The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World.
Who Started it and Why?
Who Started the Organized Church?
If Jesus Died for ALL, Why Can't He Save ALL?
Who Rewrote the Bible?
The Coming New World Order
Who Wants Homosexuals Dead?
My Utmost for His Highest
Go to DVDs
For the first
4,000 years of human history NO ONE "Went to Church."
Then What Happened?
by Lorraine Day,
$23.00 $28.00
In this Book Dr. Day reveals:
If the Organized Church was "so important" to God, as virtually ALL pastors and theologians teach, then WHY didn't God start the Organized Church within 500 years after creation, when there were plenty of people to "go to church"? If "going to church" is such a great idea, and endorsed by God, why didn't ANY of the following patriarch or prophets "go to church": Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel? NONE of them "went to church." They worshiped God directly, with no one in between! That was God's Way! So, Who Started the Organized Church? And Why? |
If Jesus Died for ALL,
Why Can't He Save ALL?
• Is
He Unable?
• Is He Unwilling?
• Or is Man's Will Stronger Than God's Will?
by Lorraine Day, M.D.
The Bible tells us God knows the end from the beginning, so God obviously knew before He created humanity that most people would NOT turn to Him and He would have to burn them in hellfire FOREVER (or at least for some period of time)! And, according to church doctrine, they would have "No Second Chance" to be saved. So their burning in hellfire is strictly punitive - just to watch them suffer - with NO chance for redemption! What kind of a God would do that? |
E-Book Book
$16.00 $22.00
![]() E-Book Book |
900 Power-Packed Pages |
The definition of the word Gospel is Good News! If the Gospel is, indeed, Good News, then it should easily be identifiable as such by both Christians and non-Christians. Unfortunately, the message of the churches – that some will be saved but most will be tortured in hellfire forever or at least for some period of time – is definitely not Good News. Therefore, a re-examination of what the Bible really teaches about the salvation of humanity is long overdue. Obviously there has been some mistake somewhere, and it turns out that the translators are responsible, and pastors and Bible scholars are complicit in this travesty - partners in crime, if you will - by blindly embracing the erroneous translations.
The Coming
New World Order
How It Will
Dramatically Change YOUR Life!
by Lorraine Day, M.D.
• Your Rights • Your
Privacy • Your Marriage • Your Children
• Your Food • Your Water • Your Security • Your Home • Your
• Your Independence • Your Free Speech • Your Finances
Because of Dr. Lorraine
Day’s enormous television and radio exposure over the last
thirty years, she has developed an extensive network of
“insiders” both nationally and internationally, who want
to get the truth to the public but are afraid to speak out
individually, but they have no public forum to do so. This book contains amazing information that you will never see on the News, in the Newspapers, or in News magazines, plus some of the most important documents and data that you will ever encounter, including: |
In this book you will find :
The New World Order map of the 10 Kingdoms of the World now being formed, a prophecy found in Revelation, Chapter 17. |
Executive Orders, already signed by the U.S. President, that will confiscate everything you own, including your children, and take away all your rights |
The specific Foreign Troops that will patrol – and control – the various states in America when Martial Law is declared. |
A 1991 letter from the Department of the Army endorsing the building of Civilian Concentration Camps in the U.S. They are now built and ready for occupancy. |
The Plan for the Destruction of Christianity and Christians by the New World Order |
The United Religions Initiative initiating a One World Religion |
The Apostolic Letter from Pope John Paul II demanding a national Sunday Law – the end of freedom of Religion in America. |
The diabolic Perversion and Destruction of Public Education |
The Planned Destruction of the Family |
Deliberate Degeneracy in the Arts and Entertainment |
The Planned Destruction of the U.S. Military |
The Merging of the United States, Canada and Mexico by 2010 |
How this information fits into Bible prophecy about the New World Order – but not the interpretation of the Evangelical churches |
Who Wants
Homosexuals Dead?
by Lorraine Day, M.D.
This book is the most popular book of
daily devotions ever published. Millions of copies of this
Christian classic are read every day by believers around
the world. If you are typical, you will use this book
every day for the rest of your life! Book Price: $9.00 |
Is God Going to Destroy His Enemies?
by Lorraine Day, M.D.
Please Note: The information in this DVD is covered in a chapter in Dr. Day's book, "Who Rewrote the Bible?"
A stranger looking at Christianity would certainly conclude from reading the present Christian literature that there are two great powers struggling for supremacy, one good, and one evil, and that the evil one is winning now and will eternally triumph over the good, because only a small fraction will be saved from the clutches of the evil one.
Most Christians believe that those who give their life to Christ will spend eternity in heaven and in the new earth, but those who DON'T know Christ will be destined either to permanent annihilation or a burning hell of some duration, either forever or at least for a time. Some think the "time" will be as long as each individual deserves - since God is "just!"
Some say it's really a "loving act" for God to burn up His children because they wouldn't want to be in heaven anyway! Is this the "GOOD NEWS" about God? Is this the "Glad Tidings of Great Joy"? A dilemma arises regarding our picture of God. If God is truly loving, how could He burn up His children? Or how could He even permanently annihilate them? But if God is "just" as we have been taught, then how could He do anything else?
In this video you will find the amazing Biblical answers to the following questions, questions that should be of concern to EVERY Christian.
Is God a KILLER God? Does God KILL in order to STOP the killing? Does God BREAK His Commandments in order to UPHOLD them? Does God tell US to love our enemies, but He's going to BURN His enemies, either to death - or FOREVER? Is God "above" His own law, just as earthy rulers are "above" the laws they impose on the people they rule?
DVD - Price $19.95
Was Jesus Really Resurrected on Sunday?
by Lorraine Day, M.D.
This study does NOT
endorse the Wednesday Crucifixion -
Sabbath afternoon Resurrection
Please Note: The information in this DVD is covered in a chapter in Dr. Day's book, "Who Rewrote the Bible?" Almost the entire Christian world observes Sunday as the day of worship, claiming to do so in honor of the resurrection of Jesus. But was Jesus really resurrected on Sunday, the first day of the week? What do the original Greek scriptures say? Is Sunday worship Biblical or only a tradition? If it's a tradition, Jesus spoke strongly against it when he said "In vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments (traditions) of men!" Matthew 15:9 |
video and booklet will reveal:
DVD and 45 page booklet - Price $19.95