine, there are 44,443 adverse effects reported! |
China develops helmets for military soldiers with SELF-DESTRUCT button “to commit suicide” (or more likely) so they can be MURDERED by their superior |
New Yorkers LINE UP to receive a vaccine that will destroy their health - and eventually Kill them! |
The Covid-19 Vaccine is NOT a “Vaccine”: It is a medical device inserted into your body that will Cause EVERY cell in your body to produce HORRIFIC diseases - to KILL YOU! |
Massive Convulsions and many DEATHS after receiving Killing Shots (they are not really “vaccines” - they are meant to KILL YOU!) |
It’s NOT a “vaccine.” It doesn’t fulfill the definition of a “vaccine.” It is a “KILL SHOT”! |
More convulsions from the “KILL SHOT” they fraudulently call a “vaccine.” |
Healthy 56-year-old Physician dies after Covid “vaccine” (kill shot) |
READ THIS! The “Vaccine” is clearly designed to KILL YOU!! |
Bill Gates it the LARGEST Owner of Farmland in the U.S. - so HE will help bring on the DEADLY FAMINES |
Apparently a NEW FAKE Virus will appear in February - called Covid-21 - that will have a "HIGHER mortality" (so they can blame the Covid Vaccination complications and deaths on "Covid-21) |
How implantable devices can connect your body to the internet |
Injuries and Deaths from Covid Kill Shot! |
Indian Healthcare worker dies 6 days after receiving Covid-19 “vaccine” |
The Elderly receiving the Covid-19 “Vaccine” (KILL SHOTS) are Dropping like Flies! |
If the Covid-19 “pandemic” is RAGING, why are 897 U.S. hospitals at risk of closing? Answer: Because the hospitals are EMPTY!!! |
MORE on the HORRORS of Vaccines: Scroll down in this article and see what happened to THIS child! |
53 DEAD in Gibraltar after Covid “vaccines” |
UN and WHO have been planning MASS GENOCIDE of the world’s population by “Vaccination” for over TEN YEARS! And HERE IT IS! |
The mRNA “Covid-19 (supposed) Vaccine” will turn every cell in your body into a disease-producing cell - and then KILL YOU! Watch this 4-minute video! |
Jewish Communist Bolshevik “Lives Matter”: Targeting of Christians and Christianity for EXTERMINATION |
UK Gov’t ADMITS that Covid injections don’t protect you against reinfection! Covid injections are meant to KILL YOU! |
In Animal experiments with mRNA technology (the Covid “vaccination”), with a second injection, ALL THE ANIMALS DIED! |
Manitoba Official Admits Public Health Orders Don’t Apply to Any Level of Government (The virus can tell who works for the government!!!) WAKE UP FOLKS! |
The clinical trials to assess the SAFETY of the Covid “vaccinations” in human beings will NOT BE COMPLETED until 2023!!! - - when we’ll ALL be DEAD! |
Covid “Vaccine Deaths and Disasters |
Vaccinations are doing exactly what Illuminati was hoping for: KILLING the population! |
UK Vaccine Minister: ALL over Age 50 MUST be Vaccinated BEFORE Lockdown ends. (We MUST MURDER those Useless Eaters!!) |
Don’t Worry! If you are having severe side effects from the vaccine - that’s normal. It is meant to KILL YOU! |
World Health Organization says NEW - WORSE - Diseases are on the horizon - and will appear every 5 years and kill many people!! Hmmmm - I wonder how they KNOW!! |
J&J CEO says Vaccine will be needed for YEARS (Until they Exterminate all of us - so THEY have the world to themselves) |
Swedes lining up to get chipped: Embracing those who want them stupid and DEAD! |
Bill Gates says we must restrict online truthful information about the DANGERS of the vaccine in order to get more people to take the shot (and DIE!) |
Deliberately-engineered famine is on the way! |
NY (Jew) Governor Cuomo’s staff ADMITS they covered up THOUSANDS of Nursing Home DEATHS! (He wants to get rid of those old white Gentiles!) |
Here’s what Communism REALLY looks like! This is where America is headed! |
Bill Gates says, “We may have to give ya’ll a THIRD vaccine” (if some of you are still alive after the first Two!) |
RFK, Jr suggests something “more dangerous” is afoot, other than just dangerous vaccines. Ya think?? How about Population Extermination!! |
Covid vaccines cause 500 cases of eye problems, and 5 people are BLIND in UK - and REMEMBER: Only 1 percent of complications are reported!! |
Johnson and Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky (obviously JEWISH) says we should expect to get Covid shots “for years to come” (until we’re ALL DEAD!) |
Here is the documentation showing the Feds CUT OFF the Power Grid in Texas during the horrific Storm! Wake Up, folks! This is Population Extermination! |
Jews launch campaign to silence critics of killer vaccines
Oh! Now they’re going to spray poisons on us indoors, just in case the vaccines don’t kill us fast enough! |
Covid fear is waning, so Jews are pushing Ebola, H5N8 and Bubonic plague as next possible pandemics |
Ten examples of Kickbacks and Waste showing it’s NOT about Covid at ALL! |
Biden plans to send millions of masks across the country: and WHAT might be IN those Masks? |
It Begins! The Guaranteed Basic Income (which will NOT be enough to live on) |
Pfizer CEO says Covid is here to stay. We’ll give you a Covid shot EVERY YEAR (UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD!) |
EVIL (Jew) Bill Gates now wants to release genetically modified mosquitoes to inject you with the vaccine - He REALLY Wants ALL Gentiles DEAD! |
California: More MIND CONTROL and Propaganda! |
Sloan Kettering Scientists discover mRNA promotes cancer by suppressing immune system - Not surprising when NWO goal is to KILL US! |
"Cancel Culture" is a Dress Rehearsal for Mass Murder (Population Extermination) |
Why is the California prison system sterilizing Black women without their knowledge or consent? Because Jews HATE Blacks! (and everybody else)! |
2009!!! Illuminati’s plans to use vaccines for GENOCIDE! |
“Resurrecting the Dead” - - - Digitally (Satan is trying very hard to be God!) |
Covid-19 swab test burst woman’s brain membrane resulting in leaked spinal fluid |
ER Doctor says, “We are being Deceived and Manipulated. I have NEVER seen a patient sick with Covid-19.” |
"Regular Booster shots will become commonplace” says Covid “authority” - - - (UNTIL WE KILL ALL OF YOU!!!!) |
Pentagon will make Covid-19 “vaccination” for military by July |
Virtually ALL vaccinations produce infertility |
Jew-controlled EU had plans for Vax Passport TWO YEARS BEFORE Covid conveniently appeared! What a Surprise! Not! |
Illuminati puppet, Franklin Graham, pushing KILL SHOTS! Doesn’t know his Bible either! God calls ALL drugs (including vaccines) SORCERIES! |
OBSCENE Mind Control by Jewish Illuminati to encourage Gentile children to take the Kill Shot! |
This is SATANIC INSANITY: A baby’s first touch received through PLASTIC? |
New Ad: Three Jewish Communist former U.S. Presidents, Bush, Clinton and Obama, encourage you to get the KILL SHOT! They Want YOU DEAD! |
“Vaccine” adverse effects include RAPID FATAL DEMENTIA from Mad Cow Disease (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans from Prions) |
The Jews don’t miss a trick when it comes to killing us: Carcinogens found in “new" hand sanitizer first sold during “pandemic” |
UK Plans to Murder ALL Healthcare workers by Mandatory “Vaccines” - and that way they Eliminate ALL Healthcare for EVERY BODY! |
(Jew) Bloomberg Op-Ed: We (Jews) must start planning for a permanent pandemic (against the Gentiles)! THAT is what it is ALL about! |
Vaccinations have been used, for the last 100 years, by the Jewish Illuminati (through Jewish Big Pharma) to Maim and Murder Gentile children and adults |
UK Supreme Court Judge (undoubtedly Jewish) expects people will be forced to wear masks and stay home for 10 years: Of Course! - until 2030 - when they’ve Murdered the SIX BILLION! |
Food Crisis in Europe 2021: Famine in Europe, and soon-coming famines in America |
Pfizer already targeting teenage girls for population reduction through infertility agents in Covid “vaccine” |
Bill Gates on Population Extermination - video |
New York Senate passes Population Extermination bill: Forced Vax - or Concentration Camp!!! |
“Vaccine” Kill shots promote the growth of cancer, Sloan-Kettering studies show |
The “Smoking Gun” - Covid-19 “Vaccine” will cause Prion Disease in Humans (Mad Cow Disease = Rapid-onset Alzheimer’s in young people = DEATH!) |
The CDC will release Biowarfare pathogens in Texas and Florida to punish them for refusing vaccine passports |
Plandemic! Plans for vaccine passports were in place 20 months BEFORE Covid-19 “outbreaks" |
FEMA orders 2,500 gallons of hydrogen cyanide AND “smart” guillotines as well as guillotine blades |
Volcano erupts on Caribbean Island: Only those who have been vaccinated are allowed to evacuate. You will die either from the volcanic eruption or from the “vaccine”! |
Johns Hopkins University confirms you can be “vaccinated” with the testing swabs |
The 1918 “Spanish flu” - only the vaccinated died |
Pfizer VP says Covid has never been isolated, and no clinical trials were done for Covid shot, and those who refuse shot will be rounded up and put in concentration camps |
JUST IN: Pfizer CEO says people will likely need a THIRD DOSE of Covid-19 KILL SHOT within 12 months of getting “fully vaccinated.” (CNBC) They want o make SURE they KILL YOU! |
Laboratories in U.S. can’t find Covid-19 in 1500 supposedly positive tests! |
mRNA Kill Shots produce Prions that eat your brain: Mad Cow Disease in human beings |
8 Ways the mRNA "Kill Shot" can KILL you! |
Megadrought in Western U.S. will cause devastating crop failures in 2021: Massive famines coming |
Covid “virus” has never been isolated: DOESN’T EXIST! |
Houston hospital will FIRE employees who Refuse the Covid KILL SHOT! |
FTC now charging - and FINING - a man for questioning Kill Shots! |
LA County Sheriff going home to home to forcibly inject handicapped adults and children with Covid 19 KILL SHOTS |
Covid Nurse Whistle-blower says: "I recorded them patients”
6,000 % INCREASE Reported in Vaccine deaths in 1st Quarter 2021 compared to 1st Quarter 2020 |
Freudian slip by News Anchor: "Authorities are running out of people who want to be EUTHANIZED…..” |
$200.00 grocery bill soon to be $12,000: Famines coming - to kill those who refuse to be killed by the “vaccines” |
Third Covid wave will kill 60% to 70% of those who have had two vaccines |
Here’s what the Jewish Illuminati has planned for us: A New crisis that will be far worse! Watch! |
“A virus VARIANT that will be resistant to our vaccines” - THAT will be the excuse for the “outbreak” of the Zombie Dementia that will be CAUSED BY the vaccines that will kill BILLIONS! |
Plans already being made to build all new cities for Jewish Elitists in 2030 after they have Exterminated us Gentiles by depopulating the earth |
This man was forced to resign on January 20: His crime? Being honest! |
1981 Book by Adviser to the French President: Talks about the need for depopulation |
Euthanasia soon to be available with a single phone call in Australia! |
Well, My! My! and Surprise! Surprise! Covid-19 Vaccines have “Jewish links” - You bet they do: They are meant to exterminate Gentiles!
More BOOGA BOOGA - to increase the fearful frenzy! “Covid is AIRBORNE - and can spread more than 6 feet!” So what? Covid causes NO symptoms! The whole pandemic is FAKE! |
Arm that got the Covid Shot attracts magnet: Other arm does not |
"Euthanize those over sixty, then the weak, then the stupid", says Jacques Attali, Freemason, Bilderberger and - - - JEW! |
Countdown to Mass Famine has begun |
Former VP of Pfizer Admits that “vaccine scheme will be used for massive scale Depopulation” |
WHO Chief says 2nd yr of Covid pandemic will be “far more deadly” than the first! (People will start dying from the Covid Vax!!) |
Doctors warn: Do NOT get the Covid shot! It is a KILL SHOT for Population Extermination! |
Vaccine murders are passed off as Covid |
Deadly ingredients in Covid “vaccines” |
'Soylent Green’ - State poised to legalize human composting |
Covid vaccine trials in animals were stopped because the animals kept dying, revealed in Texas Senate hearing |
In CT, Healthcare workers are now required to sign a form personally taking ALL responsibility for ANY adverse reactions from the KILL SHOT!
The Kill Shot: Street Theatre |
Killer substance in Moderna “vaccine”: “Not for human or veterinary use. For research use only.” WHY IS IT IN THE KILL SHOT? TO KILL YOU! |
Oh! Now you’ll need ANOTHER SHOT for the “India variant!” The plan is to keep giving you DEADLY SHOTS - UNTIL YOU’RE DEAD! |
Governments around the world offering extravagant bribes to get people to take the vaccine: WHY? Because they want us DEAD! |
Deadly Black Fungus in India is NOT being caused by Covid-19, it is being Caused by the Covid “Vaccine”! |
Covid-19 KILL SHOTS will cause CJD (Mad Cow Disease in humans) by rapidly DESTROYING your Brain! |
Israeli Jew, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, says: "If you’ve received the Kill Shot, you’re Free" (until you DIE of the shot)! |
Foods labeled “non-GMO” are still FULL of FILTH! |
In Canada, physicians are now FORBIDDEN to tell the truth about the DEADLY nature of the Covid-10 “vaccine” designed to EXTERMINATE the population |
Covid Kill Shots cause False Positive Mammograms |
U.N. World Health Organization decides it’s time for the “useless eaters” to DIE! |
"Vaccinated will die within 2 years," says Nobel Prize Winner |
More Booga Booga Propaganda from Newsweek’s cover to keep the KILLING on track! |
Moderna Covid Vax ingredients: DEADLY POISON “SM102” NOT for human or veterinary use!!! |
Shocking Live Blood Cell Analysis after Vax - Look! |
Stranger and Stranger: Indian man puts light bulb over Vax site and it turns on! |
They say: A future virus “more deadly” is coming - but this is just a ruse to “explain away” the massive deaths coming from the Vax! |
Covid Tongue |
It’s STARTING! Mad Cow Disease in humans from the Covid “vaccinations"! |
California State Water Board is MANUFACTURING a DROUGHT by Draining Reservoirs into the Ocean!! |
W.H.O. Whistleblower: Depopulation, Total Control, Perpetual Fear and Perpetual Vaccination |
How the UN, the W.H.O. and the World Economic Forum (and Bill Gates) LIE to us (about how they’re going to KILL us) - then they LAUGH about it! WATCH! |
2.15 BILLION “Kill Shots” given: That’s about 1/4th of the World’s population - EXACTLY the number the Bi2.15 BILLION “Kill Shots” given: That’s about 1/4th of the World’s population - EXACTLY the number the Bible says will DIE during the First Wave - the period of the Seven Seals (Rev 6)ble says will DIE during the First Wave - the period of the Seven Seals (Rev 6) |
Houston Methodist Hospital orders staff to withhold adverse reactions caused by Covid vaccines from official medical records |
CDC calls “Urgent" Meeting (probably to CELEBRATE) over 226 teenage boys with heart inflammation after being vaxxed! |
Well, Well, Well! “Reduced grey matter volume” found in Covid Patients - - - NO - it’s found in Covid VAX recipients: It’s called Creutzfeldt-Jakob - MAD COW DISEASE (100% FATAL!) |
Pfizer Kill Shot Arm AFTER ONE MONTH |
ANOTHER PICTURE showing G7 Leaders with NO Masks, and NO Social Distancing! “Pandemic” is a FRAUD to force KILL SHOTS for Population Extermination |
Moscow orders compulsory Covid 19 KILL SHOTS for TWO MILLION workers |
Rhodes College announces plan to fine students $3,000 if they REFUSE to DIE by Taking the Covid Kill Shot |
Atmospheric “VIRICIDES” being released?? Viruses can’t be “killed” because they aren’t alive! This is more Population Extermination by TOXINS in the air! |
Vaccines (Kill Shots) were all ready BEFORE “Covid” breakout! This is Population Extermination! |
Magnets sticking to meat: poultry and beef
Secret Memo exposes coming Permanent Lockdown in UK - soon to come to US |
Moscow hospitals refuse routine treatment to those who refuse “vaccination”: the GENOCIDE INCREASES! |
DARPA’s computer chips are in the vaccinated |
MSM tries to convince the public that dying from Covid AFTER being vaxxed means the shot is EFFECTIVE (Right! - effective for Population Extermination!!) |
PERMANENT Lockdown coming to UK in July 2021 |
Back in 2009, Dr. Rima Laibow predicted UN plans for world depopulation by Vaccination |
Severe Famines Coming: 6600 California Central Valley Farmers notified of Potential Water Cutoff |
Fetal Tissue-flavored products in the Market today: Cannibalism leads to Mad Cow disease in humans |
Biden White House to Deploy (NON-EXISTENT) “Delta Variant” Response Teams across U.S. to Communities who Prefer NOT to take the KILL SHOT! |
DHS Training Program Prepares for Rural Lockdowns, Mass Public Quarantines Against Unvaccinated |
Government document instructs Vaccine “Strike Force” teams how to clearn buildings, violate trespass laws, and flag anti-vaxxers for Forced Quarantines |
Direct Energy Weapons Deliberately Causing California Fires |
Scientists create injectable swarms of brain-reading nanosensors - NOT for the good of the people - but to CONTROL them (like in the Covid shot) |
LYING CDC Director (Jewish) Walensky says there is a “Pandemic of the unvaccinated”: Her Fake News will make her one of the world’s most prolific Serial Killers! |
You don’t have to wait years to get cancer from smoking - NOW you can get cancer faster by taking the smoking-cessation drug CHANTIX! WOW! |
Covid Kill Shots from Pfizer Destroy Every System in the Human Body |
Horrific reaction to the Covid shot: woman loses both legs from clots, and will lose all her fingers - they are BLACK from GANGRENE from blood clots |
China’s food growing areas completely flooded: Massive famines coming to China |
All Presidents Against Vaccines are DYING: Have you not noticed? |
Vaccine Passports were planned long before FAKE “Pandemic” began |
Authorities order the Extermination of City workers, Doctors and nurses by Covid Kill Shots |
Mass Vaccination is the CAUSE of the “Pandemic” |
American Academy of Pediatrics funded by Pfizer: What could possibly go wrong with THAT arrangement? |
It is ILLEGAL now to grow your own food in the European Union: The Jews REALLY Want Us DEAD! |
Dept of Justice just (ILLEGALLY) gave green light for employer-forced KILL SHOTS |
Is Deadly Uranium in the Covid Kill Shot? |
Jew-run CNBC reports that Jew-run Walmart tells corporate staff and managers they MUST take the KILL SHOT by October (We Want You DEAD!) |
A “modern” take on an old John Lennon song: The Famines are Coming |
MORE Booga Booga LIES from the Government: The new Delta PLUS Variant!!!!!!! |
U.S. Physicians will now lose their license for telling the truth about Covid-19 Kill Shots |
Australia’s policy to Murder the Unborn - and then Murder their mothers |
CDC Director, Walensky, admits that Vaccines DON’T WORK (but you have to get them because we want you DEAD!) |
CDC Concentration Camps - Coming Soon? |
Wicked Bill Gates SMILES when suggesting the non-vaccinated seniors should have their social security benefits withheld: He REALLY WANTS THEM DEAD! |
Swedish? (Jewish?) Professor Sallberg says you may need FIVE KILL SHOTS (to make sure you’re DEAD!) |
CDC announces Concentration Camps are Coming (but, of course, they’re “for your own good”!!!!!) |
United Airlines terminating ALL who refuse the Kill Shot! |
San Francisco becomes first major city to require vaccination proof for most indoor activities |
UN wants to ban anything more than ONE BITE of meat per day |
IMPORTANT: CDC making database of ALL Unvaccinated kids: Plans to Kidnap them |
Keep scrolling down after this article and see all the DEATHS from the Covid KILL SHOT! |
They REALLY Want Us DEAD! Biden Administration recommending THIRD “Booster” KILL Shot! |
Massive number of deaths from Covid Kill Shot - coming in the next 3 years |
The Mass Murder of Australian children by their Government |
AH! Here it Comes! “Personal Carbon Allowances”!!! So when you have breathed out YOUR Quota of CO2, then the Government will KILL You! |
Black lights are now in street lights in some cities. Cause veins to glow in people who are vaccinated. |
Feds order yet another KILL Shot: Population Extermination Ramping up |
CDC Devils say, “You will need 2 shots a month because the ‘vaccine’ only works for a few weeks.” (Besides, we REALLY WANT YOU GOYIM DEAD!!) |
Of course! The FDA KNOWS the Covid “vaccines” will KILL you - and your children: That’s what they have been designed to do! |
Cardboard hospital beds that turn into coffins! How convenient - particularly when their goal is to kill us ALL! |
French shoppers blocked from buying food if they don’t have vax passport |
The World Economic Forum Advocates using your Heartbeat as Your Digital ID (They will shoot lasers at it every time you enter a store!!!) |
Vaccines are not mandated for White House Staff: They just want to Murder the REST of Us! |
The FDA Communist Criminals have approved the Pfizer Kill Shot |
U.S. Government PAYING farmers to Destroy crops in ground: threaten to cut off farm subsidies if they refuse |
All the reasons you shouldn’t be tested or vaccinated!! Watch the video |
Fukushima nuclear plant to build UNDERSEA tunnel to secretly release a millions tons of radioactive waste water |
Dismantling a city: San Francisco to suspend all cops and firefighters who refuse vaccine |
Are these holding cells for us - the American people? |
Population Extermination of Gentiles: Pfizer Jewish CEO says, “We’ll keep giving you shots - over and over and over again” |
It’s Obvious! The Jewish Illuminati’s NEXT Plan is to promote the LIE that the Plague has Returned so they can inject the Gentile population with MORE Deadly POISONS! |
Truck carrying Moderna vaccines crashes: Has to be cleaned up as HAZARDOUS WASTE by Hazmat workers and shutterin of Airspace! Hmmm |
Young girl took the shot now has blood clots all over - Watch! |
The “Spanish Flu” was caused by Experimental “vaccines” made by the Rockefeller Foundation: Killed 50 MILLION! |
How Satanically Efficient: Cardboard Hospital beds that turn into Coffins |
The Jews REALLY Want Us DEAD! (Jew-owned) Pfizer developing a twice-per-day Covid pill that must be taken alongside vaccines!!! |
Cancers being caused by Covid Kill Shots |
Deadly Weed-Killer for Breakfast for America's children = the Plan by the Illuminati to MURDER America’s Children! |
Booga Booga!f MORE FEAR PORN! Delta variant - Lambda variant - now the Mu Variant! Wake Up! They want to “vaccinate” you to DEATH! |
Evil Fauci says, “Government Boosters EVERY 8 MONTHS!” MASS MURDER of Americans in Progress! |
Door-to-Door Medical Kidnappings begin in Australia |
The CDC has LIED for over FORTY YEARS! They MURDERED Americans with the Swine Flu Vax, and they are MURDERING Americans NOW with the Covid KILL SHOT! |
Old Navy now PROMOTING Obesity: Jewish-owned Corporations (meaning ALL of them) will do whatever their Handlers (the Jewish Rothschilds) tell them to do! |
The Population Extermination that is happening in the world now was planned at the UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 |
Australia LOCKS OUT ALL Unvaccinated from ALL HEALTHCARE! “If you aren’t willing to let us MURDER you, we won’t let you see a doctor - for ANYTHING!” |
Supply Chain Disruptions getting worse as engineered shortages are designed to collapse economies |
White House signals new Covid-19 measures coming for unvaccinated: for those who refuse the KILL SHOT - for those who don’t want to DIE! |
City of Los Angeles plans to MURDER all children 12 and older - - with Covid KILL SHOTS! |
Wake up to the FRAUD - America! Postal workers don’t need to get the Kill Shot!! Does the (non-existent) virus NOT infect Postal workers? It’s ALL a SCAM! |
Employees at the White House, CDC, FDA, WHO, Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson are NOT required to get Kill Shot - nor are Postal Workers or Congressmen!! Hmmm! |
Why doesn’t EVERYBODY get really sick (or die) with the Covid-19 Jabs? Because they are different strengths, and some of them are Placebos! |
They’re going Door to Door in Washington, D.C. - 5-6 times a day - looking for the UnVaxxed: They REALLY Want us DEAD! |
Australia’s Concentration Camps |
EU Developed Vaccine Passports LONG BEFORE Covid: This is Population CONTROL and EXTERMINATION |
All 3 Major Vaccine Companies Suddenly have Name Changes for their “Covid” Kill Shots! |
Owner of Diagnostic Lab is seeing 20 TIMES INCREASE in Cancer among vaccinated |
Funeral Director explains Fake Covid-19 Pandemic and REAL Covid-19 Vaccine DEATHS |
U.S. Military using Power Point Slide show about SATANISM and Child Sacrifice to promote mandatory Covid “vaccines” (Kill Shots) |
Measles, a mild self-limiting, totally curable disease, now added o lis of “quarantinable communicable diseases.” They Really Want Us Dead! |
WAKE UP, PEOPLE!! These are NOT “Food-based Vaccines” - these are POISONS in your food - meant to KILL YOU! |
Covid KILL SHOT ingredients: deadly graphene, nanometals, polyethylene glycol and parasites: ALL meant to KILL YOU!
Genocide of Seniors continues as Criminal Communist Jewish FDA and CDC Recommend 3rd Booster shot for the elderly |
More than 6.27 Billion Kill Shots given by the Communist Jewish Illuminati: They’re getting close to their goal of murdering about 7.5 Billion Gentiles |
29-year old British model suffering continual convulsions after second Pfizer shot |
The Famines have started: people scavenging through rotting animal carcasses looking for food - this will soon come to America! |
BBC propagandizing the public into believing it’s normal for teen to DROP DEAD supposedly due to undiagnosed heart condition (the Covid KILL SHOT!) |
Video: It’s the JEWISH VAX - but it’s NOT for the Jews! It’s to MURDER GENTILES! |
Woman dies of Mad Cow Disease (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease) THREE MONTHS after Covid shot! |
Hand sanitizers contain cancer-causing chemicals: ALL the ways they’re trying to KILL us! |
Pfizer vaccine microscope photos |
Vaxxed person connects with cell phone and displays product ID |
Jew Bill Gates says Marburg “virus” is next big pandemic for which they will give you a “vaccine” made of RICIN (a DEADLY POISON)! |
China setting up concentration Camps: Just like FEMA camps in U.S. |
RED ALERT! The Prelude to Genocide is Gun Confiscation! Get Ready! |
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia Exposes the One World Government and the Plan for Population Extermination |
A “GEM” of Truth in this piece of Propaganda (promoting the vaccines): The Covid Kill Shot is leaving a PERMANENT MARKER in your blood!!! |
Satanic Agenda in Schools: Solve Hunger with Cannibalism: Mass productions of Babies to EAT - to solve world hunger! |
In Singapore, the unvaccinated are not allowed to buy food |
Do the Covid Kill Shots contains eggs that hatch in your body? |
New York City to Release a (supposedly) “Non-Toxic Gas” in 120 highly populated areas over next 2 weeks! Is the MURDER of citizens ramping up? |
Unvaccinated Australians to be put in Concentration Camps |
New York City to Release a (supposedly) “Non-Toxic Gas” in 120 highly populated areas over next 2 weeks! Is the MURDER of citizens ramping up? |
One of the BIGGEST SCAMS in the History of the World: JEWISH “Vaccine" companies to earn $124 BILLION on the KILL SHOTS |
Communist Jew Putin says it is unacceptable to infringe on the prerogatives of the World Health Organization in their plan to KILL US! |
Australian military being trained to force vaccinate citizens in door-to-door attacks |
Anti-vax Billboard
STAY AWAY FROM HOSPITALS!! Man HELD DOWN by 12 nurses and FORCIBLY injected with KILL SHOT! This is MURDER! |
SCIENCE HORROR: Spike protein suppresses DNA repair mechanism of human body, causing CANCER, IMMUNE DEFICIENCY DISEASES, AGING and DEATH |
Satanic JEW, Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, plans to MURDER every Gentile child in America |
Pfizer LIARS tell kids that Vax will make them ‘Superheroes' - give them 'Super Powers’! |
Is this a Joke? Or is it Real? |
Communist Jew-controlled America: You Gentiles: Take the KILL SHOT by Jan 4 - or lose your job! |
The Massive Killing is Beginning: Watch video (but turn off the horrible music) |
Sportsmen and Sportswomen Dropping like Flies |
World’s First Nationwide Lockdown for the Unvaxxed in Austria |
SICK Pedophilic Behavior by Biden |
Undoubtedly they will start putting small pox toxin into the Covid vaccines to start the next “Pandemic” |
Big Pharma ADMITS they LIED! Covid “vaccines” are really Gene “therapy” (meant to KILL YOU), but marketed as vaccines
Technocrats move goal posts: Now require Boosters for LIFE! (They REALLY Want us DEAD!) |
LIARS at American Heart Association blame legalization of Cannabis as source of sudden spike in heart disease in youth - anything to deflect from Covid KILL SHOT |
Each Booster shot DESTROYS your Immune System MORE and MORE - until you DIE! |
(JEW) Bill Gates has given $319 MILLION to (JEW-owned) Media Outlets |
Covid has NEVER been Isolated: It doesn’t even EXIST! |
Pfizer guy says, “We’ll keep injecting you” - - - (till you’re DEAD!) |
Dr. Fauci: “We’ll be injecting (killing) your babies after Christmas |
Jews publicly discuss their plan to kill Millions (actually BILLIONS)! |
Covid is the latest (Jew-controlled) CIA-planned Genocide |
Vaccine scandal in Slovenia: Bottles are coded 1) placebo, 2) mRNA, 3) Kill Shot |
Now they plan to inject Americans with Small Pox - to contrive a “pandemic” - see the Timeline! |
Surprise! Surprise! Mass Genocide has been their plan all along: the “vaccinated” will die from the Kill Shots, and they plan to exterminate the rest of us! |
LYING Fake “Scientists” claiming that cold weather can cause blood clots and heart attack - - nothing but a “cover” for the coming DEATHS from the Kill Shot! |
Australia has ordered 280 MILLION Covid KILL SHOTS for a population of 25 Million. That's ELEVEN shots for EVERY man, woman and child! |
Australia has ordered 280 MILLION Covid KILL SHOTS for a population of 25 Million. That's ELEVEN shots for EVERY man, woman and child! |
Covid “Vaccine” Extermination program revealed in 1981, and confirmed by Kissinger in 2009 |
Forced Famine now here: No Jab, No Food. Canadian province bans unvaccinated from Grocery Stores |
Passengers, in Ecuador, waiting for a bus - allowing themselves to be “hosed down” - probably with POISON!!! |
Germany: Kill Shots Every 4 Weeks!!! |
After you are vaccine-damaged, if you complain, you will be forced to take psychiatric drugs until you stop complaining |
Pfizer CEO says that the FDA has approved the insertion of a chip into the pill |
New Zealand Okays euthanasia for Covid patients if the DOCTOR decides the patient may not survive |
Depopulation Smoking Gun: Kill Shot figures line up ominously with Deagle.com predictions for Population Extermination |
Covid KILL SHOTS - ALL KILL THE SAME WAY - regardless of Brand |
Jews initiate FAMINES for Gentiles: Unvaxxed truckers will not be allowed to HAUL food, ad Unvaxxed farmers will not be allowed to GROW food |
Dr. Pierre Gilbert, in France in 1995, speaking to a Masonic crowd: We will be able to control people by forced vax that will put magnetic particles into the brain to make ZOMBIES |
5G will be rolled out in U.S. on Jan 5: 20,000 towers! |
12/31/21, Louisville: Houses completely destroyed - trees intact, meaning Direct Energy Weapons used: Death by Government |
Area 51 Playstation game from 2005 - gives the WHOLE PLOT of the FAKE Covid Pandemic! |
Fed Ex is storing THOUSANDS of Body Bags |
Philippines: Manila bans unvaccinated from leaving their homes: Duterte threatens arrest |
Washington state’s Concentration Camps: Citizens can be forcefully detained against their will |
Quebec says, “If you won’t let us murder you, we’ll make you PAY!” |
Jewish Governor Gavin Newsom announces Operation Omicron Offensive in California: door-to-door visits to give the Kill Shot - and Control of media (to eliminate Truth) |
People are being sealed inside their own homes in China, unable to get food: It’s time you understood this is Population Extermination! |
CA fires unvaxxed healthcare workers, then tells vaxxed workers they can continue working while infected - This has NOTHING to do with “health”! |
Post in Population Control/Extermination |
CEO of Pfizer (a Jew) ADMITS that that “Vaccines” Don’t Work - at least for preventing disease. However, they DO work to KILL YOU! |
Jewish, Communist Satanist, Bill Gates, “warns” of an even WORSE “pandemic” he is dreaming up to Depopulate the earth! |
Ireland to end most Communist Covid Restrictions, including Vax Passport |
Former VP of World Health Organization says that those who are vaccinated should be quarantined for their own safety (their immune systems are destroyed) |
Evidence the Government is targeting Red states with the most lethal batches of the Covid Kill Shot |
Denmark to drop ALL Covid Restrictions and return to normal life: It just shows how totally FAKE all the restrictions are - all over the world! |
Ontario, Canada Health Minister calls for CENSORSHIP of ALL Medical Doctors who tell the truth about Covid KILL SHOTS! |
Vaxxed Comedians, TV Journalists COLLAPSE On Stage! |
How the “Authorities” Control the Propaganda about Covid: (“We’ll take away your medical license if you tell the truth.”) |
U.S. now plans to “Legally” MURDER young children: Population Extermination! |
They knew from Day One that the “vaccines” are KILL SHOTS - for Population Extermination! |
Johns Hopkins University confirms you can be Vaccinated just by being Tested! |
Pfizer Kill Shots DO alter your DNA Permanently! That’s what they were DESIGNED to do! |
Official Government Data: Twice as many deaths following Covid-19 “vaccines” in 1 year, as deaths following ALL vaccines for the previous 30 years |
Pfizer releases it’s list of side effects. Wow! A Kill Shot - for Sure! |
Big Pharma executive admits Covid “vaccines” are Gene Therapy, and the FAKE Covid “pandemic” was their Fraudulent way to get people to take the |
Pfizer Admits: “Only” 1,291 Adverse Side Effects to Covid Shots |
Ontario, Canada beginning Digital ID - which is the beginning of the Social Credit System, like China has, a system of total control of all citizens |
Klaus Schwab’s WEF reveals Plans to re-engineer human beings to remove their FREEWILL and turn humanity into “Bill Gates’ Puppets” |
Pfizer admits that the Covid Kill shot has 1,291 Adverse Side Effects! |
(Satanic Jew) Gavin Newsom’s Abortion council pushing SICK legislation that would allow mothers to kill their babies AFTER birth |
The Jews plan to Slaughter the Goyim (Gentiles): They have Proclaimed it for over 100 years |
Video: Comedian BRAGGING about all her shots, then Collapses on Stage |
The Many Ways the Spike Protein Annihilates Human Life |
25 Million Locked down in Shanghai, many without food |
Big Study finds NON-vaccinated healthier than Vaccinated: No surprise there! |
SATANIST LIAR Bill Gates Trashes Truth-Tellers during TED Talk! |
Bird Flu Hoax being Recycled again to create Fear and More Profits for EVIL Big Pharma |
Satanic Canada Goes to Great Lengths to MURDER More Children! |
Communist (THUG) WHO leader promotes Satanist Bill Gates’ book on “Next pandemic” - sinister plans revealed |
Australia says Kill Shots can be administered opportunistically while patient under general anesthesia for unrelated procedures: it’s called MURDER! |
Satanist Fauci declares that he (Fauci) and the CDC should be ABOVE the authority of the courts |
Justin Trudeau LOVES to KILL Children (and Adults)! Orders TEN SHOTS for EVERY Citizen in Canada |
EU Confirming that ALL 27 member states MUST implement the “Covid Green Pass” by July 1st - TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT! |
mRNA Kill Shots increase risk of severe heart inflammation up to 120-fold |
Rockefeller Foundation predicts famines could begin within 6 months (and they ought to know!) |
On May 22, World Health Organization is preparing to vote to strip the U.S. and 194 other nations of its sovereignty and give them TOTAL CONTROL of the WORLD |
Hundreds of CDC employees haven’t had a Covid-19 Vaccine! Obviously, they KNOW something! |
Red Cross Will Not Accept Vaccinated Blood |
China is locking and chaining people into their apartments: they can’t get out even in case of fire - - - The government is EXTERMINATING them! |
Jews of the World Economic Forums believes people (Gentiles) are “useless eaters” and views their brains and bodies as products to be “hacked, controlled and discarded.” |
The Illuminati Jews WANT US ALL DEAD! Victoria, Australia prohibits people from growing their own food |
Criminals at FDA now say, “Americans should treat Covid-19 as ordinary flu” (after slaughtering and maiming MILLIONS with the vaxx!) |
Thousands of pounds of fresh avocados in Australia dumped into landfill: Destruction of the food supply |
Food Supply Shutdown! |
Canada’s Trudeau pushing assisted suicide “if you are too poor to live with dignity.” Population Extermination!! |
Criminal FDA ApproveCovid drugs Remdesivir and Paxlovid that cause organ damage, cancer and DEATH! |
Fully Vaxxed Young Adults in UK are 92% more likely to Die than Unvaxxed Young Adults
The WHO is taking over the medical decisions to MURDER the WORLD: Just another organization run by the (JEW) Rothschilds and their Jewish agents |
Iran: Digital Food Rationing rolls out using biometric IDS amid Food Riots: Coming soon to America and ALL countries! |
Total control of your mind through remote AI! |
Global famine predicted by the end of this year |
ALL Pandemics have been planned - including the coming FAKE Monkeypox: It’s the Vaccinations that KILL you, not the disease |
According to the WEF Jews, Monkeypox will only decimate countries that are inhabited by mainly White people! Isn’t that interesting!! |
Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for Global Takeover |
The INSANITY continues: Now they want to “cure cancer” by injecting you with poxvirus POISONS: Chemo isn’t Deadly Enough! |
American doctors refusing to identify massive Vax injuries, as well as outright starving American patients: no food or water |
Jews ADMIT their Plan is to DESTROY Society, and Kill us ALL! |
California poised to adopt “medical misinformation” bill: Doctors will NOT be allowed to give patients proper treatment |
Here it is! Tracking INDIVIDUAL Carbon foot-print! What it really means is that you will be EUTHANIZED after a certain number of breaths (breathing out CO2)! |
The Famine of 2022 is now schedule - Economist magazine (Global Mouthpiece) front voer - Look at the wheat kernels, they are little skulls |
Canada ordered 500,000 Monkeypox vaccines Weeks BEFORE the “Outbreak” of Monkeypox (that doesn’t exist)! |
Planned Famine Coming Soon: Communist California spills water into the ocearn rather than letting farmers grow rice |
Australia to FORCIBLY VACCINATE Citizens via chemtrails |
Deadly Cancers appearing at Covid-10 vaccine injection site |
Covid Vax increases risk of shingles by almost 5,000 per cent: Then they call it Monkeypox? |
Obvious Deliberate Mass Slaughter of 3,000 Cattle in SW Kansas: Poisoning or Directed Energy weapons? |
JEW Henry Kissinger behind U.S. Population Extermination Plan: What else is new? |
Your government is trying to KILL YOU and Depopulate the Planet |
CNN Analyst suggests Inflation is NEEDED to achieve green agenda (that means they’re doing this on purpose!) |
JEW Walensky, CDC Director, GRINS from ear to ear while she announces that they will now be able to MURDER 20 Million babies! |
Covid vaccines linked to incurable fatal degenerative brain disorder: Creutzfeldt Jakob = Mad Cow disease in humans |
(Jewish) Blackrock and (Jewish) Vanguard taking over almost complete control of America’s Food Supply: FAMINES COMING! |
Monkeypox is cover for adverse reactions to Covid Vax: Countries who received deadly Pfizer Vax are mainly WHITE! |
Large study in New England Journal of Medicine confirms that Covid jabs INCREASE risk of infection! |
Georgia Guidestones Demolished after being Damaged by Bomb |
Satanic Jews (Temporarily) Rule the World: Two young girls DIE due to Tik Tok “Blackout Challenge” considered “proper” for Tik Tok to encourage!!! |
UK Government Admits Vaccinated children are SHOCKINGLY 30,200% MORE LIKELY to DIE than Unvaccinated children |
Jewish New World Order is now using Weather Control to wipe out the vegetable crops in Australia to Slaughter whites by famines! |
BREAKING: CMS just exempted officials hired to enforce their vaccine mandate - - - - from the vaccine mandate. Stunning Hypocrisy! |
Canadian government admits that the Vaccinated account for 93% of Covid deaths; 50% of which were Quadruple Jabbed! |
400,000 Chinese lose their life savings Instantly! |
UK Rules quietly publish report confirming the vaxxed account for 94% of ALL Covid-19 Deaths! |
The Plan to vaccinate every cow in Australia (Claim they have foot and mouth disease - kill cows with vax - causing FAMINE!) |
World Health Organization plans to keep (FAKE) pandemics going for Ten Years! Obvious Population Extermination! |
Population Extermination: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine |
The Georgia Guidestones were probably destroyed by the Jewish Illuminati - who put them up in the first place (People were catching on!) |
Japanese Virology Journal confirms that Covid Jabs DEPLETE your immune function over time (that’s called AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) |
“I was the Doctor Treating the Pilots Who Were Flying and Spraying the Chemtrails” |
Covid Vaccine injuries! LOTS of them! |
Monkeypox arrives RIGHT ON SCHEDULE: See their Time Table! |
Doctor testifies under oath that U.S. government created Covid as a specific Bioweapon to KILL PEOPLE |
Professor Dolors Cahill says EVERYONE who has gotten the Covid 19 Vax WILL DIE within 3-5 years |
UK Gov’t admits that fully vaccinated young adults are 92% more likely to die than unvaccinated young adults |
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW: Dr. Tedros of World Health Organization is UNVACCINATED! HE KNOWS the Jabs are meant to KILL YOU! |
Netherlands to shut down 11,200 farms: MASSIVE Famines coming - all over the world! Population Extermination!! |
233 Million Americans to DIE Before the End of 2025! |
"Greatest Conceivable Manmade Catastrophe of ALL Time” |
600% more deaths reported in last 19 months than in entire 320-year history of Vaers database |
Are they Deliberately Destroying Baby Formula? |
In the UK, the government is offering large payments for those who will leave, or retire from, farming |
(Jew-controlled) World Economic Forum advisor, (Jew) Yuval Harari says, “We just don’t need the vast majority of the population in today’s world” |
Pro-vaccine doctor “baffled” after 26-year-old daughter dies suddenly “without cause”: (You reap what you sow!) |
Are World Governments preparing for an “Extinction Level Event”? |
Shocking! UK Government admits Covid vaccinated children are 13,633% more likely to die of “Covid-19” than unvaccinated children |
Triple or Quadruple Covid Vax recipients now developing sores all over their body |
(Jew) Rockefeller Foundation wants Behavioral Scientists to come up with more convincing LIES to convince more people to take KILL Shot! |
More Booga Booga! Will they bring back the FAKE Bird Flu so they can kill off all the chickens and turkeys? |
Re-wilding of California farmland: Part of Jewish Illuminati/NWO plan to STARVE the non-Jewish population to death! |
JEW Rudolf Steiner: We will eliminate the soul and conscience of the people with a vaccine: That’s the plan of the Jews: Elimination of God! |
“Vaccines” are taking an average of 5 months to kill people! |
FDA Approves Omicron Booster before Mid-term elections with NO Human Tests! |
Planned Parenthood annual report shows it murdered 383,000 babies by abortion: 30,000 more than ever before! Satan lives here! |
Charles of England vows to Introduce the “Great Reset” and DESTROY the UK and its people |
The JEWS want to make sure you have an INCOMPETENT Doctor “of color” - which is just another aspect of Population Extermination! |
Physician finds that vaccinated children in his practice (ALL types of vaccinations) were MUCH sicker (with ALL kinds of diseases) than unvaccinated children |
The entire Pet Vaccination Program is a SCAM: They are killing your pets JUST LIKE they are KILLING YOUR CHILDREN - and KILLING YOU! |
Depopulation of Gentiles from the earth has been a long-term Globalist Goal of the Jews, including killing the children from 3rd world countries and using them for food! |
Very Creepy Videos! These people seem to see something horrific, then collapse into seizures and paralysis |
China now has mobile crematoriums: People seizing and dying on the streets again! |
Bombshell Accusation: Hospitals Specifically Targeted the Unvaxxed for Deadly Forced Remdesivir and Respirator Protocols |
30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show the UK Government “Experts” Covered Up Vaccine Hazards: They USE Vaccines to CAUSE Disease! |
Stupid, Jew-controlled, Air Force Academy DEMANDS Cadets Stop Using the terms “Mom” and “Dad” |
Oil Industry Recruiter told to plan on replacing all vaxxed employees within 2-3 years |
Pfizer Warns a 4th Booster May be Needed for Those Who Haven’t Died Yet! |
The Jewish Terrorists running America are going to try to blame these horrific rashes - caused by the Covid shots - on “Monkeypox”
American Red Cross (secretly controlled by the Illuminati) confesses it does NOT separate vaccinated from unvaccinated blood! |
Watch the HORROR Unfold: Vaxxed Bus Driver has massive convulsion while driving passengers! Video |
32 Young Canadian Doctors “Died Suddenly” in the past 16 months while fully Covid 10 Vaccinated |
“Christian” churches now working with the CDC to Murder Children with the Covid Kill Shots |
You are 25 times more likely to be injured and 20 times more likely to die if you get the Covid shot |
Over 50? Then your Government WANTS YOU DEAD! |
In 1994, 160 Nations Agreed to Reduce the World Population to 800 Million by 2030 - Video |
They are now giving Cows mRNA vaccine which will pass the vaccine into milk, cheese, etc. |
100,000% Increase in Strokes after Covid 19 Kill Shots |
USDA now asking people to Register their vegetable gardens for national database (so they can DESTROY your garden, to make sure you DIE of the coming Famine) |
(JEW-controlled) U.S. Government’s plan to TAKE money from white people and redistribute it to non-whites |
PLANNED DESTRUCTION of U.S. Military by the Jews: National Guard Gives Service Members Covid 19 KILL SHOT, instead of Flu shot! |
Massive HORRIBLE Adverse Reactions after Covid 19: Frightening hallucinations, massive seizures and DEATHS! |
Poor Children in Africa being fed termites and worms in Controversial Experiment Backed by (Jewish-controlled) UK Government |
MORE Ways They Plan to KILL Us! |
As I have said repeatedly, “Your Government is Trying to KILL You” - Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal Covid “Vax” will lead to Mass Depopulation |
Yet another way they plan to KILL us: They want to block the sun which is necessary for ALL life! |
The Top 10 Creepiest Most Dystopian Things Pushed by the World Economic Forum |
Judicial Watch reveals government documents showing the MASSIVE Propaganda campaign by the U.S. government to KILL Americans with the Covid 19 Shots! |
Warning - Graphic! Sudden Adult Death Syndrome OBVIOUSLY from Covid KILL Shots! |
There is no transmission from vaccinated persons: It’s irradiation! |
Performers DYING, Falling Ill, Collapsing on Stage: 53 in 3 months (to Oct 19, 2022) |
18% of Cattle Die IMMEDIATELY after mRNA injections |
MUST SEE! Countless Deaths and Collapses after Covid KILL Shots (EXACTLY what the JEWS Intended) |
Evil WEF Leader Caught Planning ‘Mass Extinction Event’ to Inner Circle |
Now reports of people who are fully vaccinated with Covid - now going Blind! |
Battery Fire turns Electric Vehicle into unrecognizable mess: Very Scary! |
It will soon become law in Canada that doctors can EUTHANIZE minor children WITHOUT their parents consent, for something as minor as “depression” |
5,000% INCREASE in Fetal Deaths Following Covid-19 Vax: Government-approved INFANTICIDE! |
Stillbirths are skyrocketing because of Covid vax: 28 out of 29 pregnant women who get vaxxed LOSE THEIR BABIES! (Population Extermination!) |
Foreign Companies are Taking U.S. water from drought-stricken Southwest and shipping it to other countries |
In a 2013 trial with 200,000 participants, testing an mRNA-based medication - less than 5 are alive today: watch video |
(JEWISH) Corporate America bombards black people with junk food ads BECAUSE Jews want Blacks (and ALL Gentiles) DEAD! |
Depopulation is purpose of homosexuality, feminism and fluoride in the water |
World leaders agree to Cattle-tag the World population: Universal Vaccine Passports! |
Canadian bank launches credit card linked to carbon emissions: The “Cap and Trade” for individual human beings, eventually to euthanize them for breathing out “too much” CO2 |
Euthanasia of the elderly: A JEWISH NEW WORLD ORDER Plan that has been carried out during the FAKE Covid Pandemic - and will continue
Many people fully vaccinated for Covid are now going blind |
Canadian Retailer Simons Promotes Assisted Suicide in New Ad Campaign |
Massachusetts says, “Your life is worth only $75.00.” They’ll pay you that amount to KILL you with the Covid shot! |
Germany told by the EU to end fertilizer, just like the Netherlands: The FAMINES are coming (BY the DESIGN of the Jews - to exterminate the Gentile population of the world!) |
HHS Secretary urges Covid booster every 2 months: Oh, how they want to KILL us ALL! |
Planned Famines, Mass Murders: Germany orders Farms to “Cease Operating” as WEF Demands “End of Farming” |
Jew-owned Pfizer KNEW Covid Vaccines would KILL MILLIONS (That’s what they were engineered to do - get rid of Gentiles)!
Canada is now euthanizing 10,000 citizens a year (and that is not including the Covid Kill Shots) |
(Jew-controlled) FDA Encourages Parents to Murder their BABIES before the holidays - by giving them a Covid shot - for a “virus” that DOESN’T EVEN EXIST! |
Jew-controlled CDC offers $3MILLION for NEW TRICKS to get students and prisoners to KILL themselves by taking the Covid shots: The Jews can’t wait to EXTERMINATE the Gentiles! |
Many Fully Vaccinated People are now Going BLIND! |
Frozen rats are being sold for food in a NYC shop |
(JEW) Bill Gates Planning “Catastrophic Contagion” Plandemic that will kill young adults and children: More Extermination of the Gentile population by Jews (and NO ONE will be allowed to tell the truth!) |
The Fentanyl Crisis is NOT an Accident: It is another GENOCIDE! |
Demented and Degenerate Biden Admin moves to make EXPIREDd Covid rules for health care workers PERMANENT |
LYING JEW, Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, making wimpy excuses: now ADMITS that the Covid Kill Shot was not - and is not - SAFE! |
Canada’s Health Direction of Parliamentary Affairs, who leads Canada’s Response to Covid 19 Vaccine and Rollout - DIES Suddenly at the age of 35 |
Massive Increase in Number of Deaths in Norway Forces Funeral Homes to Store Bodies in Garage! (But it’s NOT from Covid, they say. Oh - - Right!) |
Massive Chicken killing as nothing to do with FAKE “avian flu” pandemic, it is another attack on the food supply to cause FAMINE: Population Extermination! |
Numerous doctors confirm that Covid doesn’t exist, this is a FAKE “pandemic, and the shots can cause severe Maiming and Death (scroll down to video) |
WHO Chief says Covid boosters are being used to KILL Children! |
Universal Health Care Ends with the Government Telling You to KILL Yourself! |
CCP admits that Covid “vaccinations” will wipe out the U.S. population and the military |
Fed Operatives Move into place at Cincinnati Hospital to control information about Damar Hamlin (who is most likely already brain dead - if not completely DEAD!) |
47,379 EXCESS DEATHS in UK in 8 months due to Covid Kill Shots! |
5G is a Weapons system designed to KILL people - especially those who have had the Covid shot |
Department of Defense Controlled Covid “Vaccines” from the start under the National Security Program: LIED the entire time, since they were NEVER “safe or effective” - This is Population Extermination! |
In (Jew) Trudeau’s Canada, DEATH is the “treatment” for illness: Euthanasia available even for “special needs” 1 year olds (Population Extermination, folks!) |
Myocarditis was 4 cases per million, but now after “vaccinations” it is 25,000 per million: The Vax is meant to KILL you! |
Look at the MILLIONS of Americans who have been EXEMPTED from taking the Kill Shot: Congress, WH employees, Moderna, Pfizer and J & J employees: This is Population Extermination for the Rest of Us! |
Dead Bodies are Everywhere and they are the result of the Covid KILL SHOTS: It is Population Extermination! |
Is the government killing healthy citizens - those who live alone or have no family? |
(Jew) Bill Gates says the Next Pandemic is Coming: Of course they know because THEY are Behind it! |
DARPA created the bioweapon, NiH patented it, Pentagon and White house ran ‘warp-speed’ pandemic logistics, Big Pharma delivered the execution shots via treasonous bribed doctors |
Wealthy Elite now requiring UNvaccinated crew to fly their jets, pilot claims |
The FAA has quietly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal so they changed what was “abnormal” to now “normal": We should be VERY concerned! |
China-Style Euthanasia and Organ Harvesting Comes to Canada |
Globalists following Planetary Script to REPLACE HUMANS with AI Systems: You are Now Obsolete! |
War Being Waged on Natural Health Products in New Zealand |
IMPORTANT: Covid 19 and Illegal U.S. Bioweapons Activity: An Insider’s Revelations |
Bill Gates tells the world to brace for a “man-made” pandemic that will be MORE brutal than Covid and will kill children and young people (And how do you think HE knows!?) |
Up to 70% of “Covid deaths” were due to ventilators |
Population Extermination: Covid Vaccines were Designed to KILL BILLIONS, Pharma Executive testifies |
13 Horrifying Government Human Experiments: |
The Covid Vaccine Agenda is a DARPA Funded Depopulation Program |
Your Pets are Dying from Vaccines - Veterinarian |
Planned Destruction of U.S. Economy
It’s Official! The Federal Reserve is going to unleash an inflationary storm! |
Jewish Rabbi Yaron Reuven Admits the Truth about Hitler: Hitler wanted the Jews out of Germany because they promoted pornography, filth, and charged high interest - destroying the economy |
World Economic Forum Warns of coming Cyberattack leading to systemic collapse of the Global Financial System: Talk about Predictive Programing!!!! |
Shocking Electric Scooter Fire Explosion While Charging Inside House: STUPID EV “answer” to Global Warming, a problem that does NOT Exist! |
A Global Collapse is Coming: U.S. Retailers are mysteriously cancelling Billions of Dollars of Orders |
The Worse Depression in the History of the World is Right Around the Corner |
“Swamp Coolers” - DIY simple evaporator/air cooler you can make at home if you don’t have air conditioning |
All Banks are Bankrupt: The Most Succinct Explanation of the Banking Problem - Ever! |
JEWS who control demented Biden are bankrupting America - ON PURPOSE! |
A MASSIVE Financial Depression is Coming! It has ALL been Planned by the Jewish Bankers! |
U.S. sells Last Batch of Emergency Reserve Oil: PLANNED DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA by the JEWS! |
MASSIVE Economic Crash Coming! Bank of International Settlements Warns of $100 TRILLION in Hidden Debt Just Discovered |
Corrupt Judiciary
CDC blocks evictions nationwide until end of year: bankrupting more landlords |
U.S. is “Beyond Bankrupt” - This is “Controlled Demolition” for the economy of the U.S. and the World! |
I Wish We All Could Leave California Now - Beach Boys Parody |
JEW Bezos issues “Dire Warning” for U.S. economy: (The JEWS are gloating over their DESTRUCTION of the U.S. Economy - something the JEWS have been planning for over 100 years!) |
California English teacher says, “Teaching kids how to write properly is rooted in White Supremacy.” She prefers to teach kids how to be STUPID (just like she is)! |
Digital currency (Cashless society) will begin before July 2023, says the Fed: EVERYONE will be tracked for their “carbon footprint” and their total allegiance to the government |
Government Experimenting on U.S. Citizens
Pedophilia and Sex Slavery
Now VACCINATED people told NOT to Travel! |
Destruction of the Family
GMO scientists just created crops that
INTENTIONALLY Cause MASS Infertility |
Feminism was created by the U.S. Communist party - to DESTROY the Family |
Fatherless homes linked to mental illness, mass shootings and addiction (Planned Destruction of the family) |
FINALLY, a Psychiatrist Tells the Truth! Transgenderism is a Mental Disorder: Sex Change is Biologically Impossible! |
Planned Destruction of the U.S. Military
Jewish Communists - run by the Jewish Rothschilds - are deliberately destroying the U.S. Military |
Disarmament of the World
THIS is what the Satanic JEWS do to Gentiles - RAPE and MUTILATE and SLAUGHTER them: THIS is COMMUNISM and it's Coming to America!! |
Inhumane, LETHAL Protocols in Hospitals specifically meant to KILL Patients over 40 - Thanks to JEW Ezekiel Emmanuel (brother of Obama sidekick) |
Martial Law / Police State
Elimination of the White Race
CDC Advisory Committee Chair says, “We just need to kill all the white people.”!!!!!! Now you know what the Jews REALLY want! |
MILLIONS of Migrants: “The Great Replenishment” is the new plan to flood rural areas with cheap labor (but mostly to make America no longer “white”!) |
New Crime Report Confirms 96% of Hate Crimes were perpetrated by Black Americans |
Government Corruption
Both the FDA and the CDC are controlled by $MILLIONS
from the Vaccine companies |
Totally CORRUPT CDC Quietly Edits the Death Toll: Less than 6% of the alleged 150,000 deaths were really Covid |
Whistleblowing nurse alleges hysterectomies are being performed on detained immigrant women at ICE facilities |
British PM Boris Johnson MUST be having money problems: He can’t even afford to buy a COMB! |
CIA’s ILLEGAL and IMMORAL Gang-stalking program against dissidents, and even those who just annoy them: The U.S. Government is a Corrupt Criminal Enterprise |
The government and the Judiciary are ALL CRIMINALS: Pence is a homosexual and compromised by the Jews, including Rosenstein |
Filthy Criminal Joe Biden and his Drug Addict son, Hunter, have STOLEN MILLIONS from Ukrainian citizens: No wonder Biden doesn’t want Russian invasion to EXPOSE this |
Corrupt FDA’s Food Safety Division Policies are ‘Broken’ |
Filthy, Filthy, Filthy former Vice-President Dick Cheney! SATANISM in highest levels of U.S. government! |
The Jews run the world through Blackrock |
72% of Los Angeles Math Students Fail to Meet Math Standards |
Environmental/Global Warming Hoax
Richest One Percent of the World’s Population is responsible for more than TWICE as much Carbon Pollution as the Poorest half, study shows |
The “snow” in Texas DOESN’T MELT! It is CHEMICAL “snow”!
Japan to dump ONE MILLION TONS of Radioactive water into Pacific Ocean: International Atomic Energy Commission says, “It’s perfectly safe and normal policy”!!!!! |
Heatwave is now confirmed to be a Man-made event |
The sky attacks Australia: Look at the size of the hail! |
Post in Environmental/Global Warming Hoax |
You think they’re NOT controlling the weather? A FOOT of SNOW and 100 mph winds on - - - HAWAII |
Video: Fuel truck vs Electric powered truck each tow a camper: EV truck only gets 88 miles!!! |
The Birth of a Worldwide Green Police Force Complete with Climate Crimes Prosecution and Interrogation Facilities (Soon “Breathing” will be a Crime!) |
Tesla Charging Queue in California |
50 years of LYING “predictions” that the climate apocalypse is nigh! |
Electric vehicles as ticking time incendiary bombs on container ships |
Australian Study treats Climate Change Skepticism as a Mental Disorder |
Klaus Schwab’s WEF has plans to implement a carbon allowance that will restrict what you do, buy and eat! AND, when you’ve breathed out your quota of CO2, they’ll euthanize you! |
Rewriting history to sell Climate Change |
Alien Invasion Hoax
Weather Control
CO2 SAVES the Planet! Of course, that’s that way God designed it: people breathe out CO2, the plants breathe it in. Plants produce oxygen, people breathe it in. |
And you always said that “Chemtrails” were not real: a Conspiracy Theory? |
The world is NOT being destroyed by phony “Global Warming” - it is being deliberately destroyed by the elitists through Weather Control/Geo-engineering |
Softball-size Hail falls in Wisconsin |
Earthquake Swarm on La Palma: If it Blows, Tsunami could wipe out entire East Coast of U.S. |
La Palma Conspiracy: Are they planning a Horrific Tsunami? |
Weather Control (Geo-engineering) is responsible for the deliberate draining of Lake Mead and many other water reservoirs: Population Extermination |
Brainwashing America
Illuminati prove that most people are incapable of
critical thinking |
The Future of America???? Generation Z guys can’t figure out
how to use a rotary phone!! |
Why do all these people, who don’t give a RIP about God when everything is going well, PRAY - when things go bad? Their prayers don’t rise more than 2 feet above their head! |
No Shortage of Energy
Billionaires emit million times more greenhouse gas than average people: “Climate Change” hysteria is for the goyim - NOT the Rich Jews! |
U.S. has a Communist Government
What you better know before going to a hospital! |
Song about Martha’s Vineyard Invasion: Watch and Listen |
The Massive Decline in Morality
Gay bathhouses can open in San Francisco, but churches cannot:
KNOW what filth goes on in the bathhouses. For many years, I took care of the diseases produced there! |
Here’s “Organized Religion” for you, folks! Do you need further proof that America has LEFT GOD? |
WHAT??? Town pushing for policy that will allow cops to accept “sexual gratuities” from citizens! Can America go much LOWER? Satan runs EVERYTHING now! |
Barack Obama is Gay and Michelle is a Transgender |
When you think it can’t get any worse, Watch Joe Biden’s recent speech!!! |
Harvard University names a Jewish Rabbi “devout ATHEIST” as its new head chaplain!!! Why am I not surprised? America has clearly left God! |
Replika: A Mental Health Parasite - instead of Helping you, it undermines your Mental Health |
Soylent Green: California Legalizes Composting of HUMANS |
The LGBT Agenda has ALWAYS been about Population Control (and the encouragement of debauchery): and lesbians and homosexuals have fallen into their Trap! |
Dog runs through street with HUMAN HEAD in his mouth, snatched from dumped body parts by Mexican Cartel in crime-ridden Mexico |
Homeless woman gives brutally honest answers: Reveals how the Jewish Communists are purposely Destroying America |
West Virginia journalist fired after investigating alleged abuse of the disabled at state institutions |
The Black Race
Poor Hungry Americans foraging for bread!!!!! Unfortunately, this beauty supply store was out. |
How the Elitist Blacks have sold their fellow blacks down the river |
What is it we’re supposed to embrace about Black History Month? Is it that the blacks commit the vast majority of the murders and mayhem in NY and elsewhere? |
Black Satanic monster kills his white neighbor, cuts our her heart, cooks it and feeds it to his family - then kills family! SATANISM is Truly HERE! And this is “Black History Month" |
More “History” for “Black History Month”: Black man kills two, including teen, then uses Facebook Live Stream to show the bodies |
(Jew-promoted) Pornographic performance on Grammy’s: Is THIS what we should embrace about the Black Culture to “enrich” our American way of life????? |
The Next Generation of Doctors will be STUPID and INCOMPETENT: Fortunately, Jesus will Return before that time! |
Don't Take MY Word for it -
Jews Read
Who Runs the World?
The Holocaust Hoax
Jewish Writer: The “Holocaust” NEVER HAPPENED and JEWS are Destroying White Societies |
Facebook to BAN Holocaust Truth and direct users to “credible sources” (of LIES!) |
The Holocaust HOAX: Overwhelming evidence - the Camps were Work Camps - - NOT Death Camps! |
No difference in number of Jews (In Almanac) from 1933 to 1948. Obviously, the Jews were NOT Killed in a Holocaust! The Holocaust is a HOAX! |
New World Order
False Flag Operations
U.S. Gov’t Special Ops Demo Expert Confesses to Planting Explosives in WTCS before 9/11 |
PROOF that Sandy Hook was FAKED: Supposed Victim is ALIVE under assumed name |
Bishop Williamson Exposes the LIE of the Holocaust Hoax! |
Rare TV Footage from the actual day of Oklahoma Bombing - showing that Bombs had been placed INSIDE the Building! (Govt. inside job!) |
Texas School shooting Psyop False Flag: 17 died, No, 21 died - No 19 died. Whatever! |
The Uvalde shooting was just as FAKE as Sandy Hook! Watch! |
Matthew McConaughey can’t control his laughter as he tells LIE after LIE! Uvalde Texas White House |
NYC PSA Announcement looks like it is setting up a False Flag |
The Alex Jones Show Trial: Shows what they do to a person for telling the truth - - BECAUSE the TRUTH is that NO ONE Died at Sandy Hook! |
9/11? Of course, the JEWS (who run America) did it. The (disgusting) Dancing Israeli JEWS where there to witness it! |
Is something BIG going to happen on Sept 24? |
One again - NOBODY DIED at Sandy Hook! |
We need to talk about Sandy Hook: Very revealing Video |
Jews Hate Christians and
ALL Gentiles
Illuminati Jews now using Weather Control to KILL the Goyim with heat waves, PLUS Lockdowns, Plus forced Vaccinations, Plus coming famines: As Henry Kissinger said: "This is WAR of Jews against NON-Jews!” |
Massive Evidence that Masks are NOT Necessary: It’s just a sadistic plan of the Illuminati Jewish Psychopaths against the unsuspecting Gentiles |
Why would (Jew) Bill Gates worry about the side effects in 80% of the vaccine recipients: These vaccines are meant to KILL us Gentiles!!! |
According to Government-linked Intelligence agency forecasts, the Illuminati Jews plan to kill 150 Million American Gentiles in the Next Five Years!!!!! |
Fauci REFUSES to agree with limitation of Protests - but prohibiting going to school, going to church - is O.K. |
Gates refers to the Covid vaccine as the “FINAL SOLUTION”! Indeed, the vaccines and famines are the ways the Jews plan to kill SIX BILLION Gentiles! |
Jewish Homosexual Appointed to Oversee De-Christianization of France and Protect it’s ‘Cultural Heritage’ (established during the Satanic French Revolution) |
Jew-controlled Americans slaughtered Christian Germany: NOW those SAME JEWS have turned on America and will begin SLAUGHTERING Americans! |
World Bank Document lists Covid-19 program ending in March of 2025 - when they have vaccinated the whole world - leading to the DEATH of SIX BILLION Gentiles! |
And now the One World Satanic Religion appears to go along with the One World Government |
Jewish Media says WHITE people are BAD because they believe in politeness, hard work, self-reliance, logic, planning and family values: things JEWS HATE! |
Jewish Media says WHITE people are BAD because they believe in politeness, hard work, self-reliance, logic, planning and family values: things JEWS HATE! |
Jews HATE Whites because Whites are “normal” and Jews are horribly dysfunctional and neurotic - because they HATE Jesus Christ |
Australian Adept Unveiled World Satanic Control |
Seniors dying ALONE all over the world, and the Jews Love it because their “Holy” book - the Talmud - tells them that the rest of us are lower than beasts. |
"Tyrants waging war against their own citizens”? It’s Satanic JEWS Waging WAR Against GENTILES!!!! |
This is ALL a Charade, folks! Donald Trump is NOT a “white supremacist” - Donald Trump is a JEW!!!! (Jews do NOT consider themselves “white” - they are JEWS!) |
The Pope (ALSO a JEW) says New World Order needs to happen now (with Jews - who control it) in charge of ALL nations of the world (so they can SLAUGHTER Gentiles) |
(Jew) Putin says First Communist Soviet Government was 80% Jewish! Wake Up America! The Jews run America and the World and they plan to slaughter ALL Gentiles |
Covid-19 Vaccination will eliminate your independence, your morality, your spirituality - and make you into a slave for the New World Order |
The Jews say: "You Gentiles must wear Diapers on your face and Diapers on your bottom - because you are nothing more than animals!” |
New York Times says everyone will still have to wear masks AFTER they get vaccinated. (The masks are a sign of servility of the GOYIM (Gentiles) who the Jews says are “lower than beasts.” |
The Illuminati Jews’ Plan is to RELEASE all the Murderers, rapists and child molesters to harm and Kill the Gentiles: to bring Satanism to America |
Stimulus Relief: $900 BILLION for Wall Street and $ 600.00 for the people |
(Jew) New York Mayor de Blasio admits he is a Communist by admitting their goal is the “redistribution of wealth” - the “wealth” of the Gentile regular folk (NOT the Jews wealth, of course) |
Half of all U.S. States Plan to Deny White People Covid-19 Vaccinations!! GREAT NEWS for those of us who are WHITE!! |
The JEWS of the World Economic Forum, including Hybrid Klaus Schwab, have published articles on their website saying we Goyim (lower than beasts) should eat Weeds and drink Sewage |
How the Wealthy Jews are producing a SLAVERY system for the rest of us |
Interview with Lin Wood gives the truth about Justice Roberts, Mike Pence and others |
Satanism is the Religion of DEATH |
The Police State is coming for Christians and Pro-life Activists and those the Jewish Communists call “Religious Extremists” |
Religious books seized and burned in Communist China: Believers given Jail Terms (Coming to America!!) |
72 Types of Americans that are considered “Potential Terrorists” in official government documents: This is the way Jews plan to get rid of Christians and ALL Gentiles!! |
Passengers on Flight to Beijing forced to undergo ANAL SWABS: This is COMMUNISM! ALL you Liberals - this is what you voted for! |
(JEWS) Bill and Melinda Gates say, “We want all of you Gentiles to be STUPID! We are funding a group that promotes Math as "Racist." |
JEW New York Times warns AGAINST Critical Thinking: Says it’s Snobbish - Admitting that JEWS want Gentiles to be Stupid! |
Private jet-owning, Porsche-loving (Jew) Bill Gates wants YOU (Gentiles) to cut emissions |
Merkel urges Germans to take vaccine, but refuses to take it herself. Why? Because SHE is a JEW - and the “vaccine” is here to KILL Gentiles! |
California curriculum urges students to chant to Aztec deities human sacrifice and cannibalism |
Vaccines and masks mandatory for goyim (Gentiles) but NOT for (Jewish) Hollywood celebrities |
Jews plan to eliminate the white race, but strengthen and “keep pure” the Jewish race, for World Domination! |
Biden’s SLEW of JEWS: Jews are 1.2% of the U.S. population but make up 70% of the U.S. Government!!! |
Doctors now want to deliver care based on race: Minorities will get preferential care (to further ELIMINATE the White Race) |
JEW Boris Johnson wants the WORLD vaccinated by the end of 2022: The Jews are “hot on the road” to EXTERMINATION of the Gentiles! |
Here are the members of the World Business Council on Sustainable Development controlled by the (JEW) Rothschilds, who run the world. If Corporations don’t agree, they are Out of Business! |
(Jew) Obama says New Religions will arise after contact with aliens: Of course - it will be SATANISM! That’s their goal anyway! |
Wall Street/Black Rock buying up homes nationwide to turn middle class into renters |
JEW Professor says, “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to ABOLISH the WHITE RACE” |
“Critical Race Theory” is a Jewish Intellectual Weapon: Jews HATE Christians and ALL Gentiles and ALL Goodness |
San Francisco tells ALL City workers to get Covid-19 VAX or GET FIRED (Except JEWS are Exempted because of their “religious belief” (a desire NOT to DIE??) |
Jew Doctor states that Gentiles are Sub-human |
Gov. Newsom’s daughter will PRETEND to get the Jab - but it will be SALINE! JEWS are being given Saline! Gentiles are being MURDERED! |
Post in Jews HATE Christians and ALL Gentiles |
JEW Rothschild agents seizing homes and bank accounts of Australians: Why? Because they are WHITE - JEWS HATE Whites and ALL Gentiles! |
Satanic Billionaire amateur architect designs college dorm with NO WINDOWS - unhealthier than a prison - designed to create disease and death! |
See All the JEWS in high positions who want to MURDER ALL of us Gentiles, especially Christians |
(JEW) Klaus Schwab - a (JEW) Rothschild - has a school to train young JEWS to exterminate Gentiles
Jews HATE Gentiles - and want them DEAD! Even Jews Admit it! |
How Jews fought to make sure Thanksgiving was not celebrated as a Christian holiday in America |
CDC Official says, “KILL ALL THE WHITES” because they are the ones refusing the Kill Shots! |
(Jew) Governor Newsom vacations in Cabo San Lucas at a $29,000 PER NIGHT Villa while Extending Covid State of Emergency for California (peasants!!) |
(Jewish-Controlled) U.S. Government OWNS the Covid Kill Shot they are MANDATING everyone to take - to KILL THEM! |
JEW, Deborah Birx, says, “We no longer have the flu.” She tells the most egregious LIES to promote the KILLING of Gentiles |
19 Federal agencies consider tracking religious exemption requests: The Plan? To ELIMINATE ALL CHRISTIANS! |
Proposed law in Maryland would allow mothers to MURDER their babies up to 28 days AFTER birth!!! |
Jews are the Biggest Bigots of all: They hate Blacks and everyone else who is not Jewish! |
Pfizer CEO says, “4th shot is now necessary” (because I want a new yacht, and because we Jews want all you Gentiles DEAD!) |
Assad says, “Israel is planning to displace Christians across the region” |
Jewish Rabbi says, “We Jews are Aliens who have come to earth to Conquer the Gentiles.” |
Home Depot Shaming Staff for “White Privilege” and being Christian |
Washington State School Board adopts race-based discipline system: white students to get harsher punishments for same offenses as non-white |
Washington State School district will encourage teachers to give harsher punishments to white students |
Epstein Victim Maria Farmer Discusses How the Jews Think They’re Superior to EVERYONE ELSE! |
Court rules that Police can inflict (unnecessary and punitive) pain on citizens |
Satanic Jew Yuval Noah Harari of WEF says, “Freewill is over. Humans are hackable animals.” |
Most of the Top 25 medical schools are teaching “woke” nonsense and anti-white HATE to their students |
It was the Jewish Bolsheviks who took over Russia. They HATEd Russians. They HATED Christians. They tortured and slaughtered MILLIONS of them.
Jews HATE Gentiles, according to Jewish Professor Israel Shahak |
Video - Jews are the most bigoted group on earth: Look how they treat the Palestinians |
More evidence the Texas School “Shooting” was a False Flag: 2 Fathers grieve about the “SAME” daughter!!! |
During segregation, from the 1930’s to the 1960’s, Black families and Black businesses flourished - until the Jew Democrats put Blacks into poverty! |
Rent your cast of “grieving parents” here for the next Jewish, Communist, Criminal False Flag attack! |
More bigoted, racist, slanderous quotes from the Jews about the beast-like, worthless nature of Gentiles
JEW SPLC Brags and Admits that White Genocide was planned for America a LONG Time Ago! |
America is now the only country in the world that authorizes covid shots for infants: Jews have to destroy those white babies! |
CONFIRMED: (Jew) Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Reduces Sperm Count in men (Deliberate Population Extermination) |
Why the (Jews) Democrats want to get rid of the suburbs - and get everyone into high rise tiny apartments (while rich Jews keeping their own mansions) |
Exterminating the Goyim (Gentiles) is the basis of the Jewish Cabala |
MORE LIES of the JEWS! “Friends” TV show is NOT “All White” - “Friends” is "ALL JEWS"! JEWS do NOT consider themselves “White” - they HATE Whites! |
(Jew-owned) Moderna to build mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility in Australia - to kill off a whole continent of white people |
Jewish Satanist Agenda: Kill Anyone Who Believes in God |
The JEWS’ War on Whites: In 1960, U.S. was 90% White, now it’s 55% White. Murders have Increased and Cops’ ability to solve Murders has Decreased |
‘Dehumanization' of Police in Europe |
Jewish Doctor says, “We have to get rid of all the Whites.” |
JEWISH Big Pharma wants to put an end to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that can make you healthy: They want ALL GENTILES DEAD! |
Covid’s Talmudic Origins |
The Real Story of the Jewish Communist Assault against Christian Germany during WWII |
Pfizer is an anagram for Lucifer |
Ruby Ridge Remembered: We must NEVER Forget the SLAUGHTER of Innocent Americans by our Jewish Communist Government! |
Israel Shahak: The Laws against non-Jews in 2 minutes |
The JEWS’ Plan to eliminate the White Race |
Ukraine War - Jewish (Chabad Lubavitch’s) Strategy for White (Slav) Genocide |
Jews try to take the place of God: they think they can implant chips in your brain that will make you better than God created you! (It’s ALL about CONTROL!) |
Elitist Jews ADMIT their goal is to Exterminate Gentiles - ESPECIALLY Christians!: Read it! |
BIGOT - White-hater - Dr. Carol Baker at the CDC has a solution for those of us who refuse their JEW vaccines!! Find out what it is! |
Jewish Ritual Murder |
Freemasonry is a way for the Jews to OWN Gentiles, also it controls Rotary Int’l. the Lions’ Club, and Freemason
started the Jehovah’s Witness and Mormon churches |
Documentary links (Jewish) Queen Elizabeth and (Jewish) Royal family to Pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse |
5 Rabbis CONFIRM Destruction of the US (Edom) is part of the Jews’ Plan for Taking Over the World! Jews HATE Christ and Christianity! |
How (JEW) Stalin STARVED to DEATH MILLIONS of Gentile Christian Farmers in the (PLANNED) Ukrainian Famine: This is what the Jews are doing again NOW to Gentiles! |
Covid 19 “Vaccine” glows - possibly to identify who is vaxxed and who isn’t - plus probably eveen more sinister reasons |
Communist JEW Justin Trudeau offers Toll-free Hotline for ASSISTED DYING (for ALL the Goyim!)
JEWISH CDC Votes (apparently) Unanimously to MURDER Gentile children, including 6-month-old babies! |
Jewish Rabbis ALL say that Christians (and all White People) are “Edom” and will be DESTROYED! |
RACIST, BIGOT JEW Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, tells how the organization was developed to eliminate the human WEEDS of the population |
Satanic Temple appearing at Gay Pride events to Un-baptize people: receive upside down cross on their forehead and say, “Hail Satan” - - They’re ready for the New World Order! |
Let us not forget: The JEWS want to KILL US ALL! |
Here comes the Cashless Society: So they can keep true Patriots, Christians and other government dissenters from Buying and Selling (Rev 13:17) |
The JEWISH Kalergi plan to ELIMINATE the White Race so JEWS can Rule the World |
NATO Sacrifices Ukraine - That’s the job of (JEW) Zelensky: to MAKE SURE Ukrainian people (GENTILES) are DESTROYED! |
(Jew) Bill Clinton gave the speech at (Jew) Rothschild’s funeral (instead of the family head: Jacob Rothschild) |
Who sacrifices children and drinks their Blood? |
Absolute EVIDENCE that U.S. Government - already controlled by the Jews through Jewish President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (AKA Rosenvelt) - PROVOKED Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor and MURDERING 2,403 innocent American Sailors |
JEWS go full on RACIST: JEWS can’t wait to eliminate Whites in order to take over the World for themselves!
Google |
The Jews Totally Destructive Mission: Annihilation of ALL Christians and ALL Gentiles |
Pope Francis Admits an “elegant demon” is lurking in the Vatican: A demonic presence is present above the White House in U.S.
World War I: Christmas truce among WHITE GENTILE British and German military men - stopped the war (temporarily) that was orchestrated by the JEWS! |
How Jewish Marxism/Communism infiltrated the black community, turning it from a successful, ambitious, enterprising, Christian community into a bunch of whining thugs and criminals, blaming all their problems on “white supremacy” and racism |
WEF orders public to bathe once a week or less to “save the planet” |
“Civil Rights Movement” was a Communist Jewish Scam |
Jews Promote “Human Composting” for Gentiles when they die (because they believe Gentiles are GARBAGE anyway). Again, this is for Gentiles - NOT for Jews! |
The Eco-movement that’s hoping for humanity’s extinction is REALLY the JEWS’ Plan to EXTERMINATE Gentiles (especially Christians) |
IRS targeted poorest taxpayers while millionaires went mostly unscathed in 2022 report |
More Moronic Stupidity by the Jewish Communists (who want to destroy ALL Gentiles): Roads are Racist! |
Man wearing Jesus Saves shirt thrown out of mall for not removing it |
Chabad defector: Jewish Racism is behind the “Vaccine” Holocaust and WW3 |
The Jews Are The Terrorists
ISIS Using Weapons Made In Israel |
60% INCREASE in Property Tax in Toronto coming soon. That’s how the Jews will confiscate your property - and make you HOMELESS1 |
The "Promotion of Tolerance" means you can’t say anything about Jews, LGBQ, black murderers, or anyone else the Jews are promoting, but you CAN say hateful things (and even KILL) Christians and white people |
Smithsonian Museum says “white” culture is a culture of - - - MATURITY: objective, rational thinking, planning for the future, hard work, delayed gratification - - - - MATURITY! |
Crash the economy: Burn the Cities; Infect (and KILL) the people - - the Evil Plan of the Communist Jews to DESTROY America and the Gentiles! |
"There is no alternative to getting vaccinated. It is our patriotic duty,” say 3 JEWISH doctors. (Great way to KILL Gentiles!) |
Fields of human cages in Caruthers, CA (near Fresno) |
World Banks offered Belarus $940 Million Coronavirus loan but ONLY if they locked the country down and destroyed the economy |
Jew Bill Gates: Pervert, Thief, Genocidal Maniac? |
Teacher Complains that Virtual Classroom will allow parents to witness Communist brainwashing of students |
Spiro Agnew, Nixon’s Vice President, was forced out of office. NO WONDER! He exposed the Criminality of the JEWS! |
Antifa “War Encampment” found in Portland, housing agitators who emerge from tests each night to Unleash CHAOS and VIOLENCE: FUNDED by City of Portland |
The country of Belarus was offered a $940 Million BRIBE from the World Bank to lock down the country and impose a curfew! |
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts says that, in order to win an Oscar, those involved must be BIGOTS and embrace Sexual Perversion |
CIA Created phrase “Conspiracy Theorists” to attack anyone who challenges the official narrative |
A DARPA-funded implantable Biochip to detect the COMMON COLD: It would be STUPID if we didn’t understand this is a ruse for a COMMUNIST TAKEOVER of America! |
The Washington Post’s Headlines on Scalia’s passing and Ginsburg’s passing: Why? Because Ginsburg was Jewish and Scalia was NOT! |
American Communist Public Health Experts say Mask Wearing is PERMANENT: “Muzzle the Useless Eaters!” |
California Gov. Newsom (Jew) signs bill opening the door for slavery reparations - in order to push MORE Californians into poverty - and to get a civil war started! |
Is Donald Trump being Murdered right before our eyes? |
Congressional Report proves that the institutions of marriage and family are being systematically destroyed in America: Just what Satan and his agents want! |
DOJ Investigation into Unmasking Ends with NO Charges: What do you expect? AG Bill Barr is a JEW - he takes his orders from the Rothschilds |
Myron Fagan Exposes the Illuminati |
This is what is planned for all of us: Detention in Concentration Camps, Loss of Freedom, Forced Vaccinations |
Dr. Richard Day revealed in 1969 - over 50 years ago - what the Jews Planned to do to Gentiles: And HERE IT IS! |
What’s Next? Re-education camps for American Christians - like in Communist China! |
Oregon decriminalizes hard drugs: Heron, Crack, Meth possession no longer considered criminal: The Jewish Illuminati wants Americans totally drugged out, so they won’t resist tyranny |
All-Powerful (and CRIMINAL) CDC calls for Concentration Camps in America, and invasion of your neighborhoods and homes |
Vaccine Whistleblower found dead (by her 9-year old son) after saying she would never commit suicide |
Assassination of (Gentile) U.S. President McKinley by a JEW! That’s what the Jews do: Assassinate our Presidents! |
Nashville “bombing” was Directed Energy Weapon Caught on Camera BEFORE Explosion |
Interesting how the Riots of 2020 ENDED Right after the ELECTION: Also, most of them took place in cities (and same area) where Federal Reserve Banks were located |
Hundreds of Dead Birds Fall From the Sky all over the world: EMF? |
After False Flag Attack on capitol by Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters, Prepare for Domestic Terrorism Bill and CONFISCATION of GUNS! |
POLICE ESCORT brings in Antifa by the busload for Rally! |
Evil Illuminati-controlled U.S. Government planning False Flag so Demented Biden can confiscate the guns! |
Court OKs barring High IQs for Cops: Police Departments want men and women who are easily controlled! |
Now that the Communist Democrats have successfully STOLEN the Election, they’ll begin allowing some people out of their houses!! |
The new ABSURDITY is Anal Swabs for Covid: ANYTHING the JEWS can do to Humiliate Gentiles! |
Warehouse in U.S. full of body bags! What are they preparing for? |
STUPID, LYING CDC says Super Bowl attendees can’t sing, or shout or cheer: That means they believe FAKE Covid-19 is in SALIVA! Then why the ANAL Swabs - except for HUMILIATION!!! |
Klaus Schwab on Transhumanism: Looks like he already got fused with something very weird! |
Jewish Communist Terror Coming for Your |
Here, Jacob Rothschild Explained How and Why - He ADMITS they’re putting together a One World Government under the HOAX of a Covid-19 Scamdemic |
They’re coming for your guns: It’s what the Illuminati Communist Jews ALWAYS do! |
Biden’s likely Ambassador to China: Jewish, Communist, Homosexual (married to a woman - does she know?) Rahm Emmanuel (brother of Ezekiel Emmanuel - who forced ObamaCare on us!) |
Have you ever seen SATAN in the flesh? Read this! |
You can bet that UN Chief Guterres is a JEW (I don’t care WHAT his name is): JEWS HATE Whites because Whites (years ago) stood for decency and honesty and Christian principles |
Now, Rank and File Jews in Israel see that Illuminati Jews HATE them, too - just like the rest of us! |
The perverse, degenerate, HYPOCRITE leaders of the U.S. Military want to HUMILIATE U.S. soldiers (mostly Gentiles) while continuing to turn a blind eye to sexual assaults against women. |
Couple smiling and laughing while being interviewed about shootings: False Flag shootings resuming - will lead to gun confiscation. |
Thomas Sowell: How the (Jewish-initiated) Welfare state destroyed the morality of the black community |
Cargo ship drew giant penis in Red Sea before blocking Suez Canal |
Read this article - but REMEMBER, Leonard Horowitz is “controlled opposition.” He is a Jew who does what the BIG Jews tell him to do! He is part of the Enemy! |
The Threat of a FAKE Alien Invasion is REAL!
It’s all playing out: Leaked document in 2020, showing everything they’re doing now |
(Jew-run) Pentagon did NOT cancel LifeLog project: it re-named it Facebook and gave it to (Jew) Zuckerberg to run |
Watch a Russian military recruitment ad, and then one for the U.S. military. The U.S. military is being destroyed from within by agents of the Jewish Illuminati |
Racist Netanyahu now deporting Black Jews from Israel |
How the governments have used psy-ops of FEAR to control the population! |
Canadian government lures children with ice cream to take Kill Shot WITHOUT Parental Consent
Very Important People said: Jews were Responsible for World War II (See Quotes) |
Jews have been censoring films, journalism and everything else for 100 years! |
Federal Government’s “Domestic Extremism” Committee is being run by the JEWS: (The ADL and the SPLC) |
Biden’s Jewish Handlers |
San Francisco Law Legalizing Shoplifting causes massive closure of stores leaving residents without |
Chabad Lubavitch: Jewish Supremacist Criminal Cult in League with Mossad |
Communist Jewish Terrorist, Susan Rosenberg, sits on the Board of Black Lives Matter (No Surprise!) |
Alexa (programmed by JEWS) says that Miami will be DESTROYED by a huge hurricane in 2025 |
Cyberattack Drills Going Live? |
LeBron James doesn’t realize that the JEWS run Everything (including China), and the JEWS HATE Blacks (they USE them - and then Discard them - like Martin Luther King) |
Surprise! Surprise! World Economic Forum Leader (Jew) Klaus Schwab is a ROTHSCHILD! |
NAIVE Piers Morgan doesn’t understand that the JEWS OWN China, Trump is a JEW and Fauci is most probably a JEW: the JEWS WANT you to point the finger at China (instead of at the JEWS) |
Orwellian Warning System in Melbourne: Getting Ready for What? |
Caught in the Act of Being Scripted: The JEWS OWN the Media!! |
France’s Defense Minister - a “Representative" of the Rothschild banking interests: No Surprise there! |
More Destruction of U.S. Military by the JEWS |
National Guard is Preparing for a Major Cyberattack to shut down utilities across the U.S. |
Jew-run Federal Government’s "Domestic Extremism” Committee is run by JEWISH ADL and JEWISH SPLC: Why am I NOT Surprised? |
Massive Pedophilia and murder by the Elitists |
UK Prime Minister (JEW) Boris Johnson’s Dad wrote a Novel in 1982 called “The Virus” used by the government for Population Extermination! |
Man sends saliva from pet lizard to (SCAMMERS) 23 and Me: comes back as 48% West Asian and 51% Ashkenazi Jew - Wow! They really ARE “the LIZARD people”! |
With Crypto Currency (Cashless Society) the government can control who can and cannot buy and sell (Right out of Revelation) |
I Read the News: Song Parody |
Pfizer won’t mandate Kill Shots for its employees! |
The Global Elite’s Plan to Take Your Property |
The REAL Demonic goals of the Covid Kill shots |
Albert Bourla, Pfizer Chairman and CEO, on why HE doesn’t need a Kill Shot (Real Reason: He is a JEW - and therefore not in the group to be exterminated!) |
The Lying, Corrupt, Communist Jewish CDC is now listing VACCINATED Covid-19 Deaths as UNvaccinated deaths if they die within 14 days of Vaccination! |
Jews did 9/11 |
Breaking New: Switzerland people are protesting at Rothschild’s castle |
Pfizer whistleblower shows that they want to keep secret that human fetal tissue is in the Covid Kill Shot! |
Mainstream Media bought and paid for by Pfizer |
Treasury Secretary (JEW) Janet Yellen says the world needs to spend $150 TRILLION to fight (NON-Existent) Climate change: that’s more the entire world GDP |
When the Jews finally kill off the Gentiles, they will still constantly fight with each other - - OVER MONEY - Their god! |
Israeli kids being taught genocide of Non-Jews - and they are HAPPY about Non-Jews being KILLED! |
Former “Men in Black” CIA Operative tells the Horrors to come (just as Revelation - in the Bible does) |
Well, well, well! Now they ADMIT they can vaccinate you through your nose - with the “TEST”!
(Jew) Pope John Paul II “BLESSED” (Jew) Pedophiles Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell: How’s that for religious CORRUPTION! |
(JEW) Jacob Rothschild ADMITS: the Covid “pandemic” is FAKE, the Kill Shots are gene-altering, and the goal is a One World Government of Elites and Slaves |
Bank Accounts Will be Seized |
Rothschild Jewish Communist Plan for America is to restrict interstate travel |
CDC ADMITS that the (TOTALLY FAKE) Covid “Pandemic” was the product of a “test” that does NOT test for ANYTHING! (They knew that from the beginning!) |
How the world has become addicted to Tik Tok - and how DAMAGING it is! (That is the Point!) |
Satanic Jew Klaus Schwab’s “Global Leaders for Tomorrow” has trained Zuckerburg, Pete Buttigieg, Angela Merkel and others as Communist Tyrants |
It’s Coming in 2 weeks! Biden’s latest irrational move to obliterate the U.S. economy |
Japanese PM gets busted using a FAKE needle! |
Satanist Klaus Schwab (his mother was a Rothschild) has them ALL in his pocket |
“Most Jews are Thieves” said (Jew) David Ben Gurion, founding father of Israel |
Zelensky (Jew) finds time to talk with Sean Penn (Jew) while Putin (Jew) bombs Ukraine!!!! Something Stinks Here! |
"Major Cyber Attack coming, and We are NEVER going back to life as usual” says (JEW) Klaus Schwab! |
New California Assembly Bill introduced: If a Doctor tells the TRUTH about the Covid KILL SHOT, he or she will LOSE his or her Medical License! COMMUNISM! |
Russia puts an end to another Crime Against Humanity by Ukraine Government: Crimea’s fresh drinking water has been restored |
Putin threatens to release satellite evidence of 9/11 showing “Controlled Demolition” by U.S. Government (using Israeli forces) |
The Ukraine Lie: Psychological Warfare exposed |
Listen to the Donbas residents who have been attacked by the Ukrainian government for the last 8 years - video |
Ivanka Trump is one of Klaus Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” at the World Economic Forum (WEF) |
HUGE Amounts of Oil in Alaska: Biden’s handlers won’t allow it to be used! Keep prices HIGH on purpose! They HATE us! |
All the Jews can do is - - DESTROY! They have NO idea how to Build ANYTHING! Their leader is Satan! |
Plan for the Elite Jewish Globalists to ban use of cars by us Gentiles (so THEY can use ALL the oil and gas they want) |
Blackrock: Artificial Intelligence called Aladdin is in Control |
Why are they Really pushing Electric Vehicles? It’s NOT about Climate Change - it’s about Control! |
JEWISH New York Times Attacks Christians: Demands America Get Rid of God! |
Gangs of thieves in Los Angeles start attacking the rich |
They REALLY Want us DEAD! Dangerous Rhode Island bill would impose monthly fines and double taxes on Unvaxxed |
Electric vehicles have a dark side too: Blood batteries and child labor |
It was ALL Planned YEARS AGO: Food Chain reaction simulation ends with Global Carbon Tax |
The Whole World is Israel’s Bitch: Florida Governor DeSantis says HOW MUCH he loves EVERYTHING about Israel! |
Roe vs Wade Supreme Court “leak" was an ORCHESTRATED: Just another False Flag to create MORE Chaos!! |
Sky in Chinese city turns blood red |
Rockefeller Foundation: All JEWS except for a few minorities that JEWS think are Stupid and easy to Control! (See the Jewish Talmud!) |
Russia-Ukraine Jewish Fake War Theater: How the JEWS Create the Crisis and Manipulate the Prices - and the WORLD! |
The Reason Gaddafi was Murdered by the Jews who control the U.S. and the world |
(Jew) Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile ranch in New Mexico in the middle of nowhere: given permission by gov’t Bureau of Land Management!!! |
How the CIA conducted secret LSD experiments on unwitting U.S. citizens: The U.S. government is a corrupt, criminal enterprise |
Globalist Jewish Klaus Schwab's WEF plans to control citizen's minds using sound waves |
Jew George Soros buys up ALL Spanish-speaking radio stations in America ahead of midterms |
The Deliberate Societal COLLAPSE of the U.S. with Mass Casualty Violence - all PLANNED and Funded by the Illuminati Jews |
Illuminati JEWS CONTROL the Left AND the Right! |
U.S. Department of Defense ADMITS it has 46 military Biolabs in Ukraine (undoubtedly for making bioweapons) |
West NEEDS WW3 to cover up Financial Collapse (and to KILL more people) |
(Jew-Controlled) Big Pharma set to control entire food supply (so they can STARVE you to death!) |
Jewish Rothschilds murdered at least 7 U.S. presidents |
Castro: Gay, Jewish Billionaire, CIA asset |
Has Joe Biden been replaced with FAKE Latex Mask wearing actors? |
The $15 Billion dollar Jewish Big Pharma SCAM that has killed and maimed possibly millions of non-Jews (which is the Jew’s goal!) |
DON’T BE FOOLED! Ron DeSantis is part of - - - - THEM! Just like Trump and Putin! |
Vax Murderers |
How to Spot a False Flag |
IRS hiring special agents to target white middle class and who are willing to KILL! |
"Woke Airline policies threaten safety," workers say |
Dec 13, 2022 - the End of Cash? A Cashless society is necessary for true Christians to be prohibited from buying or selling (See Revelation 13:17) |
Unscrupulous, degenerate Jews at the CDC NOW ADMIT, Covid 19 is not really a problem - - after KILLING and MAIMING Millions! |
Hundreds of children diagnosed with childhood dementia |
Ann Heche, Congresswoman Jackie Walorski, Michael Hastings: ALL “Car Hacking Assassinations? Because they were telling the TRUTH! |
Canada announces MILLIONS in funding for Covid-isolation sites (actually Concentration Camps!) |
California Governor Newsom (JEW) set to pass nation’s first law to punish doctors for TELLING the TRUTH about the Covid FRAUD! |
No transmission from vaccinated persons: It is Radiation! |
Christianity Quickly Diminishing in U.S. (Get ready for the One World Religions of Jewish Satanism!) |
Shocking Document: How the (Jewish-controlled) U.S. planned the war and energy crisis in Europe |
Predictive Programming: What are they planning for Sept 23 or 24? And is it this year? |
German Legislator lets slip - Sept 24! Again, WHAT are they planning? |
World Banking Explained in 2 Minutes |
Zelensky and NATO plan to Transform Post-War Ukraine into “a Big Israel” (Does the world need ‘another’ Israel???) |
Demented Pedophile, Joe Biden, signs executive order designed to unleash "Transhumanist Hell” on America |
(Jew) Soros funded the overthrow of the Ukrainian government, then started bombing their own citizens in Donbass who wanted to join Russia |
Former NFL player Dwight Smith Admits the NFL is RIGGED! “It’s Entertainment, Man!” |
What the JEWS have purposely done: U.S. Military so WEAK now that it would be a struggle for U.S. to win a war. Now we can just be taken over by Communist China or Communist Russia! |
Documents Reveal Jews in Israel Tried to Poison Palestinian Wells |
Spanish Farmers fined 300 Euros after Cow Moose “too loud.” |
Jew-controlled White House Approves 24th Weapons Transfer to Ukraine, for the express purpose of DESTROYING America’s Defenses - so Jew-controlled China can take over America without a shot |
JEW Elon Musk bows to his Jewish handlers, committing to de-platform anyone who tells the truth about the Jews |
New Political ad for Creeper Joe - Watch! |
Kanye West threatened with MK Ultra Programming by Jewish trainer |
(JEW) Elon Musk is COMMANDED by his Higher JEWISH Handlers in the UN - to make SURE NO ONE Exposes the LIES of the Jews! |
How Jews Stay out of the Military and How They Laugh at the Dumb “Goyim” Who Fight (and Die) While the Jews Profit |
Electric Vehicle makers are quietly switching to a battery type that has even less driving range |
(JEWS) Hillary and Bill Clinton: Murder, Inc. - see just a few of their victims: video
These Jews are “sounding the alarm” about the coming DEPRESSION (not just a recession) because THEY are the ones who are instrumental in Causing it, as agents of the Jewish Rothschilds. |
(Jew) Zelensky asks US for chemical weapons to kill his own (Gentile) Ukrainian people |
Klaus Schwab says, “God is Dead” and Jesus is “Fake News: and the WEF is acquiring DIVINE Powers (Right! - - from SATAN!) |
Booga Booga - and MORE Booga: “Ancient virus lain frozen in Siberian permafrost for 48,5000 years is revived” (You Idiot LIARS: the earth is only 6,000 years old - AND viruses don’t even exist!) |
Climate Lockdowns to begin in the UK |
Ex-wife (Kay Griggs) of highly ranked colonel unveils the Jewish Illuminati and Jewish Crime syndicate that runs America: Also, Astronaut Neil Armstrong is a LIAR - NEVER went to the Moon |
America is Under Attack by these 469 MSM Journalists funded by (EVIL JEW) George Soros |
IRS Agents confirm that you are not required to pay income tax |
Mammoth Mountain in CA closes because of TOO MUCH snow: Those Jews running America better get out there and start draining the reservoirs to FAKE the drought! |
Evil, Jew-owned New York Times says Mass surveillance and Censorship brings “its own kind of freedom!” Right! It’s called SLAVERY! |
How the Rothschilds control all the CEOs of major corporations, so they “speak” with ONE Voice - and support ALL the filth, degeneracy, and chaos that the Rothschilds order them to support |
Banned Video showing that Blacks are being used (by
Illuminati Jews) to destroy America - exactly what Communists
do: USE the lower classes by promising them money
and power, and then abandon them. |
Fake News is the Enemy of the People - and ALL the MEDIA is OWNED by the JEWS! |
How the Jews USE the Blacks to bring in Communism -
and then ABANDON the Blacks |
Satanist Insider: Humanity is being Enslaved |
Author Economist Peter Koenig, why don’t you grow up and get some backbone and stop calling them “Deep State” or “the Beast” or “obscure individuals” - - - They are ILLUMINATI SATAN-WORSHIPING JEWS!! |
Why can you live in Hiroshima and not Chernobyl |
Jared Polis, Jewish homosexual - and extremely childish - Governor of Colorado, and slave of the Jewish Rothschilds, is now demonizing intelligent Americans who THINK - calling them “selfish bastards” |
How the UN plans to make people move in to Smart cities an Go Vegan |
Jews Enraged when George Soros told the truth and Admitted in 2001 that Jews like himself CAUSE Antisemitism |
Jews Demand NAACP fire leader for warning fellow blacks that Jews Rule Over Them (which is TRUE!) |
Proof of a bomb hitting building in Beirut |
WHO Director Tedros Adhanom, Gay, Red Terrorist, Heads Global Lockdown: Sickening! |
Fields of human cages in Caruthers, CA (near Fresno) |
The Communist Rothschild-19 Virus: Their BLATANT LIES! |
Australia: Authorities give themselves power to remove children from parents to ensure Covid compliance. This is SATANIC! |
Jews Prove they STILL Control the NAACP |
It’s the JEWS who are the Financial CRIMINALS in the world - and they want to blame it on the “White men in suits” |
My, My - - “Guardian Angels” on the rise patrolling NYC streets; Moms, teachers, join ranks BUT they are ALL wearing shirts with the JEWISH SATANIC ILLUMINATI Logo!!!
Woman who died in February, gets notified of “Positive Covid test she took in June.” The Jews really know how to LIE!! |
Obama “shadow government" training thousands of terrorists at Communist Alinsky Camps |
It’s the Jewish LACK of Values and HATE for Jesus Christ that has DESTROYED our Planet |
Communist Jew California Governor Newsom announces ban on all gas-powered cars by 2035: Welcome to the Communist New World Order!!! |
In the ‘Age of Covid” - it is “Delivery” - including of materials for RIOTS - from George Soros - NOT a "rich white liberal" - a Rich JEW Liberal! |
The Zionist Jew World Order |
Fukushima to release MORE Radioactive water into Pacific Ocean, killing FAR MORE Fish and Sea Creatures that are already DEAD! |
After China “did its job” by faking the “pandemic” - it’s back to work as usual. Apparently no mask and no social distancing. Why? Because it’s ALREADY COMMUNIST! |
Biden spoke of “Dark Winter” coming: Code words from George Orwell’s “1984” when EVERYTHING except working is forbidden! The Jews LOVE to torment the Gentiles! |
Massive 5G beaming drones set to take over the world’s skies |
GENIUS move by Trump: Every Ballot was marked with sophisticated, trackable "water-marked” when it was printed BEFORE the election, so ALL fake ballots can be identified, and all “lost” ballots can be electronically traced. |
The Covid 19 Vaccine will CHANGE your DNA - you will become a GMO person. They will then be able to patent you - and OWN you. |
Chabad Lubavitch: the most vicious of all the Jewish Sects, ADMITS that they plan to CONQUER the WORLD! (Jared Kushner is a member of Chabad Lubavitch) |
The Curse of Asymptomatic Transmission |
Risk Assessment Brain Scans and implantable chips to read your thoughts: Those are the next plans the Illuminati Jews have for you! |
Looks like the Illuminati Jews, who OWN Russia and China, are planning to CRUSH the U.S. - to bring in the NWO - then the Illuminati JEWS can BLAME it on Russia or China - so NO ONE will point the finger at the JEWS! |
The “Surge in Covid Cases” is SO HUGE that the healthcare workers are back to their dancing!!!!! WAKE UP TO THE SCAM, FOLKS!!! |
“Show Us the Evidence” Scientists Rightly Claim that it’s IMPOSSIBLE for the government to “know” that the New Strain of Covid is 70% more infectious: Just MORE LIES! |
California Doctor FIRED for Questioning Lockdowns |
Vaccines will “not be mandatory” but you won’t be able to go anywhere or do anything if you Don’t get them!! |
Covid-19 means: Certificate of Vaccine Identification - and the 19 stands for AI (Artificial Intelligence) - the first and 9th letters in the alphabet |
JEWISH Facebook is encouraging Violence and MURDER against those who Facebook declares as an “enemy” |
Watch U.S. Troops TURNED THEIR BACKS to Biden |
SATANIC Evangelical Zionist indoctrination of Christian children, saying “JEWS are Better than us.” Horrific LIES!! |
They’re flying empty planes from London to LA! Excuse me - - what about the environment, you filthy-rich hypocrites?
The (Jewish-controlled) U.S. Government LIED about the non-existent Swine Flu in 1976, just like they’re LYING NOW with the non-existent Covid-19 |
Percentage of people identifying as LGBTQ by generation - actually by DEgeneration - as the DEbauchery escalates!
Nurse Publicly Resigns saying, “It’s ALL Lies. The hospitals are NOT over-run, they are empty!” |
Toronto Residents now allowed to leave their house anymore |
Jew-controlled DARPA created Facebook to SPY on every American. Then they gave it to Zuckerberg to run. |
This says it all: Time magazine cover, January 1999, “How genetic engineering will change us in the next century” |
Suspiciously accurate predictions made in 1956: Watch! |
The Human Target: Directed energy weapons and electronic warfare |
San Francisco LEGALIZES Shoplifting! Satan certainly rules that city! |
Why are the Illuminati Jews throwing Bill Gates under the bus? They don’t care if he had affairs with 100 women! Something else is going on! |
Fauci is a Liar and a Fraud (and probably a Jew!) |
MORE evidence the Jewish Illuminati Satanists want to destroy what God created: the family! |
Klaus Schwab is a Rothschild |
IMPORTANT: Find out WHO is Your ENEMY! |
(JEW) Zuckerberg wants churchgoers to connect with God on Facebook (so they can spy on everything you do) |
Elite Satanists hiding in plain sight |
Physicians who tell the TRUTH about Covid (called “misinformation” by the Govt) may lose their license |
Australians will be forced to get “booster Covid shots” - - - UNTIL THEY’RE ALL DEAD! |
1995 speech by Luciferian Freemason: Mandatory vaccines coming that will contain liquid crystal receivers of frequency waves that will “turn you into a Zombie” |
America has lost its freedom because America has Left God!! |
Satanic Control of the World |
FDA Exposed as a CRIMINAL body parts cartel involved in routine harvesting of organs from LIVING human babies |
Longshoreman in Long Beach proves Ships are NOT BEING ALLOWED to Dock |
Evil, Satanic Jew Klaus Schwab talks about gene-editing and CHANGING “what it means to be human” |
666??? Really? If you didn’t think the numbers were FAKE before, think again!!! |
Wealthy Jewish Rothschilds suffer from enormous amount of mental illness caused by incestuous marriages (to keep the money in the family) |
Another type of lockdown is coming: Climate Change Lockdown: limited use of your car, no red meat, and planned electricity blackouts |
LYING JEW Schumer gives insane “warning”: Climate change will cause each year to be worse and worse (until we murder all you Gentiles!) |
Your e-mail is not private |
UK inches closer to eliminating private ownership of cars |
Covid Crisis Actors Working Overtime - Watch! |
UK Government ADMITS that vaccines have DAMAGED the natural immune system: Also ADMITS that PCR Test DOESN’T WORK! “Pandemic is a HOAX!” |
Bill Gates: Porn addict, Pervert, Crypto-Jew, Control-Freak Killer |
PROPAGANDA! Ukraine body bag Crisis Actor can’t stay still; keeps adjusting his body bag!!! |
New York Times PROOF! Hitler did NOT want War: War was started by (Jews) Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin |
Sarah Palin announces for US House seat wearing necklace of her Controllers! |
Jewish LIARS at the CDC use 6 Double standards to justify Covid KILL SHOTS |
Communist Jew Barack Obama says Free Speech has NO PLACE in America Anymore! |
Members of Congress, their aides and Federal Courts are Exempt from Vaccine Mandate! |
Another JEW to lead the “Disinformation” Board. Jews only know how to LIE. LYING is CONDONED by their “holiest” book - the Babylonian Talmud!
New World Order plans to track where and when you travel, what you are eating and products you are consuming: Welcome to Jewish Communist Bolshevism! |
Government admits to “accidentally” started TWO fires that merged and caused the LARGEST fire in New Mexico’s history! “Accidentally”? Oh, sure! |
Facebook is receiving sensitive medical information from hospital websites |
The Evil Jewish cabal continues: virtual children, virtual pets, and complete mind control |
Bill moves forward to legalize all psychedelic drugs in State of California: (Get everyone on drugs - and no one will protest Population Extermination!) |
“Holocaust” is a LIE! The Camps were Work Camps, NOT “extermination” camps! |
21 Goals of the Jewish Illuminati and the Committee of 300 |
They’re ALL Jews, and they’re ALL LIARS. Their “holy” book, the Talmud CONDONES LYING - because the Talmud is SATANIC Paganism! |
The Jewish CDC LIARS are at it again: “Monkeypox cases increase by 500 in 5 days.” “Monkeypox” is a “cover” for the side effects of the Vax! |
Michigan city Decriminalizes Public Urination, Defecation and Littering - - for Equity! Communism is Jewish! |
Communist Jew, Trudeau, moves ahead with WEF’s plan to ABOLISH farms by 2030 (probably sooner to starve all of us goyim to death)! |
It’s not hard to see why the Media would NEVER Expose the Satanic Jews of Big Pharma - especially Pfizer! |
The CRIMINALS at the Jewish-controlled FDA believe they can dictate what foods are good for you. Don’t Trust Them - for ANYTHING! |
How the U.S. Government MURDERED Truth-seeker, journalist, Dorothy Kilgallen when she was discovering the truth about the MURDER of JFK (by the SAME U.S. Government) |
(JEW) John Kerry (real name Kohn) says the Great Reset will take place FASTER than anyone believes! |
World War I: First Christian Holocaust |
Arms to Ukraine? Only about 30% actually get there: U.S. and NATO are purposely arming international Criminal GANGS who prey on civilians, while U.S. is trying to deny guns to U.S. citizens |
Jews LIE, STEAL and DESTROY! That’s what they DO! |
The Ugly Truth about the Anti-Defamation of the B’nai B’rith |
YouTube and other social media seem to have no problem with denigration of Christ and Christians: the only ones you are not allowed to tell the truth about - are Jews! |
Climate Change Lockdowns in the UK: Soon to be coming to the U.S. and the world - The world is now in a Jewish/Communist Prison! |
Bill Gates Caught Admitting to inner circle that “Climate Change” is a WEF SCAM
A MAJOR Move toward a Cashless Society |
B’nai B’rith Jews Mocked Masons for “Joining Jewish Plot” |
Pfizer apparently using fetal tissue in the vaccine and withholding information from the public |
See how life REALLY was for Jews in German “Death” Camps! Expose the LIES! |
U.S. - A Jewish Police State
You have NO Choices: The JEWS OWN EVERYTHING! |
WHO now says your child’s presence in school counts as “Informed Consent” for Vaccination. Parental presence or consent is NOT required |
Both BLM and Antifa are (Jew-controlled) US government financed projects to “divide and conquer” America
The Global Collapse will be like nothing ever seen before: Total Disintegration of the World shows Bible Prophecy being fulfilled through political events |
Actress Anne Heche and Republican Jackie Walorski Deaths linked to CIA “DNX” Murder Device |
Jews call these traits “White Supremacy” because Jews DON’T have them: Goodness, honesty, courage, respectability |
Jewish Patriot and Hero, Meyer Fagan, Exposes the Evils of the United Nations (run by Jews) |
Memphis Police Department Trained in ISRAEL!!!! |
20 Minute neighborhoods starting in UK: Soon to come to U.S. - Jews forcing us to be PRISONERS in our own neighborhood |
Jews Own And Run The Catholic Church
Who Was Hitler?
Quotes from Hitler you have NEVER heard! |
What Jews Think About The Jews
Jewish Pedophilia, Corruption and Degenercy
DeSean Jackson learns that Black Lives Matter ONLY if
Blacks get on their knees to praise the JEWS!!!! |
The Big Jew-owned Corporations received BIG BAILOUTS - and So Did the Mega-churches who believe the Jews are God’s “Chosen People! Guess Who’s Running Everything! |
(Jewish) Hollywood is run by pedophiles who sacrifice and torture children |
Pedophiles are sharing “Grooming” Manuals online and, according to the JEWS who own the internet platforms, it’s perfectly legal! |
Here it is! The beginning of acceptance of PEDOPHILIA - first in California - then in the entire U.S.!!!!! |
Totally IMMORAL JEW UK Telegraph Reviewer (Ostentatiously HOMOSEXUAL) Defends Netflix “Cuties” against an “age terrified of child sexuality.” Satan has taken over the UK! |
Satan, and his agents, the Jews, have done their job “well”: among British men between the ages of 18-24 only 2% define
themselves as “completely masculine” |
Disturbing MKUltra and Child Abuse paintings displayed on Billboards in Italy: Promotion of pedophilia! |
And NOW the Degenerate Jews are promoting Cannibalism |
The plan by the Jewish elitists - over 100 years ago - to control the world and promote filth and debauchery |
California schools will now teach students to worship pagan gods of cannibalism and human sacrifice |
Shock Report: Government-sponsored trafficking of child migrants |
President Putrid Pervert: Little girl confirms Joe Biden pinched her nipple |
Ex-Satanist Describes Child Sacrifice and Drinking the children’s blood - being done by high level government leaders |
Public health in UK Admits that 80% of “Covid” deaths in August were VACCINATED! |
Red Shoes and Satanic Child Sacrifice |
Child victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse Returns to Windsor Castle to call out the Pedophile Queen of England |
Now that the Jewish Communist U.S. government has “successfully” mainstreamed homosexuality, they're trying to mainstream PEDOPHILIA!! SICK!! |
(Jew) Trump is "Controlled Opposition": He is part of the Enemy - along with his buddy, Pedophile Pimp - Jeffrey Epstein |
Creeper Joe stealthily handed a tube of adrenochrome. Watch carefully! |
Satanist Pedophiles Run Great Britain |
Ukraine Jewish President does an obscene “Gay dance” in high heels: The IMMENSE Corruption and Degeneracy of the world “leaders” |
CNN Legal Commentator says Pedophiles caught with Child Porn deserve lighter sentences “because times have changed.” SATAN Rules the world! |
Hunger Games Producer Exposes ALL |
Whistleblower rabbi claims child rape assembly line exists among orthodox Jews: Jewish men raping Jewish little boys |
Biden Admin works for Satan: Biden Admin says K-12 schools must put boys in girls bathrooms to get federal lunch money |
Alex Stein assaulted by homosexuals while exposing drag show grooming children |
STAY AWAY from the FILTH of Netflix: Founded by JEW related to Freud and Bernays: If you don’t know who they are - you’re in trouble! |
Hollywood: Jewish parasites who feast on the blood and flesh of babies and children |
The Utter Degeneracy continues: Owner of sex store in Bellingham, Washington is head of School Board |
Jewish Communist Klaus Schwab says we must phase out car ownership: people can walk or share (except for him and his friends, of course!) |
The Globalist JEWS are normalizing pedophilia |
Forest Fire as a Military Weapon: See the Documentation! |
Horrific video on Child Trafficking in U.S.: Watch! |
German protesters DEMAND the right to have sex with animals! How FAR the Jews have led humanity into a Hell Hole! |
Trump and Jeffrey Epstein AND Ghislaine Maxwell (in background) at Mar-a-Lago in 1992: Birds of a Feather |
(Jew) Queen Elizabeth and the whole (Jew) Royal Family were involved in a Pedophile ring run out of Buckingham Palace. |
EXPOSED: Dead Children in CPS System Near Bohemian Grove, and Pelosi’s Pedophilia Links |
Every Aspect of Gender Dysphoria is Jewish |
Thousands of convicted Pedophiles in California are being released in less than a year for horrific acts, including rape and sodomy of kids under 14 |
Jews who run Biden administration directly funding child prostitution ring with tax dollars |
FBI Paid Twitter more then $3 Million to do its dirty work |
Visitors to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophilia Island now being revealed |
The Filth and Degeneracy of the Jewish Hollywood Moguls |
Unbelievably SATANIC! WEF says Pedophiles will “save humanity” |
Prince Harry’s Book is really a “cover” for the Pedophilia and child sacrifice promoted and encouraged by the Royal Family |
Are the Muslims the "BAD" Guys?
The Lies of the Jews
Fatality of Covid cases is infinitesimal |
It looks like the “Test” is giving you the vaccine!!!!!! |
These are the LIES told by the Doctors who have sold their
souls to the Jewish Communists. “You have Covid-19 if you
cough once and have visited someone with Covid-19.” TOTAL BALONEY!!! |
The Covid-19 numbers are ALL LIES - as I have been saying all along! |
More PROOF that authorities are flat-out LYING about Covid 19 Statistics! |
More BOOGA BOOGA! The Director of the World Health Organization, "Dr. Teddy” can’t seem to help himself. He is a TOTAL LIAR!!! |
Moderna Covid-19 vaccine causes side effects in 50% in first round - 100% in 2nd round. Antibodies fade in about 2 months - so it’s USELESS - and antibodies, even when present, don’t necessarily mean immunity! |
More BOOGA BOOGA! World Health Organization warns: A covid 19 Vaccine may never be found. Who needs a vaccine for the Common Cold?? |
Bible Experts determine Goliath died of Covid-19 - also those who died in the flood and the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah: Covid numbers keep rising!!! |
More Vaccine LIES from the Jews |
Navy Seal O’Neill is a BIG LIAR! He didn’t kill bin Laden; Bin Laden died of Kidney failure in 2001 (he was on dialysis), and 9/11 was done by Israel - NOT bin Laden |
Michelle Obama is really Michael Robinson: Watch! |
Communist Biden (when his brain still worked - sort of) said, “Mass immigration is a GOOD thing. It’s GOOD that white people will be in the minority. It is our source of strength!” |
NOW the CDC has Changed Their Mind: They say you DON’T need to get tested if you are exposed to Covid-19 if you don’t have any symptoms. Should have been that way ALL Along! |
EVIL Snake (Jew) Bill Gates negotiated $100 BILLION Contact-Tracing deal with Democratic Congressman Sponsor of bill SIX MONTHS BEFORE Coronavirus Scamdemic!!! |
What a Fabulous answer to the thugs of BLM! MUST WATCH! |
Watch out Truth-seekers: Q-anon has ALL the characteristics of “Controlled Opposition” by the Jews. If it was real truth, it wouldn’t be “anonymous.” |
Australia: No dancing at weddings, but sex parties with strangers Just Fine. Hi Satan - “nice” to hear from you! |
The leaders of this world are MORONS: a young woman is handcuffed by someone in a HAZMAT suit (protection for the COMMON COLD) because the woman was surfing after testing positive |
State by State Financial WINDFALL for LYING about Covid-19 Cases |
State by State Financial WINDFALL for LYING about Covid-19 Cases |
(Jew-owned) CNN states BLM protests are much safer than Trump rallies |
Watch: CNN (Seriously) claims that COVID will spread at Trump Rallies but NOT BLM Protests |
First, the lockdown was to be for TWO WEEKS - to “flatten the curve” - NOW it will be at least TWO YEARS says (Jew) Bill Gates |
How the CDC and doctors and hospitals have INFLATED the number of COVID deaths FOR MONEY: They're ALL LIARS AND THIEVES! |
LYING CDC says single plane passenger infected 15 others: Did they test ALL plane passengers before they boarded? CDC has NO WAY to Prove this: THEY ARE LYING! |
Jew Bobby Fischer speaks out AGAINST the Jews |
The Corruption in the CDC and the U.S. Government is almost overwhelming: Watch this Video on the LIES about the Corona Virus |
As usual, LIARS at CBS News FAKED a CoronaVirus testing program on TV |
CDC article admits “Masks DON’T work.” And ANOTHER reason Masks Don’t Work is that MOST people get the Flu from getting the Flu Vaccination!! |
Watch this Youtube: Fauci is a LIAR!! |
During Debates, Biden had a wire under his coat (to give him answers?), and an IV port in his wrist - probably to give him drugs to keep him alert |
During Debates, Biden had a wire under his coat (to give him answers?), and an IV port in his wrist - probably to give him drugs to keep him alert |
Luc Montagnier, the supposed discoverer of the HIV virus, admits that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS |
NY Times: Up to 90% of those testing positive for Covid-19 have been wrongly diagnosed |
Where is the Corona Virus? The CDC says “it’s not available.” The truth is, They Don’t Even Have It. The Covid-19 “pandemic” is a HOAX! |
Elementary school children taught that “objectivity” and “perfectionism” are RACIST traits of White Supremacy!!! |
Coronavirus: WHO back-flips on virus stance by condemning lockdowns! |
They locked down the world over a virus that can’t even prove exists? |
In an interview in 2007, Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, said that Osama bin Laden was already DEAD (Yes, He died in 2001), yet the LYING U.S. government said they “killed him in 2011.” |
Politicians PRETENDING to Get Vaccinated: Notice - the cap is still on the needle!!! |
Is dementia contagious? |
They locked down the world over a virus that can’t even prove exists? |
4 People show up to hear Obama speak - Yes, 4! |
Fauci says that even with a vaccine, masks and social distancing will continue until 2022! Then WHY should anyone get the vaccine? |
“Weekend at Biden’s” Trailer: Must See (short video)! |
PROOF CDC Covid-19 “deaths” are LIES! |
Nurses say, ‘There’s NOBODY in the hospital!” |
The Covid Virus does not exist |
There is NO Virus! |
NHS Nurse publicly resigns: Blasts Covid lockdown policy |
Detroit Dominion IT worker describes exactly how poll workers inflated Biden vote tallies |
"Climate Change" has ALWAYS been a Scam!
Man who worked as Covid “tracer” says, “This is the biggest HOAX Ever!” |
Well, Well, Look What Happened During the 1918 Spanish Flu “epidemic”!! “Deja Vu - All over again!” |
The authorities are continuing to LIE through their teeth: NO hospitals are “overflowing” with Covid patients |
Johns Hopkins academic: CDC data shows Covid has NOT increased U.S. Death Rate |
India’s Serum Institute threatens to SUE vaccine trial participant who fell seriously ill with encephalopathy (damage to the brain): Major Intimidation of those who tell the TRUTH! |
Attorney General William Barr is a JEW whose father was headmaster of a private high school who hired Jeffrey Epstein years ago (who had NO teaching credential) so Epstein could have access to under-age girls |
Here we go! Here comes the Fake “Alien Invasion” and Project Blue Beam!!! |
Well, well, well! Here comes the HOAX “Alien Invasion” and “Project BlueBeam.” They’re talking about it now. |
Video: Kary Mullis, winner of the Nobel prize for developing the PCR test, says “Fauci doesn’t know anything. . . and he LIES to the American people, on television and everywhere else.” |
St. Vincent's Hospital in Los Angeles being used as a MOVIE SET at a time when CA Gov Newsom SHUTS DOWN Los Angles because of a “SURGE” In Covid cases? The LIES Continue!! |
World’s oldest and most prestigious medical journal says “No more boys and girls. Birth certificate sex designations ‘harmful to transgenders and must be abolished.” JEWS CONTROL ORTHODOX MEDICINE!! |
Don’t be Naive, Folks: They’re NOT going to give the Bidens, or any other people of importance, the REAL vaccine! They will give them a shot of Saline. |
Texas Hospital Administers a Covid-10 Vaccine on Video: There’s just One GLARING problem. The syringe is EMPTY. The plunger is already fully depressed BEFORE the Vax given! |
New name for COMMUNIST BOLSHEVISM - - - - - - “Inclusive Capitalism” - - - - That’s from the LYING MOUTHS of the (Jewish) Pope at the Vatican and the JEWISH Illuminati! |
Pelosi’s vaccination ALSO A FAKE: They didn’t even take the cap off of the syringe |
It’s clearly a LIE that hospitals are over-run. They are EMPTY - both in the U.S. and the U.K. |
Televangelist Joel Osteen’s Texas Megachurch gets $4.4 Million in Covid-19 relief. WHY? Because Joel Osteen is obviously a mind control slave to promote the Jews as the Chosen people. Watch his fluttering eyes! |
How can ANYONE be SO NAIVE that they think these supposed “authorities” are actually RECEIVING the Vaccine??? Don’t be stupid! |
Oh Sure!! The Hospitals are overloaded with patients and the Healthcare workers are overwhelmed??? Nothing but LIES!! |
Great video on the Rules for the “Pandemic” |
600-Bed Hospital EMPTY! Don’t believe the LIES that they are overflowing!! |
New study of 10 Million Chinese Debunks the Concept of Covid transmission by asymptomatic individuals |
Trump shows his hand: He is part of the enemy - he signed new bill that squelches free speech |
This is the TOTALLY FRAUDULENT definition of a “Covid Death” |
This is the TOTALLY FRAUDULENT definition of a “Covid Death” |
ER Nurse tests Positive for Covid EIGHT DAYS after being vaccinated!!! |
And NOW (Jew) Bill Gates says God made the Sun “too hot” so Gates has to cool it down! His lack of intelligence is appalling! |
London nurse claims hospital has whole ward full of children with Covid: Pediatrician immediately calls her out on her LIES! |
Exactly HOW the Election was Stolen |
Letter from (Communist Jew) Nancy Pelosi to Communist Mayor or Portland Ted Wheeler: Call violent riots “Peaceful”, Blame Trump for everything! |
The Communist PURGE of Free Speech is continuing: Twitter has suspended more than 70,000 accounts |
LIARS!!!! CDC Admits they LIED about the number of Deaths from Covid; Doctors also being PAID to LIE! |
MORE Evidence that Covid-19 DOESN’T Exist! |
Hospital Nurse Exposes yet another Covid SCAM |
YouTube REMOVES over 500,000 Youtube videos because they tell the TRUTH and EXPOSE the Globalists |
10 Reasons the Covid virus DOESN’T EXIST!! |
Klaus Schwab is a LIAR! If Vaccines actually WORKED - then an unvaccinated person would pose NO RISK to someone who is vaccinated! |
ER in Washington D.C. - TOTALLY EMPTY!! TOTALLY FAKE “Pandemic” |
Wake Up! If hospitals are SOoooooo overwhelmed, WHY do they have time to learn a new dance? |
MORE Booga Booga - - and Booga! Supposed “South African” variant will “sweep the world.” These Jewish Illuminati LIARS are Shameless! |
Germany training dogs to sniff out people with Covid??? CDC can’t even identify Covid (never isolated) so what can dogs “sniff”? |
More Proof Covid-19 is TOTAL SCAM! Lab Scientists at 7 Universities tested 1,500 supposedly “positive” Covid-19 test samples and found NO Covid-19! |
Best Meme on demented Biden’s stupid remark about Blacks and Hispanics not knowing how to get on Internet |
EXCELLENT Video showing that Slavery existed in the world LONG before the U.S. and that whites were ALSO Slaves |
As usual, Satan turns everything upside down: Israel has a tracking bracelet that takes your “Freedom" AWAY. They call it the Freedom Bracelet! |
Parties For Me But Not For Thee: LA will shut off your electricity for violating COVID Restrictions but allows MASKLESS Hollywood Celebs to Party it up for the Grammy’s! |
Now the Jewish Communists are going to eliminate Reading and Writing (for the Rest of us - of course)!! |
Colleges Dump the SAT: New admission standard - “Intellectual curiosity” - meaning “You get admitted it you are a Communist” |
Are you SO NAIVE that you actually think that (Illuminati Jew) Putin received anything other than a Saline injection? Wake Up!
The Jewish Rothschilds chose DEMENTED Biden as “President” so Jewish puppet, Obama, could have a third term, being “President incognito” |
As people start realizing Covid is FAKE, here comes the BOOGA BOOGA of Ebola!!!! |
CDC now run by yet ANOTHER Jew: Walensky - and she says SHE is “going to tell us the Truth”???? |
Watch this! Belgium Minister SUPPOSEDLY gets his vaccine but there is NO NEEDLE on the syringe! They REALLY think we’re DUMB! |
Watch: They are ALL Movie Props: Retractable knife blades, ice picks and needles |
Former Vice-President of Pfizer admits: There is NO Covid 19 virus |
Putin “has no side effects 10 days after Covid-19 Vax” BECAUSE he was injected with Saline! (Do you REALLY think he would get the Vax?) |
European plans for vaccine passports were in place 20 months PRIOR to the “pandemic” |
More BOOGA BOOGA from the LYING Jewish Illuminati: “Climate Change” now to be called “Climate EMERGENCY”!!!!!! |
World’s wealthiest people are the biggest polluters: Richest 1% produce TWICE the pollution as the poorest 50% |
Mariah Carey: Totally FAKE “Covid” Jab!!! |
Louis Farrakhan has exposed the Jews in the past. Does he not know that Freemasonry is OWNED by the Jews? Is he controlled opposition? |
Watch the way the politicians and Big Jews get “vaccinated” - - They DON’T! Magic needles! |
Social Media Influencer exposes Covid “vaccine” Pay to Propagandize scheme |
Johns Hopkins psychiatrist: Transgender is “Mental Disorder.” Sex change is “Biologically Impossible.” |
European plans for vaccine passports were in place 20 months prior to Covid “pandemic” |
Anthony Fauci making is “hidden hand” Masonic sign
THIS SAYS IT ALL! U.S. Army sings Israel’s National Anthem - - - and you think the Jews don’t run America???? |
Immense Dumbing Down of the Population: Univ of California system will no longer consider SAT scores for admissions |
LYING CDC changes test thresholds to virtually eliminate New Covid cases among those vaccinated
Why is (“Christian”?) Billy Hallowell (who certainly looks like a Jew) repeatedly making the Freemason hand sign as he accompanies Ken Ham through Noah’s ark? |
Ex-Israeli Pilot says, “Our army is a terrorist organization run by war criminals.” |
Why is Bill Gates Being Thrown Under the Bus by his handlers? |
Kary Mullis, winner of Nobel prize for developing PCR was ready to expose Fauci as a Liar and Fraud, mysteriously died of “pneumonia” right before Covid! |
Caught Red-Handed: CDC changes Test Thresholds to virtually eliminate New Covid Cases among Vaxx'd |
Adverse reactions to the Covid Jab are being reported as “Covid” |
Jewish Rothschilds and Jew-Controlled VaticanRe-Brand Communism as “Inclusive Capitalism” |
World Health Organization (WHO): “Give us total control and this will be the last Pandemic,” says the little MAN in panties and bra who Runs WHO! |
Kelloggs makes gay cereal for children: How LOW can they go?? |
CDC alters PCR testing guidelines in order to blame new outbreaks on the unvaccinated |
Now They’re getting everyone ready for the (FAKE) “Alien Invasion” - Remember Project Blue Beam! |
Covid-19 Pandemic was described in 2005 CIA Report about the world in 2025 |
Naive Senator Rand Paul doesn’t understand that Planned Parenthood - protected by the Jewish Rothschilds - doesn’t give a whit about what Congress thinks! |
Dr. Rajendra Kapila could NOT have been a “Giant” in Infectious Disease medicine if he was foolish enough to take not just ONE - but TWO - doses of the Kill Shot! |
ABSOLUTE PROOF that the Covid “Pandemic” is a SCAM! G7 Meeting: NO MASKS, NO SOCIAL DISTANCING, NO “Pandemic”! |
Demented Biden’s Audio Ear-Piece Feed: His handler is telling him everything to say. |
Young Jewish woman Doctoral candidate who sought to prove that U.S. Justice System is “Racist Against Blacks” was Stabbed to Death by Black man in Chicago |
Canada Health Chief: The Covid Lockdowns are actually for PREVENTING spread of TRUTH (“unauthorized information”) |
The Delta Variant of Covid-19 is HARMLESS: A SCAME for governments to implement more lockdowns! |
Research shows that public gatherings do NOT cause spread of Covid (that doesn’t exist anyway!) |
This is how they will be able to fool everyone by FAKING an “Alien Invasion” or the “Second Coming of Christ” |
Rich HYPOCRITE Jews fly their huge gas-guzzling airplanes to Sun Valley to discuss - - - Climate Change! |
Watch the HYPOCRITES say, “If everyone could please practice social distancing when the cameras are on.” |
Ashli Babbitt shooting HOAX explained: The Jan 6 episode was a government Psy-op! |
The Ashli Babbitt Capitol Hill Staged Deception Government Psy-op |
1951 Jewish Directive: Label Truth-tellers as Fascists, Nazis and Anti-semitic to smear them |
What a “Smart” Virus (that doesn’t even exist)! Covid-19 says it doesn’t infect Cops! |
UK government zip-ties the hands, and duct-tapes the mouths, of journalists so the government can continue to TELL LIES! |
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/uk-journalists-could-face-up-to-14-years-in-prison-for-stories-embarrassing-the-government-treat-them-like-foreign-spies/ |
CDC Quietly deletes 6,000 Covid Vaccine Deaths from its website total in ONE DAY! |
Well, Well, Well! FDA announces PCR test to be withdrawn: FAILED its “Review” - too many FALSE POSITIVE for Covid-19 (which doesn’t even exist)! |
Belgium PM caught FAKING the Vax Jab |
Crisis Actors now being used to push the Kill Shots! (Memories of Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing) |
CDC erases 150,000 Deaths from Covid Injections from VAERS system |
Seven University Labs examined 1500 samples said to contain Covid: NONE Contained Covid. CDC now admits they have not isolated Covid-19 |
Oh - Now the LAMBDA variant! “WORSE” than All the others!” say our COMMIE leaders! More Booga Booga! |
Hypocrite Obama’s Maskless Birthday Bash |
More SHAMELESS Booga Booga! “Be TERRIFIED of a FLY” because House Flies carry Covid - a “virus" that DOESN’T EVEN EXIST! |
CDC Caught LYING About Florida Covid numbers to Push Mass Hysteria! |
Satanic COMMUNIST Dept. of Homeland Security says, “Telling the Truth” is TERRORISM! |
CDC to Withdraw the PCR test (because it doesn’t Test for ANYTHING: it is only a chemical “copy machine”) You think they didn’t really know that? |
Communist Jews (who run the world TEMPORARILY) now label Covid non-compliance as “Top Terror Threat” |
Sandy Hook was Totally FAKED - and other important information |
LIAR Biden exempts over 600,000 Postal workers from taking VAX: Apparently the virus KNOWS if you work for the Post Office and won’t infect you!!!!! |
Apparently Congressmen are ALSO EXEMPT from vaccine mandate! Do you see the SCAM!!! |
9/11 “Truth” by James Corbett: 5 Minute video you must watch! |
Did the Polio Vaccine REALLY Eradicate Polio? The Answer is a Huge “NO”! |
Jew-controlled China declares war on Simps in China, while PROMOTING Simps in the West |
"O.K. - the Cameras are off: let’s take our masks off” |
LYING, CRIMINAL, JEWISH CDC lists Vaccinated DEATHS as UNVaccinated! |
Rules are for the little people |
CNN’s Dr. Leana Wen: a LYING Crisis Actor at the Boston Bombing!!! |
Dr. Kary Mullis, developer of PCR test, says it does NOT test for ANY disease - it is just a chemical “copy machine" |
The WHO Confirms that the PCR doesn’t test for Covid - and that the Covid Case count is MEANINGLESS, and the Lockdown has no Scientific Basis |
LIAR (Jew) Bill Gates used a stand-in to pretend to be him getting a Covid-19 Vaccination |
People in the UK can now be imprisoned for 2 years for telling the TRUTH about Vaccines |
More Booga Booga LIES from JEW Walensky (CDC): the DELTA PLUS “variant” - Oh my, Let’s ALL be REALLY Scared!!!!! |
(JEW) Putin “gets on board” with PHONY “Climate-change” - probably because the (JEW) Rothschilds threatened to remove him from office - or kill him |
Blind Joe: I Will NOT Comply |
Google is a Jewish-owned surveillance operation, not an advertising platform |
MUST WATCH VIDEO: The Deceptions are ENORMOUS! Beware! |
Aha! Another “reason” for testing everyone: They’re collecting your DNA!
Your (Jew-controlled) Government has been LYING to you for DECADES! Watch This! |
L.A. County Sheriff Rebuffs Los Angeles mandatory covid regime after disturbing information arises |
The Germ Theory Totally Debunked |
JEWISH Facebook (Meta) asks people to send in NUDE PHOTOS of themselves if they DON’T want them to be published: Are Americans THAT STUPID? |
Wikileaks releases moon landing scenes filmed in Nevada desert |
Pearl Harbor: How the JEWS (FDR, Churchill and Stalin - ALL JEWS) decided to SLAUGHTER White Christian Germany |
In Court Filing, Facebook admits “Fact-Checking” is nothing more than “opinion” |
MORE LIES from the Jews: Crisis Actors HIRED to impersonate Covid patients: “Make sure you appear to have difficulty breathing!” |
The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative |
Looks like Tucker Carlson is Controlled Opposition: A Traitor to America! (That’s why he remains on Jewish-controlled Fox News) |
Transgenders tend to suffer badly from mental illness, autism, drug abuse and HIV: Of course, because their problem is mental - NOT physical. |
Here’s the next Big BOOGA BOOGA: The “Deadly” Hanta Virus from a Mouse (no longer a bat, or a bird or a swine - it’s now a Mouse!) |
After the lives of MILLIONS have been ruined, LYING JEWISH-CONTROLLED CDC now admits that the PCR test DOES NOT test for Covid-19 |
Jews LIE, CHEAT and STEAL: It is their way of life because they HATE Jesus Christ and all goodness: When they get caught they Cry: “Anti-semitism” Boo Hoo! |
Jews LIE, CHEAT and STEAL: It is their way of life because they HATE Jesus Christ and all goodness: When they get caught they Cry: “Anti-semitism” Boo Hoo! |
U.S. Government now preparing for an Alien Invasion HOAX, to scare the population into submission (Project Blue Beam) |
Fauci is a LIAR - just like Gates, Soros, Biden, Gavin Newsom, AND Trump! |
Young man got his POSITIVE Covid test results - Here’s the problem: He never showed up for the test!!!!! They are ALL LIARS! |
CDC and FDA FAKED the Covid testing, admitting that Covid 19 has NEVER been isolated |
Yachts to be exempt from EU’s Carbon pricing plan: THAT tells you what “environmentalism” is all about - control of the Gentile masses AND privileges for the Rich Jews! |
Dr. Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for developing the PCR, says CLEARLY, the PCR test doesn’t “test" for ANYTHING |
Jewish Judge controlled Ghislane Maxwell trial to shield Jewish sex and blackmail network |
French courts say, “Death after vaccination is considered suicide” so Insurance companies deny life insurance payout. |
Center for Covid Control FAKED Covid tests |
How the NFL Genuflects to Satan: How all sports games are “fixed” |
Vincent Foster’s Murder Revisited: More Lies by the Government |
U.S. Government’s next BOOGA BOOGA! (Oh, please BE SCARED!!!) “Highly pathogenic Bird Flu” on it’s way to Kill everyone! We’ve heard that before! |
FDA Admits the Covid PCR tests were created to test positive with genetic material from a common cold virus |
Booga! Booga! and MORE Booga! First it was swine flu, then bird flu, then bat flu, now Tick flu! They’re ALL LIARS! |
Ukraine’s Defense Ministry posted FAKE video as Air Battle! Don’t get sucked in to the lies! |
War Propaganda and Lies Everywhere! Be Careful what you believe! |
The Rot of the Financial Oligarchy and its Banking System |
What is going on with mainstream footage of Ukraine? LIES and FRAUD! |
Ukraine; What you haven’t been told? |
Evil Bill Gates tells Trump NOT to study Harmful Adverse effects of vaccinations! |
Fauci says, “We change to a different strain of flu every year!’ |
Today marks the Two-year anniversary of “15 days to slow the spread” (Government LIARS) |
MORE Jewish Government LIES: Booga Booga! BE SCARED! “Highly pathogenic” Bird flu Ravaging Food Supply!!!!!
Hararai thinks he’s Smart - be he is a FOOL! He thinks Artificial Intelligence can IMPROVE on what God created! |
Putin asks Who is Really Crazy? Satire video |
California bill would allow doctors to lose their license for telling the TRUTH about the Covid FRAUD! |
Chaos in Shanghai |
More Booga Booga: “Alien Invasion” coming? Project Blue Beam: FAKE “Alien Invasion” will be done with lasers and holograms! DON’T BE DECEIVED! |
(JEW) Barack Obama calls for MORE censorship on Social Media to eliminate ALL Truth! |
The government “Safe Space Hotline” - How to blame everyone else for how YOU “feel” |
Filthy, degenerate, foul-mouthed woman chosen by filthy, degenerate Biden to be U.S. Communist “Minister of Truth” |
America goes Openly Communist: Freedom of Speech Completely Gone! |
More BOOGA BOOGA Propaganda LIES!! - but almost everybody will fall for it: “Small pox-like virus has spread to Spain, Portugal and U.S. |
Even MORE Booga Booga: Now Monkey Pox, and Small pox - how about Fauci pox, and Billy Gates pox, and Biden pox and Pelosi pox?? |
Crazy! How to eat while wearing a mask |
Shooting in Texas, just a “re-run” of the Sandy Hook HOAX - to promote Gun Confiscation! |
Leaked document between Bill Gates and WHO from 2021 correctly predicted the EXACT DAY the (FAKE) Monkeypox outbreak would begin
Suppressed Memo: Criminal Eli Lilly hid increase in suicidal thoughs and aggression with Prozac for almost 40 years! |
Monkeypox? “Fool me Twice — Shame on Me!” |
Non-existent Monkeypox is cover-up for adverse reactions to Covid Vax |
Is the Putin we see, the REAL Putin, or is Putin in prison? (Start video at 15 min.) |
Now they’re blaming vaccine deaths on Climate Change!!! |
U.S. weapons, paid for by taxpayers, sent to Ukraine are being sold on the Black Market |
Fake Medicine: Over 90% of ALL medical interventions lack evidence to support their use |
MORE LIES from the Cabalist JEWS! Now their Booga Booga is: Bacteria from PIGS! Only FOOLS will believe them! |
More REALLY STUPID LIES to promote “Global Warming” FRAUD! “Microbes trapped in melting Glaciers will cause more disease”!!! |
There are NOT “humans.” (SCARY TRUTH) |
Pfizer asks Court to dismiss case because (get this!) “ the U.S. Government KNEW Pfizer LIED about Vaccine Data”!!! They are ALL (Jewish) CRIMINALS! |
Bill Gates Admits: The Covid Vaccines DON’T WORK! |
U.S. Roman Catholic Church gets $1.4 BILLION in taxpayer-backed Covid-19 aid funds: NATURALLY - the (evil) church PROMOTES the Deadly “vaccines"!! |
Governments that MANDATED Deadly Covid shots now blaming doctors for not telling patients about the risks |
SHOCKING New information about Chappaquiddick - if anyone is old enough to remember! |
Bombshell Cover-up: US Govt Removes/Reclassifies 52,000 Death Records seemingly to obfuscate Vax Carnage |
Fluoride lowers IQ, causes infertility and DOES NOT prevent cavities |
The Nuclear HOAX: What Really Happened to Nagasaki and Hiroshima? |
Study shows: Unvaccinated individuals are NOT a “burden” to medical systems! |
Everything is a Lie: The Truman Show was an Illuminati “in your face” program saying, “You’re All So Stupid!" |
The Pope - who is Jewish - LIES about Climate Change |
Alexa says, “Joe Biden died…” |
The EVIL JEWS: Congressional bill passed in 2012 authorizes HOAXES, False Flag Attacks, Fake News, Fake Shootings |
(Jew) LIAR Deborah Birx Unmasked! |
72 Countries publicly worship Satan in rituals |
Twitter suspends Israeli scientist for connecting monkeypox to Covid shot |
Jew Bill Gates ADMITS - a little late, after thousands of deaths and millions maimed - that Covid is a disease of the elderly “kind of like the flu” |
Virologist Confirms that Covid 19 does NOT Exist! |
IRS is ILLEGAL! Income Tax is ILLEGAL! 16th Amendment was NEVER ratified! |
All Our Systems are Built to Elevate Viciousness: This is SATANISM in action! |
Covid Vaccine Exemption Scandal Exposed in Canadian Military: The higher you are - the easier it is to get an exemption - - - FROM DEATH by vaccination! |
Polio SCAM makes a comeback: Vaccines NEVER eradicated Polio - Vaccines CAUSE Polio! DON’T FALL FOR IT! |
Jewish LIARS at the CDC now ADMIT that ALL their supposedly “scientific guidelines” were ALL LIES! Jews LIE! Their Evil Talmud gives them permission! |
Was Anne Heche’s death faked? |
How Jews Cheated on IQ Tests and took over Harvard |
Los Angeles attempts to solve the homeless crisis by Banning the word “homeless”: More stupidity from the Jews who are Destroying America! |
Well, well, well! “Experts” now admit that artificial sweeteners may be linked to heart attacks |
Pfizer boss, JEW Albert Bourla doesn’t know how to do anything - - except LIE! |
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is LYING: Declares State of Emergency over Polio - just more Booga Booga to try to scare people into MORE KILL SHOTS! |
Social Media is Largely FAKED! |
CDC JEWS now admit that Covid Jabs cause Myocarditis - which is admitting they LIED when they claimed it was “misinformation.” |
Bezo’s Rocket failure! Company says it experienced “Booster” failure (Must have been a Covid-19 “Booster” - they ALL FAIL!) |
Wow! Impressive! Ukrainian troops speak perfect English with an American accent! U.S. military is fighting the war in Ukraine against Russia! |
In State after State, Democrats are Secretly running as Republicans to get into office: called “Secret Sleepers” |
Tesla Bursts into Flames: Takes over 25,000 Gallons of Water to Put Out the Fire |
Tucker Carlson mocks liberals trying to spin Martha’s Vineyard Hypocrisy! |
Electric Vehicles are a Monstrous JOKE! |
Tesla Recalls over a MILLION vehicles: Electric vehicles are junk and environmentally DESTRUCTIVE |
"Get an EV," they said. “It’ll be fun,” they said. Look: An EV Charging station in California! |
Suicide and Suicidal Behavior among Transgenders varies between 32% and 50%: Of course! - because their problem is Psychological from the start - NOT Anatomical! |
Talk about STUPID!! More Booga Booga! More LIES!! NOW they’ve “found” a “respiratory virus in RUSSIAN bats” that is “Vaccine Resistant”!!! |
MASSIVE Collusion of U.S. Government with Big Tech to Censor Americans regarding Covid19 Vax and its adverse reactions |
(Jew) Trump is Controlled Opposition |
(Jew) Putin is Clearly Controlled Opposition and the Russia/Ukraine War is Staged: Putin PURPOSELY Scaring his OWN (Gentile) people with pictures of “Nuclear” Bombs! |
BALONEY! UFOs ARE Man-Made: More Propaganda for a “Project Bluebeam” Hologram FAKE Invasion from “Outer Space” to SCARE Everyone into Submission |
“We own the Science”: UN official admits that they partner with Google to CONTROL Search Results |
SHOCKING? Not Really! This is what the Jews Do! Most AGGRESSIVE Vaccine propaganda campaign EVER: CDC and HHS paid off comedians, actors, church leaders, black doctors - EVERYBODY - to PIMP the Covid KILL SHOT! |
Just Remember: They can do ALL these things with Lasers and Holograms (Project BlueBeam - check it out!) |
Electric Vehicles are a Cruel Joke! EV owner details a 15 HOUR nightmare to go 178 miles |
It’s CLEARLY ALL A SCAM: An “Electric” car that is charged by a GAS Generator!! So why not just have a gas-driven car? |
Did a guy in his underwear REALLY break into Nancy Pelosi’s home (with an extensive security system) and beat up her husband - in HIS underwear? Come on! What’s the REAL story? |
Reporter caught on hot mic confirming media is NOT telling the truth about Pelosi attack |
Jew-controlled FBI asks court for 66 years to COVER UP THEIR LIES ABOUT HOW THEY MURDERED SETH RICH |
Is this what REALLY happened in the Pelosi scandal? |
JEWISH California Governor (Newsom) signs law making it ILLEGAL for Doctors to Tell the Truth about Covid: Becomes effective Jan 1 |
More evidence the Queen of England and the Royal family (ALL Jewish) were involved in Pedophilia and child-trafficking |
Study finds lasers can blind self-driving cars and make them crash into objects or pedestrians (just like the laser blinded Princess Diana’s driver causing it to crash) |
World’s top Climate Scientists told to cover up the fact that the Earth’s temperature has not risen for the last 15 years |
Doctors have become Satanic Agents of Death: American Academy of Pediatrics says children CANNOT consent to tattoos, but they CAN consent to mastectomies! |
CLOWN SCIENCE: More LIES of the Jews - Pfizer and Moderna “self-investigate” their OWN Covid jabs for heart risks |
The Fantasy of autonomous self-driving cars is coming to an end: Tesla faces DOJ Criminal Probe |
One million FAKE Covid tests from China confiscated |
Google introduces - - - MIND CONTROL! THEY will tell you what to believe.! THEY will tell you what is Truth and what is misinformation! But THEY are all LIARS! |
Banks Freeze Funds of Pro-Free Speech Video Platform Bitchute |
Dr. Fauci: “It’s nice that some people idolize me and put me on a Pedestal!” Maybe some people do, Tony, but NOT Jesus Christ. He abhors LIARS! We’ll watch what happens at the Judgment!!! |
CIA Insider Talks about the use of Disguises and Masks to Deceive the People |
(Jew-owned) Facebook, Twitter, Google RIDDLED with “ex”-CIA and FBI agents to MAKE SURE that the Public NEVER learns the Truth about ANYTHING! |
Unvaccinated pilots wanted for (HYPOCRITE) WEF Attendees |
Are people really this stupid to believe them? Moderna CEO announces new mRNA shot for heart failure patients to help “grow back new blood vessels”!!!! |
The Flat Earth Psy-op And Canard Against Religion |
In case you remember the Fukushima incident: Here’s what REALLY Happened |
Elon Musk is a DARPA cardboard cutout fraud |
Jewish Wars
FOURTEEN Surgeons required to MUTILATE this man for his cancer, when ALL he needs to do is CHANGE the way he lives, thinks, acts, eats, and handles stress! |
Heads Up! Something about to go down! Iran U.S. embassy in Baghdad evacuated! |
A FAKE War with REAL KILLING: Is that what’s next? The Chinese military are already HERE! They are sequestered all over the U.S. The Jews CONTROL China! |
This is the Belgium “HEATLH” Minister! “Health”?? |
Trump shows he is on the side of the enemy (Jewish Rothschilds) by pardoning murderers and traitors instead of Truth-tellers |
COMMUNISM: Jewish Billionaires MADE $3.9 Trillion from Covid Pandemic - Gentile population LOST $3.7 Trillion! |
UK Communist doctor says, “Breathing is an offensive weapon” - and can someone give Boris Johnson a COMB?? |
One of the primary functions of war is to SLAUGHTER young Americans. That’s why the U.S. doesn’t fight to “win.” |
Physicists can levitate objects with sound (That’s how they will FAKE the “Secret Rapture”) |
Well, look what the cat dragged in! New information on Bill Gates and his financial gains from slaughtering us! |
What happened in Afghanistan was inevitable: The U.S. Government is a Jewish Communist Criminal Enterprise |
The CDC Admits that their policies are based on a contrived (computer-generated) model - NOT a virus. They have NEVER isolated the Covid-19 “virus”! |
NASA hires priest to prepare humans for alien (DEMONIC) contact |
Rabbi explains how Jews ”made a mint” off European wars and “back-stabbed” their countries in the process |
For Once, LIAR Fauci Tells the Truth: “Vaccines” Make you WORSE! |
Ukraine President: Filthy, degenerate Jew, Zelensky, dancing in stiletto high heels and dropping his pants to play the piano with his genitals |
Here’s the NEXT BIG LIE: CDC Reports the "First Case of Bird Flu” in the US (when it doesn’t even EXIST!) |
Canada ordered thousands of smallpox vaccines WEEKS BEFORE monkeypox ‘outbreak’ |
DAMNING DOCUMENTS UNCOVERED: CDC directly colluded with Twitter, Facebook to Censor the TRUTH about Covid KILL SHOTS! |
Hollywood bigwig, Ari Emanuel, says Blacks must Reject the Politics of Division and Unite with Jews AGAINST Whites (Blacks don’t understand that Jews HATE Blacks and are only USING them for evil purposes!) |
Doctor: 50 Million Americans have serious heart damage due to Covid “vaccines” |
Australians were once PROSECUTED for claiming face masks worked against Viruses |
LIARS at the (Jew-controlled) FDA tell you NOT to believe what you actually SEE!
Jews are Mass Murderers
More MORONS are being placed in positions of authority! Don’t EVER “Trust the Science” these people produce! |
Jewish Assassinations
Silicon Valley has 20-40 inches of rain and massive flooding, yet clings to the LIE of “Severe Drought” |
Jewish Corruption, Degeneration and Crime
(Jew) Dershowitz behaves like the bratty little baby he is:
Accuses Epstein victim of anti-semitism. Jews can NEVER
discuss the issues, they always have to accuse their
opponent of “Anti-semitism.” GROW UP - Dershowitz! |
Rothschilds, Trump, Clintons, Wexner (and Dershowitz?) All involved in Epstein Pedophilia |
Gays Admit they are sick |
Are Homosexuals and Communists Natural Allies? Of course, because they are ALL led and promoted by Satanic Jews!! |
Netflix Mainstreams Pedophilia |
Jewish SATANISM! “Scholars" now say Pedophilia is a Sexual Orientation. They are DEAD WRONG! This is TOTALLY SATANIC and right out of the JEWISH TALMUD! |
Typical corrupt, lying, thieving Jew, Netanyahu, brings all his dirty laundry when he stays at Blair House in U.S., has it washed at taxpayers’ (OUR) expense, and steals towels and bathrobes |
Same adjuvant in swine flu vaccine that cause narcolepsy is being used in Coronavirus vaccine |
VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO: Rothschild confronted on Illuminati Satanic control: He is speechless! |
How Amazing! No more Flu!!! Flu cases down 95% in 2020! The Government is a Corrupt Criminal Enterprise |
THIS is how Jews behave! Degenerate, corrupt, and criminal. Read it and be Disgusted! |
Printable Complaint Form for “the Offended”! |
The President of Tanzania and TEN people in his administration have ALL DIED - after refusing to lock down the country for FAKE Covid - and refusing the “vaccines” |
Jewish EVIL! Nike releases shoe dedicated to Satan: Has pentagram, drop of human blood in it, and only 666 pairs will be made |
Great little (sarcastic) video: “What’s been your favorite part of the Biden Presidency?” |
Over a thousand trafficked children and dead bodies in containers on Ever Given ship that blocked Suez Canal |
Child sex trafficking in the U.S.: Many pregnant women now crossing the border into U.S. to sell their babies |
Adrenochrome: the Leaked Documents |
U.S. Police being trained in Israel - to become more vicious! |
SATANISM! Teen Vogue explains how to use menstrual blood in their witchcraft rituals - to 12-17 year old readers!!!
Bill Gates Talks FILTH - just like the Jew that he is! |
News cast in Australia suddenly interrupted by video of Devil-worshiping ceremony! |
Netflix is not what you think it is: it is an extension of Mind Control and Propaganda from (Jew) Sigmund Freud and (Jew) Edward Bernays |
A picture of the Devil’s agents! |
DARPA wants Global On-Demand Testing with Gene Editing to Detect (Fictitious, non-existent) Pathogens (They Want to CHANGE Your Genes) |
California Republicans Shocked to Discover they’ve “already voted” in FRAUDULENT Recall Election |
And you wonder why the U.S. and the world is in so much trouble?? EVERYONE has Left God! So God is letting SATAN take over (temporarily) |
Covid Shot connected to Blue Tooth? |
Mayor of Chicago says all those in charge of city administration must give allegiance the SATANIC “New World Order”!! |
Filthy Jew Soros-funded Scout Troop pushes underage girls and boyst to strip and perform sexually explicit games |
Video documents that the January 6 “riots” were planned, funded and fomented by the FBI and other U.S. government agencies to ENTRAP non-violent American citizens |
Sex trafficking, illegal organ harvesting, murder, pedophilia: This is why Jesus is coming back soon! |
This is what America has ASKED for, by their rejection of God - and goodness! America has CHOSEN to live WITHOUT God! |
N.J. Rabbi committed HORRIFIC acts of Child Sex Abuse while Jewish Organizations did NOTHING - Because their Talmud CONDONES Child Sex Abuse! |
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were Israeli Mossad Agents whose job was to take pictures of politicians having sex with minors to BLACKMAIL them |
(JEW) Epstein and (JEW) Maxwell pictured in (JEW) Queens’ cabin at Balmoral: They were (JEW) Mossad agents arranging BLACKMAIL for U.S. Politicians |
Fauci says, “The definition of ‘fully-vaccinated’ will CHANGE.” Indeed it will, eventually it will mean when you are DEAD! |
What happens to someone who exposes the Jews! |
Biden’s Jewish handlers pick yet another totally dysfunctional, pitiful transgender Jew as a Federal Judge |
The U.S. Government’s massive involvement in child sex trafficking through CPS and how they murder the Americans who expose them |
Brother Nathanael reveals that "dobbining" at the Wailing wall is an occult disgusting sexual ritual to Satan |
How Communists infiltrated and subverted Christian churches in America |
More promotion of cannibalism: Using Celebrity cells to make Sausage |
20 Republicans who sold out to the Jews (aka “sold out to ‘China’) |
(Jew)Trudeau’s prohibition on Protests apply only to Whites! Trudeau is illegitimate son of (Jew) Fidel Castro |
Jewish Lesbian hired by Catholic University as its Rabbi-in-Residence to “Queer” its Christian students. (Catholic church is secretly run by the Jesuit Jews) |
Organized Jewry = Organized Theft of EVERYTHING the Gentiles Own! |
DISGUSTING Zelensky, premier of Ukraine, dancing in stilettos! |
Researchers developing Artificial Intelligence that will Diagnose you with mental illness based on your internet posts |
Jew-owned Pfizer offers $MILLIONS in Bribes to buy Silence from Outspoken Doctors |
In 2016, Mike Pence was accused of Murdering 51 Children and Raping 77 |
Former VP Mike Pence: More Pedophile Trafficking |
The Corruption in Washington D.C. is Far Worse than most Americans can possibly imagine |
Great and Good Gentiles like Ford and Edison built Great America: Jews came in to STEAL everything and Destroy their names and reputations |
JEW Criminals in Big Pharma Pay JEW Criminals at NIH $350 MILLION! That’s our TOTALLY CORRUPT U.S. Government! |
STUPID SCIENTISTS Think they can “Improve” on what God has Created: They will make a BIG MESS of Everything! |
Communist Jew Chuck Schumer moves in quickly to Force Gun Control vote |
Jewish godfather of vaccines calls Gentile orphans and children of mothers in prison "human in form but not in social potential” |
Creepy Satanic Eurovision song contest points to something happening on June 22! |
Puppet (Jew) Zelensky: “I love cocaine. It gives me energy all day.” |
Disgustingly Bizarre Jewish CDC publishes Guide on how to have Sex with Monkeypox: Unbelievable! |
The (Jew-controlled) Fed used America’s credit to build the (Jew-run) Soviet Union - which eventually will destroy America! |
Less than 6% of “approved” medical drugs are back by high quality evidence of benefit. “Harms” significantly underreported across the board. |
Preparing the Population for Cannibalism |
Electric Police cars “running out of juice” on the way to rural emergencies; just another part of the Planned Destruction of America! |
Brad Pitt in a skirt - because he’s a mind control slave of Jewish Hollywood and has pledged his allegiance to Satan for Fame and Wealth! |
NWO says, “Send your DNA to 23andMe and Ancestry so we can make a special DNA Bioweapon that will KILL only YOU! |
Jews ADMIT their Goal is to RULE THE WORLD! |
Amazon pushing cannibalism! |
More on the MAN (with breast implants), and former football player, Michael Robinson (AKA Michelle Obama) and his gay (Jewish) “husband” Barack Obama |
Global Warming? The JEWS are PURPOSELY melting the glaciers in Greenland so they can mine the precious metals, oil and other resources!!! |
Anne Heche chose a life of drugs, debauchery and degeneracy and reaped the consequence: now being applauded by Hollywood for “her bravery in standing for truth”!! Huh? |
Can the Jews become any more Childish and Degenerate??? Jew, Harvard-trained lawyer and CNN Chief Legal Analyst, exposes himself on a Zoom call!! |
Brainwashing in Real Time: "Masks are necessary but we will make an exception for Cricket eating!” DISGUSTING! |
JEW “Scientists” in Israel plan to grow human embryos WITHOUT HEADS in the lab, so they won’t “qualify” as a human being and there will be no “ethical problem”!!!!! |
The Canadian Government deletes almost 2,000 Adverse Events to Covid 19 Vax |
Jews and Revolutions: ALL Jews know how to do is DESTROY - There is NO CHANCE that they can “Build Back Better” - It’s ALL Going Down! |
WEF's Harari: Hand over power to the (JEWISH) technocratic elite or DIE! |
A biological woman who was pressured when she was young to become a trans-man is full of Regret! |
RICH JEWS (including Obama) on Martha’s Vineyard started a gofundme to deal with immigrants? Hypocrites - and CHEAP ones at that! |
Satanic Jewish Freemasonry has ruled America since the beginning |
(Jew) California Governor Newsom ADMITS that non-white people BREAK THE LAW MORE OFTEN, so he decided to ELIMINATE the LAW! |
Child Mutilation is a Bonanza for Hospitals: With colleagues like these, I am ashamed to admit I am a physician! |
Planned Parenthood Pimps Puberty Blockers in Cartoon Aimed at Kids |
10 Biggest Medical Scandals in History: And NO ONE is Brought to Justice! |
Just MORE Evidence of the LIES And Criminal activity of the Jews who control Konnech and all other election software in the U.S. They’ve been STEALING elections for Decades! |
The Jews promote ONLY their OWN (including in the Jewish-run Mafia): The riddle to the Jews’ Success |
The Degenerate LIARS in the CIA: The U.S. Government AND the CIA are clearly totally controlled by the JEWS, and LYING is What They DO! |
If Voting Actually CHANGED ANYTHING, it would be ILLEGAL! Elections are ALL Rigged! |
New York has started erecting thousands of giant gray 5G towers - yet ANOTHER Way to Kill us! |
Are the (Jewish) SEC and the (Jewish) Federal Reserve involved in (Jewish) Bankman-Fried’s FTX Ponzi Scheme? |
JEWISH COMMUNIST Brazil: Child Services moves to take children away from election protesters |
Candace Owens is Liar! She is a “Controlled Opposition” agent of the Jews: they are using her just like they are using Kanye West |
Jewish, gay, cross-dresser, debauched “comedian” Zelensky moves to outlaw orthodox Christianity |
Vaccine Wars: The Pfizer JEWS sue the Moderna JEWS |
Pope Francis Declares “Jesus is Satan”: Vows to usher in the One World Religion |
New Zealand tells Public to Report Political Dissidents as Terrorists |
FBI PAID Twitter $3 MILLION to CENSOR Information and Influence the 2020 Election
New Disney movie features children holding signs saying, “We Love Satan”: Total Degradation of America by the Jews! |
Controversial California laws take effect Jan. 1 - including laws to punish doctors for Covid “misinformation” |
When Pilot flipped the chemtrail switch before taking off! |
After inviting 450 gays to a party at Mar-a-Lago, (Jew) Trump promotes abortion (and the KILL SHOT “vax): He is Controlled Opposition! |
U.S. Military Doctor testifies she was Ordered to “Cover up” vaccine injuries |
Ontario bill allows the government to seize your house and car merely for protesting |
Satanic, Jewish-controlled Freemasonry Corrupts Western Society to its Core |
Klaus Schwab (founder of WEF), Bill Gates and George Soros all will NOT attend the Annual meeting in Davos occurring NOW: What is going on? Are they afraid for their safety? |
WEF: Davos whores fully booked servicing Davos Whores |
University of Missouri Hospital Refuses to Treat Unvaccinated Epileptic |
Jews and Destruction by Weather Control
INSANITY! San Francisco will now PAY Low-Life THUGS not to shoot other people |
Judaism is Satanic Paganism: More than 1,000 Rabbis PROMOTE Abortion - the Murder of unborn babies!! |
Nothing screams corruption like sealing evidence of crimes: Ghislane Maxwell, Assassination of Kennedy, information about (FAKE) Covid - and on and on! |
Satanic Jews at Canadian University Try to Force Degenerate Lesbianism on Students |
JEW-owned Drug companies make vaccines that CAUSE ADHD, then theJEW-owned Drug companies make MORE DRUGS to “treat” ADHD! |
World Economic Forum calls for END to Private Car Ownership |
The Jews, the Tea Party, and Sarah Palin
Christian Zionism; Jewish Propaganda for Christians
The Horrific, Gruesome complications of transgender surgery: Feces coming out from the vagina - constantly and permanently!!! Must Read! |
How the U.S. (Jewish Communist) government has turned hospitals into death chambers: And how the WEAK, SPINELESS, IMMORAL Doctors have OBLIGED! |
California House passes “Infanticide” bill legalizing the murder of newborns 7 days or MORE after birth!! |
Jewish Illuminati Child Sacrifices |
Canada’s Satanic Jew (Justin Trudeau’s) government teaching young people how to Commit Suicide Painlessly (“And it won’t hurt at all!”) |
ALS Patients contend with $158K price for New Drug: Why not just Get Well God’s Way - for FREE!!! |
Vax Deaths are considered “Suicide” by Life Insurance companies because they are “experimental” drugs - So NO PAYMENT! |
100 years of Sexual blackmail operations by the CIA and FBI: What Whitney Webb is too chicken to say, is this is ALL by the JEWS: Meyer Lansky, Bronfman, Rosensteil, Epstein, and others - ALL JEWS!! |
This is Tedros, the head of the World Health Organization, one of the evil, degenerate men who presently rule our world, cruis’n for bumboys |
Deliberate Destruction of Western Culture by the Jews
Pedophile symbols on the “costume” of Catholic prelates |
Bodies of sacrificed children are ground up in hamburger for the public to eat?? |
Colleges and Universities told to no longer teach good English: they are to teach the way Blacks talk as standard “English” |
Blatantly DRUNK Pelosi on video: Must Watch |
The HORROR on Anthony Wiener’s laptop of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin murdering a young girl!!!!! |
California, 1935, Wilshire Blvd - no homeless, no street people, no trash: BEFORE the JEWS took over America! |
Sickening Behavior by Third World Morons in formerly First World Los Angeles |
More about the Jewish Criminal Corruption and Degeneracy at FTX: Massive Money Laundering |
Jews are the Biggest Bigots of All!
Jews now ERASING history AGAIN: Removing (JEW)
Margaret Sanger’s name as FOUNDER of Planned Parenthood - founded to discourage reproduction among “undesirables”
(particularly blacks) |
Bigotry? You bet! The JEWS are the BIGGEST BIGOTS of ALL!! |
600 Jewish groups support Black Lives Matter in the U.S. BUT Blacks are NOT allowed to immigrate to Israel!!! JEWS are the BIGGEST BIGOTS of ALL! |
Governor Cuomo RESIGNS! He says (as he learned to be a pervert from the Jewish Babylonian Talmud) “I touch and kiss everyone - It's how I am.” |
Last Week the Corrupt Communist JEWS said Gentiles should eat Bugs: Now the Degenerate Jews are promoting Cannibalism! |
Racist Israel Deports non-Jewish Refugees (and, by the way, ALL Black people, too) |
All these big, supposed “Anti-Vaxxers” are Controlled Opposition, with Sacha Stone, a New-Ager, UN-connected follower of Satan |
Corporations Own The Government
More Jewish Filth and Degeneracy |
Agenda 2030 Implements JEWISH Protocols of Zion (written in 1892) |
Jews Own Voting Software and Votes
Jewish Billionaires CONTROL U.S. Politics |
Jews Looting America
Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand, Prime Minister, smoking Crack Cocaine! |
Three Three Agents of SATAN! |
Satanism in America Today |
Jewish Corruption, Degeneracy and Crime |
It costs $22,648.00 and requires 11 agencies to start a restaurant in San Francisco: This iw what happens with a COMMUNIST Government |
This is where our hard-earned tax money goes: Illegal immigrants in shelters with TVs, couches, X boxes and food 24/7 |
Buffalo Bills' football player Damar Hamlin collapses during middle of game (just like hundreds of other athletes): How will the media LIE about this one? |
INSANITY!!!! In Germany: You must be Fully Vaxxed BEFORE your Death by Assisted Suicide! |
Corrupt Judicial System
Monarchies Ruled By Corrupt Jews
Jews' Plans For Population Control
Jews Control The Internet
WOW! NBC Guest Doctor Who Was “Suffering in Hospital with Corona Virus” NEVER HAD Corona Virus!!! |
Jews Control Organized Crime
Federal Agency was “weaponized” to suppress the Free Speech of Americans! |
Jews Own The Media
And WHO decides what is “Fake News” -
the corrupt, lying Mainstream Media??? |
MSM National News definitely scripted across all networks - BECAUSE the JEWS OWN ALL the Networks!! |
Why Maddow is at home! The STUPIDITY of the Main Stream Media! |
90% BOTS! Elon Musk reveals Twitter is a military grade Psy-Op to BRAINWASH the masses |
Trudeau, Singh push for Full Government Control of the Internet: This is Jewish Communism! |
Destruction Of The Economy
Communism Is Jewish
Hollywood Blacks are being USED by Jewish Hollywood
Moguls to Demonize Whites: Once the Jews have USED
the Blacks - they will totally abandon them! THAT
is Communism! |
Black Lives Matter is a LIE! This is Jewish Communism, to get blacks and whites to fight each other! |
L.A. Mayor vows to cut water and electricity to homes who host large gatherings |
Communism is HERE! U.S. Government can ban people from jobs, stores, schools, for refusing to get vaccinated (Poisoned). Also, they can fine people or put them in jail. |
Scroll down just a little to the video on WWII: This Jews admits that the Jews had DESTROYED Germany before HItler took over. This Jew also admits that Communism is Jewish! |
Here’s how the Jewish Communists do it: First, take away the guns, then set up Concentration Camps: That’s what they’ve done in New Zealand! |
It Begins in Seattle: Black lives Matter Mob Demands White People move out of their houses and leave them for Blacks
The LONG-TERM Communist Plan to create Black/White wars in America, fires all across the country and destruction |
Communist Angela Davis Admits that BLM Riots are just “Rehearsals for USA Revolution” |
The Aim of Freemasonry is the Triumph of Communism: but Freemasons will NOT “have a seat at the table” - the seats are reserved for Jews! |
How Communist Jews have Weaponized Blacks |
This year’s economic destruction from Covid SCAMDEMIC will pale in comparison to what’s coming! How are you enjoying Communism? |
They Jewish Satanist Illuminati FINALLY Admit the Truth: The HOAX Covid Scamdemic is NOT about the virus, It’s about CHANGING SOCIETY (into COMMUNISM!) |
Jew-Owned NY Times supported Stalin and Communism as “Way to the Future”: Communism is Jewish! |
Gyms in Government Buildings have been OPEN for MONTHS, but public gyms forced to stay closed. Folks, this is NOT about Covid - it’s about DESTROYING America! |
Virginia Democrats pass bill allowing assault of a police officer to be treated as a MISDEMEANOR! JEWISH COMMUNISM IS HERE! |
Black Lives Matter are Communist Marxists Satanic Witches who are completely controlled by the Satanic Jews |
New York State COMMUNIST Law to remove people (dissenters) from their homes and take them to FEMA Camps (under guise of “Covid”)
Communist Terror Coming for You |
We knew the present Pope is a JEW: Now we know he is a Communist JEW! |
Communist Jew, Boris Johnson, PM of UK, proves that with Communism, he can’t even own a comb! |
EVERY Country in the world was buying Covid 19 Test Kits in 2017!!!!! Will you FINALLY understand that this is a SCAM by the Jewish Illuminati to bring COMMUNISM to America?? |
UK passes Covid laws with heavy fines for not self-isolating |
(Jew) Deborah Birx demands “much more aggressive action” to deal with a NON-disease, caused by a virus that has NEVER been isolated, and causes NO symptoms |
This will be the “cover” story for putting political dissenters into mental hospitals: “Covid-10 (a NON-disease with NO symptoms) made them crazy!” This is COMMUNISM! |
The Virus is Communism: Covid is the Excuse |
The Virus is Communism; Covid is the Excuse |
Italians breaking “Red zone” quarantine risk up to six years in prison; There IS NO Covid Disease! THIS IS COMMUNISM |
Leaked Roadmap for the Next Phase of the Jewish Illuminati Agenda to Enslave us |
Watch video before it’s removed: Vaccine will contain nanoparticles that will track every aspect of your life and transmit it to the government |
Must Watch Video: Amazing interconnections between George Soros and Dominion Voting |
JEW Newsom exempts JEW Hollywood studies from ALL Covid lockdown Restrictions: Shows you the Jews KNOW that Covid is a HOAX - to bring in a JEWISH COMMUNIST New World Order |
Rich People and Journalist have been made EXEMPT from having to enter Covid quarantine when re-entering UK: Folks - THIS is COMMUNISM! And Communism is JEWISH! |
When you “spiritual” leader is a SATANIST! |
Communism is JEWISH! Jews OWN ALL the media: They ADMIT they will REMOVE ALL Truth from the Internet! |
IMF Proposes PUNISHING Dissidents by lowering their credit score (like Jewish-controlled Communist China does) if a person goes to a website where they will find TRUTH |
Globalists admit they are using Covid-19 scamdemic to bring in Communism to U.S. and the world |
Bill Gates says the lockdowns will continue into 2022: Remember, last March when they said this was only for TWO WEEKS - to “flatten the curve”?? Wake up: This is the Jewish Communist TAKEOVER of AMERICA |
Here’s how ALL of America will look soon: This is Communism! |
American Taxpayers Spend at least $23 Billion on Israel EVERY YEAR: And you don’t think the Jews run America?? |
“Judas” Pence gets Masonic handshake and Silver after betraying America and ALL Americans |
Communism: First, they silence you - then they come to Kill you |
Re-education camps, and taking children from their parents: This is what Communism looks like |
China builds Concentration camp (called “Quarantine camp”) for 4,000 people (and probably many more) |
Biden’s Inauguration: NOBODY THERE - A Funeral Dirge for the DEATH of America! |
Washington becomes first state to offer human composting services to grind your loved one into mulch for use around trees, rather than a proper burial: Communism= NO sanctity for life! |
NYC Sheriff says MASKLESS Jewish wedding with thousands attending is approved by Covid Guidelines: What has changed? Jews now control Biden and America! |
A Brief glimpse of the Communist Horrors that are coming to America |
Like a “good” Jewish Communist Dictator, California Gov. Newsom REFUSES to disclose Covid-19 Data used to drive Lockdowns |
COMMUNISM: Not wearing a mask (for a virus that does NOT exist) is NOW a Federal CRIME! |
They have NEVER isolated the Covid-19 virus, so HOW can they make a “vaccine” for a virus they have NEVER isolated? |
Woman with NEGATIVE Covid test taken to “Quarantine facility” (Concentration camp). Authorities refused to tell her husband where she is. COMMUNISM! |
If you survive corona virus, you’re mentally ill and need to be institutionalized. THERE - that will get rid of the dissenters! COMMUNISM! |
This will take care of Covid!!! Now they’re planning a WAR - and it’s likely to be a “THERMONUCLEAR” War!! |
America Totally Betrayed by the Jews! Trump and Soros were Business Partners! |
Gun Confiscation is coming to America, as it does to ALL Communist countries! |
Indeed, (Jew) Gates is VERY Evil: But Gates is an agent of the even MORE EVIL (Jew) Rothschilds: They are the ones who Rule the World! |
Texans Slapped with MIND-BLOWING OUTRAGEOUS Power Bills |
Sophisticated drones with Artificial INtelligence coming to your local police department |
Now you can Chip Yourself - - if you’re THAT STUPID! |
Gov’t planning to put dissenters on “No Fly” list: Just MORE Evidence of Jewish Communism engulfing America |
Total Jewish Communist Control in your home: Homeworking employees to get webcams that allow AI to catch slackers |
Container ship blocks ALL shipping in Suez Canal: Illuminati Global Psyop to raise oil prices to all-time highs - bring in Communist “Green New Deal” |
Ontario goes completely Communist |
The 4-stage brainwashing con that is finalizing America as a Communist country |
Almost 70% of active U.S. military have received the Kill Shots: THIS is the way the Jews are DESTROYING the U.S. military |
Biden Administration Invites UN to take over “Racist” Law Enforcement in the U.S.: Welcome to the Jewish Communist One World Government! |
The Great Covid (JEWISH COMMUNIST) Con Exposed: Covid Passports will NOT apply to members of Parliament (Two classes: The Elitists and the rest of us they call “Useless Eaters”) |
Trillions of dollars of American’s hard-earned tax money will be spent to throw ALL Americans into abject poverty - and enrich, by billions, the Jewish Communist Illuminati running America and the world |
Military Deployed in Sydney, Australia for Draconian Lockdown: NO ONE can leave home except for essentials |
IT BEGINS! U.S. COMMUNIST Social Credit System to make sure Americans keep their mouths shut! |
Communist Collins - evil and moronic head of NIH - mandates parents to wear facemasks inside their own home |
Communism has Arrived in Sydney, Australia! |
Shocking Executive Order signed by Tennessee Governor authorizing FORCED confinement of citizens in Concentration Camp |
California Governor Newsom mandates that ALL 320,000 teachers in California must be given the Kill Shot! |
Well, Well, Well! 233 New Cases of Covid - EVERYWHERE in the World! (“33” is the number of Jewish-controlled Freemasonry) |
To Eliminate “Religious objections” to the vaccines - they will now ELIMINATE RELIGION! (Unless, of course, it’s the worship of Satan!) |
People who don’t wish to die - the UNVACCINATED - are now declared Domestic Terrorists by the Communists who run the U.S. |
Navy Commander says, “Mandatory Vaccinations will Decimate U.S. Troops.” Wake Up! That’s EXACTLY What the Jewish Illuminati WANT! |
Communist Australia to be shut down by Truckers |
Well, My, My! (Jew) Nora Volkow, an elitist at the National Institutes of Health, is the granddaughter of Communist Jew Murderer, Leon Trotsky (real name: Lev Davidovich Bronstein)!!!!!
Massive Lake Shasta in California is GONE! |
No longer a “Conspiracy Theory”- Australia builds Concentration Camps for those who refuse takeover by Communists |
The Communist WHO (World Health Organization) has EARS (an organization to SPY on you)! |
Template for Covid Tyranny is Judaism |
The Jewish Illuminati’s “Great Reset” Demands FIRING of ALL Unvaccinated Employees |
The Red Russian (AKA Jewish) Mafia |
Are You Ready For What is Coming? |
Youtube BANNING Truth about Kill Shots: That’s what Communists do - censor Truth, and KILL their citizens! |
Communist Jewish Youtube BANS ALL videos that tell the truth about the Kill Shots |
The U.S. is Officially a Banana Republic: The Top 1% Now Own More Wealth than the Entire Middle Class |
Jewish Communist California Governor Gavin Newsom eliminates single family homes |
The Planned Destruction of the U.S. Military |
Your Credit Card will cut off your spending when you reach your CO2 limit!! |
Leaders have NO FEAR of Covid (because it doesn’t exist)! Covid is a cover for bringing Communisms to America and for Population Extermination |
COMMUNIST JEW World Economic Forum predictions for 2030 include NO property ownership in U.S., and NO ONE owns ANYTHING |
FDR (Real name: Franklin Delano ROSENVELT - Communist JEW) Provoked war with Japan |
THIS IS COMMUNISM! What is happening in China is exactly what will happen in America - and Americans VOTED FOR IT!!! |
Satanic Judaism/Bolshevism/Communism runs the world - Temporarily! |
MSNBC COMMUNIST Spokesperson say, “We have to break through the idea that kids belong to their parents.” |
Virtually ALL governments are now run by “Young Globalist (COMMUNIST) Leaders” trained by JEW Klaus Schwab (whose mother was a Rothschild)
We’re in Financial “End Times” |
Klaus Schwab’s School for Covid Dictators: A Plan for the “Great Reset” |
Unfortunately, the leaders of the Canadian truck Convoy are Homosexuals, Jews and Communists! Is this Controlled Opposition? |
Canadian Broadcasting declares “Freedom” a “far-right concept”! |
Canadian doctor was arrested, drugged, and committed to a psychiatric ward for telling the truth about the Vaccines: COMMUNISM is HERE! |
The Purge of RT News continues as DirectTV cuts off broadcasts in U.S. - U.S. is now a Communist country! |
Private Property no longer protected in Ireland: Housing act amended “for the common good” |
In Canada, new bill would allow seizure of property without a trial |
Blackrock and Vanguard have near-total control over the food supply of America: they are using it to “force people to change” - it’s called COMMUNISM! |
Ireland is discussing abolishing personal property rights! COMMUNISM! |
Demystifying Che Guevara: Cold-blooded Killer Communist (and most probably - Jewish - as was Castro)! |
MASSIVE Depression is coming soon: Famines, Poverty, War orchestrated by the Jews (just as the Bible has predicted) |
Watch This Video! “33” is the Satanic number of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is run by the Jews! |
Anti-Vaxxers storm Children’s Vax center in NY only to find it’s entirely run by Chinese |
STUNNING Admission from White House: Covid lockdowns, mask mandates and mass vaxing were all Completely Pointless! |
Portland residents have voted Libtard for years, and now their lawns are toilets for drug addicts and homeless (You Reap what you Sow!) |
(Jew) Nancy Pelosi is a Chinese Communist Asset being used to help China take over Taiwan |
What is ESG? A Leveraging Tool for the Woke Communist Takeover |
The Jewish Rotting of China |
Imagine - - - Communism! (John Lennon parody) |
How Much has (Jew-controlled) China ALREADY Infiltrated the U.S.? Eventually will take it over - maybe without a shot! |
California passes law to criminalize dissent of Covid 19 narrative: Doctors who TELL THE TRUTH will lose their license! This is Jewish Communism! |
Jews own and control ALL the major corporations in the world |
Evil Communist Bolshevism is Jewish |
Americans spent more on taxes in 2021 than on food, clothing and health care, combined! |
Is the Ukraine - Russian War Contrived: Both Putin and Zelensky are JEWS! And Communism is JEWISH!
Governor IMMEDIATELY responds to the super rich in Martha’s Vineyard to GET THE ILLEGALS OUT! The Illegals are supposed to be for us little people - NOT the Elites! |
Red Heifers Arrive in Israel: That means ALL HELL is going to break loose. The Jews are going to destroy the dome of the rock and erect the Third Temple - - Soon! |
Chinese Communist Government is based on total FRAUD - pre-paid condos that NEVER get finished! |
Bill on Calif. Gov. Newsom’s desk would cause doctors to lose their medical license if their opinions differ from the government’s. This is COMMUNISM! |
China Pre-Positioned to TAKE OVER America from Within!! |
JEW-owned Federal reserve Announces Plan to Roll Out Chinese-type Social Credit System, for TOTAL Surveillance on EVERY AMERICAN: COMMUNISM |
It just gets Worse and Worse! Look at this Disgusting picture of the Leader of Ukraine? |
162 Scientists Who Worked a U.S. Nuclear Weapons Lab Went to Work for Communist China |
(Jew-controlled) Demented Biden just signed a bill to SPY on us ALL: Our Freedom and our Privacy are GONE! |
Chinese Communist Party opens Police Station in New York City. They are taking over America from the INSIDE! |
The North American Union coming: The combining of the U.S., Canada and Mexico (THAT is why the borders are wide open) I’ve been talking about this since 2008! |
How China Uses the Real Estate Industry to Support its Espionage and Subversion Against the United States |
Communist, Freemason Medical Boards Strip Dr. Peter McCullough’s Medical Credentials for speaking the Truth about Covid Kill Shots |
Our National Parks now belong to the UN |
Jewish-controlled Blackrock and Vanguard Control ALL important businesses in the WORLD |
More Deadly than War - video by G. Edward Griffin |
Criminal JEWS guilty of largest FRAUD in U.S. history: Our tax dollars sent to Ukraine, laundered back through FTX to STEAL the Election |
Doctors in Ontario, Canada are being advised to put those who REFUSE Kill Shot (AKA Covid Vax) on psychiatric meds and declare them mentally ill |
New Zealand has gone Hard-Core Communist: Everyone must become a SPY for the government |
The “Deep State” is Communist - and Communism is Jewish |
Ukrainian law enforcement executes over 100 Ukrainian civilians without charges or trial |
Liberals (Progressives, Democrats) are Communists, and Communism is Jewish, and Communists are Satanists, and Satanists worship Death and Depravity |
The U.S. has spawned an entire generation of “kidults” that simply refuse to grow up |
Rosa Parks and are Jewish Communist corporate Elite |
The JEWS are behind ALL the Wars: Why are the websites AFRAID to say the word “Jew”? They say “Khazarian” or “Zionists” or “Globalists” or “Deep State” but they are TERRIFIED to say the word “Jew”! |
Jews Run China - and China Taking Over America
The Jews Control U.S. Immigration Dept.
Jewish Illuminati Satanism
There Is Some Good News!