Monthly Home Bible Study
Lorraine Day, M.D.
Join Us On The Web
Because there are a number of us who don’t believe in the “Organized Church,” we have a Home Bible Study once a month. We meet together and study the Bible all day, with breaks for lunch and a light supper. These Bible studies will be posted monthly for any of you who are like-minded and wish to study the material we are studying.
Many of the already posted studies in the “Spiritual” Section on this website began as a monthly Home Bible Study. How Near is the Biblical "Time of Trouble"?
(Click on series below)Isaiah's Writings are Alive and Well in 2015?
If God is Really "Love"-
Why Don't the Churches Teach That?A Walk Through the Bible Was the Curse of Ham a Curse on the Black Race? The FALSE Doctrine of the Serpent Seed/Nephilim Interviews with
Dr. Lorraine Day