Lorraine Day, M.D.
Head of the WORLD HEALTH Organization
DIES - barely out of his 50’s!
He would still be alive if he understood NATURAL medicine,
rather than drugs and surgery!
Dr. Lee Jong-wook, the Secretary-General of the WORLD “HEALTH” Organization, the person who should be the most knowledgeable in the entire world about health, died at the young age of 61 on Monday, May 22, 2006. His death occurred two days after he suffered a blood clot on the brain, according to Reuter’s News.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is the “health” branch of the United Nations. Kofi Annan, United Nations’ Secretary-General, called Lee’s death “devastating” and noted “his deep commitment to fighting scourges such as AIDS and malaria and preparing the world for a possible bird flu pandemic.”
(Of course, the entire continent of Africa is still DYING from AIDS, malaria is rampant, and the “bird flu pandemic” is a hoax that has been manufactured by the New World Order to incite fear in the hearts of the public and a frantic desire in the population to be injected with vaccines that will CAUSE deadly diseases. So I’m not quite sure what the folks like Dr. Lee and his staff have been doing over at the WHO.)
It is truly unfortunate that the supposed health leader of the world would not understand the simple, basic natural rules for preventing blood clots. If he had, it is highly likely he would still be alive.
What causes blood clots?
When the blood becomes thick and the platelets, the clotting cells, tend to stick together, a blood clot forms.
So what causes “thick” blood? Three main things: 1) too much animal fat in the diet, 2) inadequate water drinking (dehydration), and 3) stress.
It’s no great secret that if one pours oil in water, the water becomes thicker. So, when you eat animal fat (meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy, such as milk, butter, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, etc.) your blood becomes thicker.
It’s also not surprising that blood becomes thicker when one is dehydrated.
Blood is composed of two general main components: 1) blood cells: mainly red blood cells (rbc’s), that carry oxygen around to the organs and cells, white blood cells (wbc’s) that fight disease, and platelets, that help your blood clot when you are bleeding, and 2) serum, formed primarily from water and some proteins.
If your body is dehydrated, you may not have enough water to make enough serum. But you will still have the same volume of blood cells, therefore, your blood will be thicker! (Same volume of solids - blood cells but less fluid = thicker blood!)
But the total volume of blood in your body will be less because you have less serum than you should. The body has a splendid detection system for total blood volume. When the blood volume is low because of dehydration, your body produces a substance that constricts the blood vessels so the amount of space in the blood vessels in your body will perfectly fit your total blood volume.
If there were a discrepancy, you could have an “empty space” in your blood vessels, theoretically causing an air embolus, an air pocket that, when traveling through the heart, could cause death. So the body’s mechanism to eliminate that possibility is very efficient.
Thick blood is also one of the main causes of high blood pressure, in addition to the animal fat deposits that cause a narrowing of the blood vessels, termed arteriosclerosis. When the heart has to pump thicker blood through narrower (constricted) blood vessels, the heart must pump at a higher pressure to push the blood through, leading to HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!
Obviously, high blood pressure can be reversed contrary to the dogma of conventional medicine, if one just eliminates the causes as revealed here.
What causes dehydration?
The body loses ten glass of water every day just from the processes of daily living such as, digestion, making enzymes, etc. On hot days or when one is stressed, even more water is lost. If we don’t replace that water by drinking pure water, we will become dehydrated. The body is 75% water and the brain and nervous system are 85% water. Please note that the body is NOT 75% Coke, or 75% coffee, or 75% milk. It is 75% WATER!
WATER is needed to replace the WATER losses!
The main causes of dehydration are:
1) Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, caffeinated soda, and chocolate. These take more water out of the body than comes in with the drink.
2) Drinking alcohol of any type causes dehydration.
3) A diet high in protein causes dehydration. Protein digestion requires a lot of water, that’s one reason why high protein diets cause weight loss. Americans eat about four times more protein than they need each day, which encourages diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and strokes (blood clots to the brain), all types cancer, osteoporosis and many other serious and/or life-threatening diseases.
4) Stress causes dehydration and dehydration also causes stress to the body. When one is stressed, increased water drinking is mandatory. Extreme stress, however, may override the ability of increased water intake to compensate.
Handling Stress
That’s why it’s important to learn how to handle stress, so it won’t cause overwhelming anxiety and dehydration. The only way one can truly handle the major stresses of life, such as illness or death of a loved one, loss of a job, divorce, is to give them to the Lord. Learn to trust God. “Man’s” ways are pitifully inadequate, even though they may give some short-term relief. For more on Disease Prevention, visit www.drday.com
These steps are simple, but they’re not easy - because it requires a major change in every aspect of one’s life. But life is worth living and your health is a precious treasure that can be maintained by simple methods that are FREE!
If WHO Director-General Dr. Lee Jong-wook had known about NATURAL medicine rather than drugs and surgery, he would probably still be alive today!
© Lorraine Day, M.D. 2006. All Rights Reserved.
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